- Nearly unlimited filters
- Supports all type of filters(Including Alert Button Filter).
- Can save button filters directly (Rose Bot Feature)
- Supports multiple PM connections
- And all other features of a Filter Bot :D
Add bot to your group with admin rights.
Add your filters :)
(You need to be an admin or Auth User in order to use these commands)
Filter Commands
/add <filtername> <filtercontent>
- To add your filter. You can also reply to your content with /add command. -
/del <filtername>
- Delete your filter. -
- Delete all filters from group. (Group Owner Only!) -
- List all filters in chat.
Connection Commands
/connect groupid
- Connects your group to PM. You can also simply use,/connect
in groups. -
- Manage your connections. (only in PM)
- Shows current status of your bot (Auth User Only) -
- Shows ID information -
/info <userid>
- Shows User Information. Also use/info
as reply to some message for their details!
Click here to see tutorial video
Thanks to InfotelGroup and Erich Daniken for the video
Any bugs or errors or suggestions, report at TroJanzSupport
git clone https://github.com/TroJanzHEX/Unlimited-Filter-Bot
cd Unlimited-Filter-Bot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# <Create config.py appropriately>
python3 bot.py
TG_BOT_TOKEN - Get bot token from @BotFather
API_ID - From my.telegram.org (or @UseTGXBot)
API_HASH - From my.telegram.org (or @UseTGXBot)
AUTH_USERS - ID of users that can use the bot commands. Get from MissRose Bot by using /id command
DATABASE_URI - Mongo Database URL from https://cloud.mongodb.com/
DATABASE_NAME - Your database name from mongoDB. Default will be 'Cluster0'
SAVE_USER - Give yes or no . Usefull for getting userinfo and total user counts. May reduce filter capacity :( .
HEROKU_API_KEY - To check dyno status. Go to https://dashboard.heroku.com/account , scroll down and press Reveal API
( Add required field as heroku var and give desired command as value. You can edit it in sample_config.py also!)
ADD_FILTER_CMD - default will be 'add'
DELETE_FILTER_CMD - default will be 'del'
DELETE_ALL_CMD - default will be 'delall'
CONNECT_COMMAND - default will be 'connect'
DISCONNECT_COMMAND - default will be 'disconnect'