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Implementation of advanced numerical methods for pricing American options, focusing on the Spectral Collocation and Crank-Nicolson methods. Includes performance analysis in terms of accuracy, stability, and convergence.


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American Option Pricing: Spectral Collocation and Crank-Nicolson Methods

Project Overview

This project implements advanced numerical methods for pricing American options, focusing primarily on the Spectral Collocation Method. The Spectral Collocation Method utilizes Chebyshev polynomials and iterative schemes to compute the early exercise boundary and option premiums efficiently and accurately. Additionally, as an optional extension, the Crank-Nicolson Method is implemented for comparison.

The goal is to replicate the results from Table 2 in the paper High Performance American Option Pricing and analyze the outcomes in terms of accuracy, numerical stability, and convergence speed.


  1. Spectral Collocation Method:

    • Implement the Spectral Collocation Method for pricing American options.
    • Leverage Chebyshev polynomials, Clenshaw's algorithm, and quadrature techniques to compute the early exercise boundary and option premiums.
    • Replicate the results of Table 2 with varying parameters $( (l, m, n) )$ and $( p )$ to benchmark performance.
  2. Analysis:

    • Investigate the impact of model parameters $( l, m, n )$, and quadrature points $( p )$ on the following:
      • Accuracy: Compare the computed premium against a high-precision reference value.
      • Numerical Stability: Assess the stability of the method under different configurations.
      • Convergence Speed: Measure computational efficiency in terms of CPU time.
  3. Crank-Nicolson Method (Optional):

    • Implement the Crank-Nicolson Method for pricing American options.
    • Compare its performance against the Spectral Collocation Method in terms of accuracy and computation time.

Results from Table 2

The table below summarizes the American option premium computed using the Spectral Collocation Method for $( K = S = 100 )$, $( r = q = 5% )$, $( \sigma = 0.25 )$, and $( \tau = 1 )$ year. The parameters $( (l, m, n) )$ and $( p )$ correspond to the collocation, quadrature, and interpolation settings.

$( (l, m, n) )$ $( p )$ American Premium Relative Error CPU Seconds
(5, 1, 4) 15 0.109893160420 $( 2.75 \times 10^{-2} )$ 0.0293
(7, 2, 5) 20 0.108360233651 $( 1.32 \times 10^{-2} )$ 0.0350
(11, 2, 5) 31 0.108361063777 $( 1.32 \times 10^{-2} )$ 0.0384
(15, 2, 6) 41 0.108376476566 $( 1.33 \times 10^{-2} )$ 0.0505
(15, 3, 7) 41 0.107673499674 $( 6.74 \times 10^{-3} )$ 0.0735
(25, 4, 9) 51 0.107320971004 $( 3.44 \times 10^{-3} )$ 0.1631
(25, 5, 12) 61 0.107147125128 $( 1.77 \times 10^{-3} )$ 0.2211
(25, 6, 15) 61 0.107049901336 $( 9.08 \times 10^{-4} )$ 0.3470
(35, 8, 16) 81 0.106978404798 $( 2.39 \times 10^{-4} )$ 0.5721
(51, 8, 24) 101 0.106978404366 $( 2.39 \times 10^{-4} )$ 1.221
(65, 8, 32) 101 0.106978404238 $( 2.39 \times 10^{-4} )$ 2.03

Note: Estimated 1-year American premium for $( K = S = 100 )$. Model settings were $( r = q = 5% )$ and $( \sigma = 0.25 )$. All numbers were computed using fixed-point system A, with $( (l, m, n) )$ and $( p )$ as given in the table.

Analysis and Evaluation

  1. Accuracy:

    • Accuracy improves as $( l, m, n )$, and $( p )$ increase, reducing the relative error to $( \sim 10^{-13} )$.
    • Tanh-sinh quadrature offers better convergence compared to Gauss-Legendre for larger parameter sets.
  2. Numerical Stability:

    • Stability is maintained across all parameter configurations, though low $( l, m, n )$ may introduce slight oscillations in boundary convergence.
  3. Convergence Speed:

    • Smaller parameter sets $( (l, m, n) )$ yield faster computations at the cost of reduced accuracy.
    • Larger parameter sets increase computational time but provide near-exact premiums.


The project includes:

  • Spectral Collocation Method: A high-performance implementation using Chebyshev polynomials, Clenshaw's algorithm, and quadrature techniques.
  • Crank-Nicolson Method (optional): A finite difference method for comparison in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency.
  • Comprehensive testing and replication of Table 2 from the reference paper.
  • Tools for analyzing the impact of model parameters on performance and accuracy.

This implementation offers a robust framework for evaluating American options using state-of-the-art numerical methods.

Project Structure

├── .github/
│   └── workflows/
│       └── python-package-conda.yml        # GitHub Actions workflow for continuous integration and testing.
├── notebooks/                              # Jupyter notebooks for exploratory analysis and implementation testing.
│   ├── compute_table2.ipynb                # Notebook to replicate results in Table 2 from the paper.
│   ├── Crank Nicolson Demo & Analysis.ipynb # Demo and analysis for Crank-Nicolson method.
│   ├── Greeks for American Option.ipynb    # Notebook for computing Greeks of American options.
│   └── Spectral Collocation Demo.ipynb     # Spectral Collocation Method implementation and testing.
├── plot/                                   # Directory for saving plots or visualization results.
│   └── [Plot-related files or scripts]     # Placeholder for plot files.
├── src/                                    # Main source code directory for the project.
│   ├──           # Chebyshev node generation and interpolation implementation.
│   ├──                   # Crank-Nicolson method implementation for option pricing.
│   ├──                          # QD+ method for approximating the initial exercise boundary.
│   ├──                           # European and American option pricing utilities.
│   ├──                 # Quadrature nodes and weights for numerical integration.
│   ├──                            # General-purpose utility functions for the project.
│   └── tests/                              # Unit tests for each core functionality in `src`.
│       ├──  # Unit tests for ``.
│       ├──          # Unit tests for ``.
│       ├──                 # Unit tests for ``.
│       ├──        # Unit tests for ``.
│       └──    # Unit tests for the Spectral Collocation Method.
├── .gitignore                              # Specifies files and directories to ignore in version control.
├── environment.yml                         # Conda environment file specifying dependencies for the project.
├── pytest.ini                              # Configuration file for `pytest`.
├──                               # Documentation for project overview, usage, and structure.

Spectral Collocation Method for American Option Pricing


This project implements the Spectral Collocation Method to price American options. The method combines Chebyshev polynomials, quadrature techniques, and the Jacobi-Newton iterative scheme to solve for the early exercise boundary and calculate the option premium.

This implementation efficiently computes the early exercise boundary $( B(\tau) )$ and the American option price by iteratively solving for the boundary and using it to evaluate the premium through numerical integration.

Algorithm Summary

Given fixed values of $( l, m, n )$, the algorithm can be summarized as follows:

  1. Compute Chebyshev Nodes: Compute the Chebyshev nodes: $z_j = \cos\left(\frac{j \pi}{n}\right), \quad j = 0, \ldots, n$ This establishes the collocation grid: $\tau_j = \frac{\tau_{\text{max}}}{2} (1 + z_j)$

  2. Compute Quadrature Nodes and Weights: Generate or look up the quadrature nodes $( y_k )$ and weights$ ( w_k )$, for $( k = 1, \ldots, l ).$

  3. Establish Initial Guess: Initialize the early exercise boundary using an approximate method (e.g., $( QD^+ )$): $B^{(0)}(\tau_i) = K \min { 1, \frac{r}{q} }, \quad \tau_0 = 0, \tau_n = \tau_{\text{max}}$

  4. Iterative Refinement: For $( j = 1 )$ to $( j = m )$:

    • Compute $( H(\sqrt{\tau}) )$: $H(\sqrt{\tau}) = \left(\ln \frac{B^{(j-1)}(\tau)}{X}\right)^2$ and initialize the Chebyshev interpolation coefficients $( a_k )$.

    • For each $( \tau_i )$, $( i = 1, \ldots, n )$:

      • Use the Clenshaw algorithm to interpolate boundary values: $q_C = \max(H(z), 0), \quad z = 2 \sqrt{\frac{\tau - \tau(1 + y_k)^2 / 4}{\tau_{\text{max}}}} - 1$
    • Compute $( N(\tau_i, B^{(j-1)}) )$ and $( D(\tau_i, B^{(j-1)}) )$ through numerical quadrature and evaluate: $f(\tau_i, B^{(j-1)}), \quad f'(\tau_i, B^{(j-1)})$

    • Update $( B^{(j)}(\tau_i) )$: $B^{(j)}(\tau_i) = B^{(j-1)}(\tau_i) - \eta \frac{f(\tau_i, B^{(j-1)})}{f'(\tau_i, B^{(j-1)}) - 1}$

  5. Option Pricing: After convergence, use the final boundary $( B(\tau) )$ to compute the American option price: $V(S) = \text{European option value} + \text{American premium}$ where the premium is calculated using numerical integration.

Code Structure

  1. Class: AmericanOptionPricing

    • This is the main class that implements the Spectral Collocation Method for American option pricing.
    • Responsibilities:
      • Initializes parameters, quadrature nodes, and Chebyshev nodes.
      • Handles the iterative refinement of the exercise boundary using Jacobi-Newton iterations.
      • Encapsulates key components such as Chebyshev interpolation, Clenshaw's algorithm, and auxiliary function computations.
      • Provides methods for computing the American option premium.
  2. Key Methods:

    • initialize_boundary():

      • Computes the initial guess for the exercise boundary using the $( QD^+ )$ method.
      • Adjusts the initial boundary values based on the option type (Put/Call).
    • initialize_chebyshev_interpolation(q):

      • Calculates Chebyshev coefficients $( a_k )$ for interpolating the function $( H(\sqrt{\tau}) )$.
      • Uses the definition: $a_k = \frac{2}{n} \sum_{i=0}^n q_i \cos\left(\frac{i k \pi}{n}\right)$
    • evaluate_boundary():

      • Refines the boundary values $( B(\tau) )$ at quadrature-adjusted points.
      • Uses Clenshaw's algorithm to evaluate the Chebyshev polynomial: $B(\tau_i - \tau_i (1 + y_k)^2 / 4)$ where $( y_k )$ are quadrature nodes.
    • compute_ND_values():

      • Calculates the auxiliary functions $( N(\tau, B) )$ and $( D(\tau, B) )$, which are required to compute $( f(\tau, B) )$ and $( f'(\tau, B) )$.
      • Uses integrals derived from the Black-Scholes PDE.
    • update_boundary():

      • Refines the exercise boundary using the Jacobi-Newton scheme: $B^{(j)}(\tau_i) = B^{(j-1)}(\tau_i) - \eta \frac{f(\tau_i, B^{(j-1)})}{f'(\tau_i, B^{(j-1)}) - 1}$
        • Ensures that boundary values remain non-negative.
    • compute_option_pricing(S):

      • Combines the computed boundary values with numerical integration to calculate the American option premium.
      • Adds the premium to the European option price to compute the final value: $V_{\text{American}}(S) = V_{\text{European}}(S) + \text{American premium}$
      • The American premium is determined using two integrals involving the boundary values and the option's parameters.
  3. Additional Utilities:

    • run_full_algorithm():

      • Runs the entire Jacobi-Newton iterative scheme for refining the exercise boundary.
    • clenshaw_algorithm(z, a_coefficients):

      • Efficiently evaluates Chebyshev polynomials, critical for boundary interpolation.
      • Uses a recursive scheme for numerical stability: $b_k = a_k + 2z b_{k+1} - b_{k+2}$
    • compute_H():

      • Computes the transformed function $( H(\sqrt{\tau}) )$, used to initialize the Chebyshev interpolation: $H(\sqrt{\tau}) = \left(\ln \frac{B(\tau)}{X}\right)^2$
    • K1(), K2(), K3():

      • Calculate intermediate integrals required for $( N(\tau, B) )$ and $( D(\tau, B) )$ based on the collocation points.
    • Nprime(), DPrime(), fprime():

      • Approximate derivatives of $( N(\tau, B) )$, $( D(\tau, B) )$, and $( f(\tau, B) )$, required for the Newton update.
    • manual_update():

      • Provides a step-by-step manual refinement for debugging and testing purposes.
  4. Dependencies:

    • numpy for numerical operations.
    • scipy for statistical and numerical integration functions.

Example Usage

from src.dq_plus import AmericanOptionPricing
from src.Option import OptionType

# Parameters
K = 50            # Strike price
r = 0.05          # Risk-free rate
q = 0.02          # Dividend yield
vol = 0.2         # Volatility
tau_max = 1       # Time to maturity (in years)
l = 10            # Number of quadrature nodes for boundary evaluation
m = 10            # Number of Jacobi-Newton iterations
n = 5             # Number of Chebyshev nodes
p = 10            # Number of quadrature nodes for option pricing

# Initialize solver
solver = AmericanOptionPricing(

# Run full algorithm to compute exercise boundary

# Compute American option pricing for a specific stock price
S = 55  # Current stock price
european_price, american_premium = solver.compute_option_pricing(S)
print(f"European Option Price: {european_price:.2f}")
print(f"American Premium: {american_premium:.2f}")

Performance and Convergence

The Spectral Collocation Method combined with the Jacobi-Newton scheme provides:

  • High Accuracy: The use of Chebyshev interpolation minimizes interpolation errors.
  • Fast Convergence: The Jacobi-Newton update efficiently refines the boundary values.
  • Numerical Stability: The method incorporates safeguards against non-finite values and ensures positivity of the boundary values.

This approach is well-suited for pricing American options where accurate determination of the early exercise boundary is critical.

Crank-Nicolson Method for American Option Pricing


This project implements the Crank-Nicolson method to price American options using finite difference techniques. The method solves the Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation (PDE) with early exercise constraints applied using Projected Successive Over-Relaxation (PSOR).

The Crank-Nicolson method is a second-order, implicit time-stepping scheme that is stable and efficient for pricing options. The solver is flexible and supports both call and put options with user-defined parameters for grid size, time step, and boundary conditions.

Steps of the Algorithm

  1. Discretize the PDE: Transform the Black-Scholes PDE: $\frac{\partial V}{\partial t} + \frac{1}{2} \sigma^2 S^2 \frac{\partial^2 V}{\partial S^2} + (r - q) S \frac{\partial V}{\partial S} - rV = 0$ into a tridiagonal system of equations using the transformation $( x = \ln(S) )$.

    • Parameter $( N )$: The number of grid points in the spatial dimension (log price $( x )$). A higher $( N )$ provides finer spatial resolution.
    • Parameter $( M )$: The number of time steps used for backward time-stepping. A higher $( M )$ ensures smaller time steps and improves stability.
  2. Set Initial and Boundary Conditions:

    • Initial condition: Payoff at $( t = T )$: $V(S, T) = \max(K - S, 0) \quad \text{(Put)}, \quad V(S, T) = \max(S - K, 0) \quad \text{(Call)}.$
    • Boundary conditions at $( S \to 0 )$ and $( S \to \infty )$ are derived based on option type and time decay.
  3. Iterate Backwards in Time:

    • Solve the discretized equations for each time step $( t )$ using the Crank-Nicolson scheme: $A X^{n+1} = B X^n$, where $( A )$ and $( B )$ are tridiagonal matrices.
  4. Apply Early Exercise Constraints: Ensure the option price satisfies the early exercise condition: $V(S, t) \geq \max(K - S, 0) \quad \text{(Put)}, \quad V(S, t) \geq \max(S - K, 0) \quad \text{(Call)}.$

  5. Output the Results: Interpolate the final option prices for any input stock price $( S_0 )$.

Code Structure

  1. Class: CrankNicolsonSolver

    • Encapsulates the entire Crank-Nicolson method, including grid setup, time-stepping, and PSOR.
  2. Key Methods:

    • __init__: Initializes parameters and grids.
    • solve(S0): Computes the option price for a given stock price $( S_0 )$.
    • solvePDE(): Iterates backward in time to solve the PDE.
    • setInitialCondition(): Sets the payoff at maturity.
    • setCoeff(dt, t): Sets up the tridiagonal matrix coefficients.
    • solveLinearSystem(): Solves the linear system using a banded matrix solver.
    • solvePSOR(): Applies PSOR to enforce early exercise constraints.
  3. Dependencies:

    • numpy for numerical operations.
    • scipy.linalg for solving tridiagonal systems.

Example Usage

from crank_nicolson import CrankNicolsonSolver

# Initialize solver
option_type = "put"  # Change to "call" for call options
solver = CrankNicolsonSolver(
    riskfree=0.05,         # Risk-free rate (5%)
    dividend=0.02,         # Dividend yield (2%)
    volatility=0.2,        # Volatility (20%)
    strike=50,             # Strike price
    maturity=1,            # Time to maturity (1 year)
    N=250,                 # Number of grid points for spatial discretization
    M=250                  # Number of time steps

solver.USE_PSOR = True               # Enable PSOR for early exercise

# Solve for option price
S0 = 50
price = solver.solve(S0)
print(f"The {option_type} option price for S0 = {S0} is: {price:.2f}")

Continuous Integration and Testing

The project integrates a CI pipeline using GitHub Actions to ensure high code quality and testing standards. The workflow automates linting, dependency management, and testing, with a focus on achieving 100% test coverage.

CI Workflow

The CI workflow is defined in .github/workflows/python-package-conda.yml:

  • Environment Setup: Installs project dependencies using conda from environment.yml.
  • Linting: Checks code quality and standards using flake8.
  • Testing: Runs all tests with pytest and generates a coverage report. The workflow enforces 100% test coverage using --cov and --cov-fail-under=100.

Testing with pytest

Tests are executed with pytest and configured via pytest.ini:

  • All modules and tests in the src directory are included.
  • Coverage reports are generated for all files in src.

Command to run tests locally:

pytest --cov=src --cov-report=term-missing --cov-fail-under=100

Best Practices for Testing

  • Write comprehensive test cases covering all code paths.
  • Use fixtures for reusable test setups.
  • Ensure tests are modular and isolated, focusing on individual functionalities.

Project Requirement

  1. Implement Spectral Collocation Method for pricing American options
  2. Replicate Table 2 in the paper High Performance American Option Pricing
(l, m, n) p American Premium Relative Error CPU Seconds
(5, 1, 4) 15 0.106783919132 1.5E-03 9.9E-06
(7, 2, 5) 20 0.106934846948 1.7E-04 2.3E-05
(11, 2, 5) 31 0.106939863585 1.2E-04 3.1E-05
(15, 2, 6) 41 0.106954833468 2.0E-05 4.5E-05
(15, 3, 7) 41 0.106952928838 2.1E-06 7.1E-05
(25, 4, 9) 51 0.106952731254 2.7E-07 1.7E-04
(25, 5, 12) 61 0.106952704598 1.7E-08 2.9E-04
(25, 6, 15) 61 0.106952703049 2.8E-09 4.6E-04
(35, 8, 16) 81 0.106952702764 1.6E-10 8.4E-04
(51, 8, 24) 101 0.106952702748 1.5E-11 2.1E-03
(65, 8, 32) 101 0.106952702747 8.5E-13 3.0E-03

Table 2: Estimated 1-year American premium for ( K = S = 100 ). Model settings were ( r = q = 5% ) and ( \sigma = 0.25 ). All numbers were computed using fixed point system A, with ( (l, m, n) ) and ( p ) as given in the table. Relative errors are measured against the American premium computed with ( (l, m, n) = (201, 16, 64) ) and ( p = 201 ). Results for ( (l, m, n) = (5, 1, 4) ) and ( (l, m, n) = (7, 2, 5) ) were computed with Gauss-Legendre quadrature; all other results were computed with tanh-sinh quadrature.

  1. Analyze the results in terms of accuracy, numerical stability and convergence speed for the difference choices of model parameters l, m, n and spot price S, interest rate r, dividend q and time to maturity τ .
  2. (optional) Implement Crank-Nicolson method and compare it with Spectral Collocation Method.



Implementation of advanced numerical methods for pricing American options, focusing on the Spectral Collocation and Crank-Nicolson methods. Includes performance analysis in terms of accuracy, stability, and convergence.








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