It is a fork of Fuzion, keeping the style and mentality. The difference being is the added features.
- New menu
- Major visual optimizations
- Added fake-duck
- Optimizations and crash fixes
Want to chat or play with other Fuzion users? Join us on the Fuzion Gitter!
Want to talk with the developers of Nimbus, and interact with the community? Join the Nimbus Discord!
Note: Do NOT download or compile as the root user.
If you are having problems compiling make sure you've got the latest version of g++
Ubuntu-Based / Debian:
sudo apt-get install cmake g++ gdb git libsdl2-dev zlib1g-dev patchelf libglfw3-dev
sudo pacman -S base-devel cmake gdb git sdl2 patchelf glfw-x11
sudo dnf install cmake gcc-c++ gdb git libstdc++-static mesa-libGL-devel SDL2-devel zlib-devel libX11-devel patchelf
git clone --recursive
cd Nimbus
You can build easily with the included build script.
You can later update with
First of all, make sure CS:GO is open, it does not matter whether you are in game or not. However, it is not recommended to inject while CS:GO is loading into a map.
Navigate to the directory where Fuzion was built if you have not ready.
cd Nimbus
Now, you can inject the hack with the load
You might be prompted to enter in your password, this is because the injection script requires root access.
The text printed out during injection is not important.
If the injection was successful you will see a message at the bottom saying Successfully injected!
, however, if the message says Injection failed
, then you've most likely done something wrong.
Now, go back into CS:GO, if you are in the main menu of the game you should see a banner in the top left like so:
Note: if you are getting crashes ( that are unrelated to game updates ) Try disabling shader precaching in your Steam Client -> Steam -> Settings -> Shader Pre-Caching.
Now that Fuzion has been injected into the game, press Insert on your keyboard to open the hack menu (ALT+I if you are using a laptop).
If you want to change skins, create and load configs or open the player list, you can find those buttons at the top of the screen.
If you wish to unload the hack from the game, you can do so by entering the command:
Configs are stored in a hidden directory in your home folder. Specifically
Each config.json
is stored in a seperately named folder (The name you see in-game, in the config window).
To add a config, create a folder inside of the ~/.config/Fuzion
folder with a name of your choice, and paste the config.json
inside of that folder.
To see hidden folders inside your home folder, press CTRL+H when using a file manager.
On your command line, you can also add the -a flag on ls
ls -la ~/
Each config.json
is stored in the folder named after them map name.
To add a config, copy the folder containing it to ~/.config/FuzionGH
Version 1.5.0 (April 24)
- Very minor change, removed some redefinitions
- Removed meme-chance
Version 1.4.4 (April 18)
- New SDL hook from Fuzion (might be more optimized)
- Crash fixes with backtrack and aimbot
- Formatting changes (for those who look at code)
Version 1.4.3 (April 16)
- Added meme-chance
- We now have a Discord server
Version 1.4.2 (April 5)
- Fake-duck optimized
- Desync now works with fake-duck and fake-lag
- Temporarily removed fake-lag move state options
Version 1.4.1 (March 31)
- Backtrack updated (more proper tick validation)
- Fake-duck added
Version 1.4.0 (March 22)
- Various backtrack optimization
- Updated desync
- Updated misc features (third-person, hitmarker)
- New resolver (!!!)
- Crash fixes
- Code cleaning for developers
- New visuals
Version 1.3.6 (March 17)
- Reverted to pretty grenade-prediction
- New desync (broken indicators)
- Moved highest bone priority to misc/aimbot tab.
Version 1.3.5 (March 17)
- Added a slider for maximum LBY checking
- Changed extern vars to inline
- Removed zeus radius
Version 1.3.4a (March 15)
- Added toggle for LBY detection
Version 1.3.4 (March 15)
- Code cleaning
- Added new resolver (alpha)
Version 1.3.3 (March 10)
- Updated backtrack
- Added backtrack slider
- Removed hit-chance
- Reverted to the old spread indicator
- Fixed Gamesense hitmarker
- Updated LBY breaker
- New resolver (Simple and very cool, thanks to Skerei!)
Version 1.3.2 (March 3) - !UNDER CONSTRUCTION, NEED HELP!
- Improved resolver
- Thirdperson key only works if it's enabled
- Added hit-chance (crashing, needs testing)
- Added head multipoint scale
- Changed the name to Apuware
Version 1.3.1 (Feb 29)
- New backtrack
- Added backtrack chams
- Updated the code formatting in aimbottab.cpp (for devs)
- Simplified the resolver (thank you Skerei!)
Version 1.3.0 (Feb 27)
- Resolver updated
- Various anti-aim changes
- Crash fixes
- Improved the menus
- Added freestanding
- Backtrack changes
- Fakelag changes
- Moved changelog to the bottom (for more clarity)
Version 1.2.6b (Feb 23)
- Updated Resolver
Version 1.2.6a (Feb 20)
- Removed desync multiplier (due to it's not working)
Version 1.2.6 (Feb 18)
- Added desync multiplier slider
- Updated LBY breaker
Version 1.2.5 (Feb 15)
- Desync with fake-lag improvements
- New hitmarker sound (GameSense)
- Changed clantag-changer
- Crash fixes
- Changed on the resolver (needs testing)
Version 1.2.4 (Feb 15)
- Fake Lag updated (works better with anti-aim)
- Improved HvH tab
Version 1.2.3 (Feb 14)
- Fake-lag on peek saves to config
- Freestanding added
- New resolver (updated version of Skerei's resolver)
Version 1.2.2 (Feb 10)
- Reverting the resolver update (very unstable)
- Added zeus radius to visuals
Version 1.2.1 (Feb 9)
- Backtrack fixed
- Minor visual changes
- New resolvers (beta)
- Added shot-logging
- Backtrack optimized
Version 1.2.0 (Feb 1)
- Updated menus
- Updated fake-lag
Version 1.1.2 (Jan 30)
- Fake-lag moved to HvH tab
- Move state fake-lag added (beta)
- Put all anti-aim settings to "rage" by default
- Adjusted HvH tab
- Fixed fake-lag on peek
Version 1.1.1 (Jan 28)
- New menu design (beta)
- New aimbot tab (beta)
- New HvH tab
- Removed resolver from HvH tab (available on player selection)
- Auto crouch added to misc tab
- Fake-lag on peek added
Version 1.1.0 (Jan 25)
- Third-person key added
- Third-person optimization
- Added Anti-Aim debug
- Backtrack optimization
- Misc features updated
- Removed angle-indicator (because of anti-aim debug this is useless)
- LBY breaker optimization
- Move-state anti-aim added
Version 1.0.2 (Jan 25)
- Adjusted auto-defuser
- Adjusted backtrack
- Removed anti-aim debug duplicate in menus
- Added key save for third-person
Version 1.0.1 (Jan 16)
- Added player move-state based anti-aim
- Thirdperson angle is now last-tick viewangle
- Automatic LBY breaker values (customs are still available)
- Added disable anti-aim on knife-held back
- Changed default third-person value from 30 to 150
- Removed angle-indicator
Version 1.0.0 (Jan 15)
- Added new anti-aim
- Anti-aim angle keys
- New pretty bullet tracer
- Removed air-stuck
- Removed jump-throw
- Added backtrack
- Fake-lag optimization (No fake-lag while standing still)
Special thanks to the Original AimTux project:
Special thanks to @aixxe ( for the skin changer and with the initial project, as well as helping this project with source code (Available on @aixxe's github page.).
This project was also originally based upon Atex's Linux Basehook.
telans for the AUR package fuzion-git
The Nimbus project is also glad to know @LWSS who is still providing us with quality code.
The cheat is created by: @Zedespook @Acuifex @Skerei