Arsenal download
Free open-source Windows cheat software for Counter-Strike Source game. Designed as an internal cheat - Dynamic-link library (DLL) loadable into game process. Compatible with the Steam version of the game.
This cheat disables sv_pure, servers being able to issue commands to your client, removes event delays, and fixes general input delay all automatically and without options in the menu or the config.
- Exploits - things not possible when legit
- ESP - show additional information about players and game world as text
- Materials - draw the players in a custom material, aka chams
- Outlines - draw an outline on players, aka glow
- Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
- Misc - miscellaneous features
- Config - JSON-based configuration system
Exploits - things not possible when legit
- No recoil - remove recoil punch effect
- No spread - remove random bullet spread
- Sequence freezing - instant bomb/grenade explosion etc.
ESP - show additional information about players and game world as text
Local, Teammates, Enemies
Planted C4, Dropped weapons
- Enabled - on / off master switch
- Box - draw 2D box over player model
- Name - draw player name
- Health - draw player health
- Health bar - draw rectangle indicating player health
- Armor - draw player armor
- Armor bar - draw rectangle indicating player armor
- Money - draw player money
- Weapon - draw player equipped weapon
- Arrows - draw arrow to player when out of fov
Materials - draw the players in a custom material, aka chams
Local, Teammates, Enemies
Planted C4, Dropped weapons
- Enabled - on / off master switch
- No depth - removes depth on materials, allowing to see through walls
- Alpha - modify material alpha
Outlines - draw an outline on players, aka glow
Local, Teammates, Enemies
Planted C4, Dropped weapons
- Enabled - on / off master switch
- Bloom amount - modify the bloom amount of outlines, aka thickness
- Alpha - modify outlines alpha
Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
- No visual recoil - remove visual recoil punch effect
- No interpolation - remove player interpolation for accuracy, you will see entities having jerky movement/animation
- No DSP - remove all sound effects/reverberation like deaf/echo/ricochete effects
- No post processing - remove post processing effects
- No ragdolls - remove ragdolls when players die
- No angle forcing - remove server being able to change your view angles
- No convar queries - remove server being able to query the values of convars from our client
- No screen effects - remove fade/shake/rumble effects
- No MOTD - remove message of the day panel when joining a server
- Thirdperson - apply thirdperson camera at will
- Disable fog - disables fog in the world
- Disable sky fog - disables fog in the skybox
- Distance prop alpha - makes the props see-through when near
- World modulation - apply color to skybox and/or world or night mode
- Viewmodel FOV - change view model FOV [70-120] (70 - default viewmodel, higher values - further away viewmodel)
- FOV - change view FOV [90-120] (90 - default fov, higher values - further away fov)
- Crosshair on snipers - show crosshair on sniper rifles
- Low graphics - makes the game look like N64 games
- Spread circle - show the radius of spread in a circle
- Crosshair - draw simple + crosshair
Misc - miscellaneous features
- Auto strafe - automatically strafe in air following mouse movement
- Bunny hop - automatically simulate space bar press / release while jump button is being held; increases movement speed
- Spectator list - show players who are spectating you
- Backtrack - exploit lag compensation and kill players where they were in the past
- Fake latency - choose between optimized which keeps your scoreboard ping around 150ms or a custom value to extend the backtracking window by
- Playerlist - mark players to quickly recognize them
Config - JSON-based configuration system
- Create config - create new configuration file
- Load - load selected configuration file
- Save - save selected configuration file
- Delete - delete selected configuration file
- Notification system - notifies the user about stuff when needed
If you haven't already, download the DLL by clicking here. Download size ~600 kB.
Open your favorite DLL injector and just inject Arsenal-Release.dll
into hl2.exe
When injected, menu is openable with the INSERT key. To unload the DLL from the game, press the F11 key.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 17.11.4 (or newer), platform toolset v143 and Windows SDK 10.0 are required in order to compile Arsenal. You can download VS here (Windows SDK is installed during Visual Studio Setup).
There are two options of downloading the source code:
Without git
Choose this option if you want pure source and you're not going to contribute to the repo. Download size ~600 kB.
To download source code this way click here.
With git
Choose this option if you're going to contribute to the repo or you want to use version control system. Download size ~2.5 MB. Git is required to step further, if not installed download it here.
Open git command prompt and enter following command:
git clone
folder should have been successfully created, containing all the source files.
When you have equipped a copy of the source code, next step is opening Arsenal.sln in Microsoft Visual Studio 2022.
Then change build configuration to Release | x86
and simply press Build solution.
If everything went right you should receive Arsenal-Release.dll
binary file.
If your CPU doesn't support the AVX2 instruction set, you can use SSE2 instructions instead in project settings. Currently AVX2 instructions are selected in project settings.
Press INSERT while focused on CSS window.
Configuration files are saved inside Arsenal
folder in your game folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Counter-Strike Source\Arsenal
). The config is in human readable format and can be edited (e.g, using notepad). Sometimes after updates configuration file needs to be deleted and recreated.
- spook953
- Lak3
- whydoIhax/usernameunavalible0
- and others..
- css-internal-base - base of this cheat
- SEOwnedDE - menu of this cheat
- Osiris CS:GO - where I shamelessly stole this readme