Factur-X is the e-invoicing standard for France and Germany. The Factur-X specifications are available on the FNFE-MPE website in English and French. The Factur-X standard is also called ZUGFeRD 2.1 in Germany.
The main feature of this Python library is to generate Factur-X invoices from a regular PDF invoice and a Factur-X compliant XML file.
This lib provides additionnal features such as:
- extract the Factur-X XML file from a Factur-X PDF invoice,
- check a Factur-X XML file against the official XML Schema Definition.
Some of the features provided by this lib also work for ZUGFeRD 1.0 (the ancestor of the Factur-X standard).
This library works both on python 2.7 and python 3.
To install it for python 3, run:
sudo pip3 install --upgrade factur-x
To install it for python 2.7, run:
sudo pip install --upgrade factur-x
from facturx import generate_facturx_from_file facturx_pdf_invoice = generate_facturx_from_file(regular_pdf_invoice, facturx_xml_file)
To have more examples, look at the source code of the command line tools located in the bin subdirectory.
Several command line tools are provided with this lib:
- facturx-pdfgen: generate a Factur-X PDF invoice from a regular PDF invoice and an XML file
- facturx-pdfextractxml: extract the Factur-X XML file from a Factur-X PDF invoice
- facturx-xmlcheck: check a Factur-X XML file against the official Factur-X XML Schema Definition
All these commande line tools have a -h option that explains how to use them and shows all the available options.
This project also provides a webservice to generate a Factur-X invoice from a regular PDF invoice, the factur-x.xml file and additional attachments (if any). This webservice runs on Python3 and uses Flask. To run the webservice, run facturx-webservice available in the bin subdirectory of the project. To query the webservice, you must send an HTTP POST request in multipart/form-data using the following keys:
- pdf -> PDF invoice (required)
- xml -> factur-x.xml file (any profile, required)
- attachment1 -> First attachment (optional)
- attachment2 -> Second attachment (optional)
- ...
It is recommended to run the webservice behind an HTTPS/HTTP proxy such as Nginx or Apache. You will certainly have to increase the default maximum upload size (default value is only 1MB under Nginx!): use the parameter client_max_body_size for Nginx and LimitRequestBody for Apache.
You can use curl, a command line tool to send HTTP requests (on Linux Ubuntu/Debian, just install the curl package) to generate the request:
curl -X POST -F 'pdf=@/home/me/invoice.pdf' -F 'xml=@/home/me/factur-x.xml' -F 'attachment1=@/home/me/purchase_order.pdf' -o /home/me/facturx_invoice.pdf https://ws.fnfe-mpe.org/generate_facturx
A public instance of this webservice is available on a server of FNFE-MPE at the URL https://ws.fnfe-mpe.org/generate_facturx.
This library is published under the BSD licence (same licence as PyPDF4 on which this lib depends).
- Alexis de Lattre <alexis.delattre@akretion.com>
- Version 1.12 dated 2020-07-16
- Compress attachments and XMP metadata using Flate compression
- Version 1.11 dated 2020-05-11
- Fix crash UnicodeEncodeError on Python 2.7
- Version 1.10 dated 2020-04-14
- Update XSD of all profiles to Factur-X version 1.0.5
- Version 1.9 dated 2020-02-11
- Improve Python3 support in get_facturx_xml_from_pdf()
- Version 1.8 dated 2020-01-16
- New tool facturx-webservice which implements a REST webservice using Flask to generate a Factur-X PDF invoice via a simple POST request.
- New argument 'attachments' for generate_facturx_from_file() which replaces argument additional_attachments:
- Possibility to set a filename for the attachment different from filename of the filepath
- Possibility to set creation dates for attachments
- Update script facturx-pdfgen to use the new attachments argument
- Version 1.7 dated 2020-01-13
- Fix bug in release 1.6 in XMP: variables were not replaced by their real value
- Version 1.6 dated 2020-01-09
- Generate XMP (XML-based PDF metadata) via string replacement instead of using XML lib
- Version 1.5 dated 2019-11-13
- Fix bug in generate_facturx_from_file() when using argument additional_attachments
- Version 1.4 dated 2019-07-24
- Update Factur-X XSD to the final version of Factur-X v1.0.04
- Support XML extraction with ZUGFeRD invoices using 'zugferd-invoice.xml' filename (instead of the filename 'ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml' specified by the standard)
- Version 1.3 dated 2019-06-12
- Add XSD files for Extended profile in the Python package
- Version 1.2 dated 2019-06-12
- add support for the Extended profile
- validate XML for Minimum and Basic WL profiles with the XSD of profile EN 16931, as asked by Cyrille Sautereau
- minor improvements in the code for /Kids
- Version 1.1 dated 2019-04-22
- Improve support for embedded files extraction by adding support for /Kids
- Version 1.0 dated 2019-01-26
- Use PyPDF4 instead of PyPDF2, because there are no new releases of PyPDF2 since May 2016 (cf https://github.com/mstamy2/PyPDF2/wiki/State-of-PyPDF2-and-Future-Plans), and we need a recent version of PyPDF2 to be able to generate fully compliant PDF/A-3 files.
- Version 0.9 dated 2019-01-25
- Port to python 3 contributed by JoshuaJan (https://github.com/joshuajan)
- Fix path to ZUGFeRD 1.0 XSD
- Version 0.8 dated 2018-06-10
- Make pretty_print work for XMP file, for better readability of that file
- Version 0.7 dated 2018-05-24
- Fix XMP structure under /x:xmpmeta/rdf:RDF/rdf:Description (use XML tags instead of XML attributes)
- declare PDF-1.6 instead of PDF-1.3 (still declared by default by pyPDF2)
- Version 0.6 dated 2018-05-01
- Now fully PDF/A-3 compliant with additionnal attachments (tested with veraPDF)
- facturx-pdfgen: don't overwrite by default and add --overwrite option
- Add factur-x library version number in metadata creator entry
- Version 0.5 dated 2018-03-29
- Fix XMP metadata structure
- Now fully PDF/A-3 compliant when the input PDF file is PDF/A compliant (tested with veraPDF). This implied copying /OutputIntents and /ID datas from source PDF to Factur-X PDF.
- Fix support for additionnal attachments: they can now all be saved with Acrobat Reader
- Improve XML extraction from PDF Factur-x file
- Version 0.4 dated 2018-03-27
- Factur-x specs say /AFRelationship must be /Data (and not /Alternative)
- Update Factur-X XSD to v1.0 final
- Add support for additionnal attachments
- Add factur-x lib version in Creator metadata table
- Add /PageMode = /UseAttachments, so that the attachments are displayed by default when opening Factur-X PDF invoice with Acrobat Reader
- Improve and enrich PDF objects (ModDate, CheckSum, Size)