Engintron inspired implementation of Varnish, Nginx, PHP83, PHP-FPM and Valkey for FreeBSD
This only installs a very customized, secure and optimized web server stack, especially oriented to Wordpress installations
Keep in mind that this will not install DNS servers or Mail servers
For DNS you can simply use Cloudflare, or your VPS provider DNS, even glue records on your domain registrar
Please, install it ONLY in clean FreeBSD installations to avoid some compatibility troubles
Changing FreeBSD pkg repo from "quarterly" to "latest" is required
You can do it editing the file /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf
Don't forget to install htop, git, nano, curl and wget: pkg install curl wget htop nano git
1 - Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/Wamphyre/BeastNgine
2 - Enter into the directory: cd BeastNgine/
3 - Launch beastngine_install.sh and FOLLOW CAREFULLY the instructions: sh beastngine_install.sh
4 - Once the installation is complete, restart your server
0 - Launch generate_ssl_key_sendmail.sh
1 - OPTIONAL: Change your SSH access port and use the same for /etc/pf.conf firewall
2 - Add your hostname to /etc/hosts
3 - Launch add_domain.sh
script to create a VHOST for a domain, this will create his own directory on /usr/local/www/public_html
and his own pre-configured VHOST on /usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d
WARNING FIRST, check the script and change the ssh default port to yours