Waterfall Detection Algorithm from LAS
To use, navigate to the directory in an environment with all the required packages installed.
python run_waterfall.py -h
usage: run_waterfall.py [-h] [--las-file LAS_FILE] [--resolution RESOLUTION] [--window-size WINDOW_SIZE]
[--min_height MIN_HEIGHT] [--smooth-factor SMOOTH_FACTOR] [--th TH] [--thStep THSTEP]
[--thmin THMIN]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--las-file LAS_FILE path to the las file
--resolution RESOLUTION
resolution to create the dtm and chm
--window-size WINDOW_SIZE
window size to use for local maxima search
--min_height MIN_HEIGHT
minimum height to call a detection a tree
--smooth-factor SMOOTH_FACTOR
kernel to use for gaussian blur on cmm for smoothing
--th TH initial threshold for area growing (from paper)
--thStep THSTEP threshold step for area growing (from paper)
--thmin THMIN minimum threshold for area growing (from paper)
[1] A Segmentation-Based Method to Retrieve Stem Volume Estimates from 3-D Tree Height Models Produced by Laser Scanners !(http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/AerialImage/Forestry/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=tree_segmentation:lidarsegmentation.pdf)