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How to Setup XinFin Masternode

Method 1:- Setup XinFin’s XDC Masternode One-click Installer

To qualify for Masternode on XinFin Network, you need at least 10,000,000 XDC, for the long term.

Operating System:

  • Apple Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux - Ubuntu

Step 1: Download XinFin One-Click Installer (to setup Masternode) for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS and Install on your local machine.

Step 2: Now Run the One Click Installer, Make sure you read the Terms properly then click on I Agree button.

  • "C:\Program Files\XinFin-Network" this will be your destination folder and this "C:\Users...\AppData\Roaming\XDCChain" will contain your Keystore folder.
  • Make sure, you create a backup of your Keystore folder.
  • Now click on "XinFin Network" One click installer.
  • You can see the address of One Click Installer in left side, Also you can change the Network.
  • For changing the Network, click on "Develop" then select "Network" (XinFin - Main Network/ XinFin Apothem Network)
  • You can check the Node status under the

Step 3: Create a wallet for Masternode

  • Create your wallet address with Mnemonic Phrase or with Keystore. We always recommend to use Keystore for running a Masternode.
  • Enter a strong password while creating the wallet.
  • Don't lose your Keystore file
  • Don't share it with anyone
  • Always take a backup of your Keystore file.
  • If you lose it, all your funds will get locked.
  • After creating backup, Download your Keystore file.
  • Now Access your wallet with Keystore and enter a valid password properly to access your wallet.
  • If you are hosting a Masternode on Testnet then copy the Wallet address and paste it on XDC Faucet for the Testnet XDC

Step 4: Host your Masternode

  • For hosting the Masternode, you need to copy the private key and login the Masternode.
  • For uploading the KYC, click on the "Become a Masternode"
  • Check the KYC criteria, the KYC file should be in pdf format only.
  • Once you upload your KYC, you need to enter the "Coinbase Address" which is in One Click Installer after that click on Apply button.
  • Now you will be notify with sucessful toaster i.e "You have successfully applied for Masternode"
  • You can check all the status regarding your Masternode here:

Method 2 :- Setup XinFin Masternode Bootstrap Script

For Mainnet

Bootstrap Command XinFin Node Setup:-

sudo su -c "bash <(wget -qO-" root


$ sudo su -c "bash <(wget -qO-" root
[sudo] password for user:
Please enter your XinFin Network (mainnet/testnet/devnet) :- mainnet
Your running network is mainnet
Please enter your XinFin MasterNode Name :- Demo_Server
Your Masternode Name is Demo_Server

For Testnet

sudo su -c "bash <(wget -qO-" root
Please enter your XinFin Network (mainnet/testnet/devnet) :- testnet
Your running network is testnet
Please enter your XinFin MasterNode Name :- test01
Your Masternode Name is test01

For Devnet

sudo su -c "bash <(wget -qO-" root
Please enter your XinFin Network (mainnet/testnet/devnet) :- devnet
Your running network is devnet
Please enter your XinFin MasterNode Name :- test01
Your Masternode Name is test01
Generate new private key and wallet address.
If you have your own key, you can change after this and restart the node
Type 'Y' or 'y' to continue:

Method 3:- Setup XinFin Masternode Docker

Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit or higher

Should be facing internet directly with public IP & without NAT

Tools: Docker, Docker Compose(1.27.4+)

Setup (For Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit or higher Operating System)

Clone repository

git clone

Enter XinFin-Node directory

cd XinFin-Node

Step 1: Install docker & docker-compose sudo ./setup/

Step 2: Update .env file with details Create .env file by using the sample - .env.example

Enter either your company or product name in the INSTANCE_NAME field.

Enter your email address in CONTACT_DETAILS field.

cd mainnet # testnet
cp env.example .env
nano .env

Step 3: Start your Node

For Mainnet


sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

You should be able to see your node listed on the XinFin Network page. Select Menu "Switch to TestNet" for TestNetwork and Select "Switch to LiveNet" to check LiveNetwork Stats.

Your coinbase address can be found in xdcchain/coinbase.txt file.

To stop the node or if you encounter any issues use:

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down

Attach XDC Console:

cd mainnet
sudo bash

For Testnet


cd testnet
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

You should be able to see your node listed on the Apothem Network page. Select "Switch to LiveNet" to check LiveNetwork Stats and Select "Switch to TestNet" for TestNetwork.

Your coinbase address can be found in xdcchain/coinbase.txt file.

To stop the node or if you encounter any issues use:

cd testnet
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down


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