A CLI Tool to Import audio files via the HTTP API. Written in Python.
- Non SSL -> ./sinusbot_uploader.py 8087 admin foobar /myfolder
- SSL -> ./sinusbot_uploader.py 8087 admin foobar /myfolder SSL
xuxe@sinus:~$ python ./sinusbot_upload.py 8087 admin foobar /home/xuxe/test/
Success Authenticated!
Success uploaded: /home/xuxe/test/The+Echelon+Effect+-+Your+First+Light+My+Eventide.mp3
Success uploaded: /home/xuxe/test/subdir/Glowworm+-+Periphescence.mp3
Success uploaded: /home/xuxe/test/subdir/Death+Grips+-+Come+Up+and+Get+Me.mp3
Completed -> Uploaded 3 files with 0 errors.
SUPPORTED FILE TYPES: extensions=['mp3', 'mp4', 'wav', '3gp'] - i have added at the moment only mp3, mp4, wav and 3gp. If you need others you can add your own or report it and i will add it!
I tested it only on Python 2.7 Debian & Ubuntu.
If you encounter an issue open a Report here: [Report a bug] (https://github.com/Xuxe/Sinusbot-File-Importer/issues/new) - Please apply the backtrace! :)