Alpha-Tri is a deep neural network to score the intensity similarity using all possible fragment ions, resulting in the improvement in peptide detections.
Compile the modified DIA-NN:
cd Alpha-Tri/DIA-NN_v1.7.12/mstoolkit make
This will generate diann-alpha.exe in the same path.
Make a workspace folder containing:
- diann-alpha.exe compiled by step 1
- HeLa-1h.mzML, (test data could be downloaded from figshare or PXD005573)
- lib.tsv (this spectral library could be downloaded from figshare or Pan-Human library, SAL00023)
Configure the operating environment by conda
conda create -n alpha python=3.6 numpy=1.18 pandas=1.0 numba scikit-learn --yes conda activate alpha conda install -c bioconda pyteomics python=3.6 --yes conda install tensorflow-gpu=1.11 keras=2.2.4 pytorch=1.1.0 cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch --yes
Of note, as Prosit is trained by tf1.11, advanced version of tf and CUDA may not be compatible.
Run Prosit to predict the MS2 for each precursor in lib
cd Alpha-Tri/Prosit python --lib workspace_dir/lib.tsv
This will append the predicted MS2 to each precursor and store the result to lib.pkl.
cd workspace ./diann-alpha.exe --f *.mzML --lib lib.tsv --out diann_out.tsv --threads 4 --qvalue 0.01 or diann-alpha.exe --f *.mzML --lib lib.tsv --out diann_out.tsv --threads 4 --qvalue 0.01
Meanwhile, the modified DIA-NN will generate the scores file in workspace.
Run Alpha-Tri:
cd Alpha-Tri/Alpha-Tri python -ws workspace_dir --tri (post-scoring only by Alpha-Tri) python -ws workspace_dir --xic (post-scoring only by Alpha-XIC) python -ws workspace_dir --tri --xic (post-scoring by Alpha-Tri & Alpha-XIC)
Finally, we get the identification and quantitative result, alpha_out.tsv, in the workspace folder.
1. AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
2. TypeError: add_weight() got multiple values for argument 'name'
These may be raised by the version incompatibility of Keras in Prosit (see the discussions in keras-team/keras#14265 and keras-team/keras#13540). You may have to install the same version of Keras:
conda install tensorflow-gpu=1.11 keras=2.2.4 pytorch=1.1.0 cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch --yes