A package of Prefect Tasks and helpers.
Minimum Python 3.6
The following task 'families' are included:
- SFTP Tasks
- ORADB (Oracle Database) Tasks
- Object Storage Tasks
From pip: pip install git+https://github.com/CUBoulder-OIT/cupyopt.git@master#egg=cupyopt
Alternatively, and importantly for development, clone this into an existing project and install in "development mode" with -e.
git clone https://github.com/CUBoulder-OIT/cupyopt.git pip install -e cupyopt/
NB, The 'x.y.z' (e.g. 0.12.6) in the versioning matches the versioning in Prefect. However the 4th section is ours to be unique within that version.
Import the Task you need similar to:
from cupyopt.objectstore_tasks import ObjstrClient
make install make lint make test
Create an issue, fork the repo, fix an issue, submit a PR. All are welcome.
Flow practices very roughly hew to one-flow: https://reallifeprogramming.com/git-process-that-works-say-no-to-gitflow-50bf2038ccf7