It is a CLI currency convertor that accepts past date and uses the fastFORES API.
- The application accepts a command line argument for the date in format '2024-12-31'
- The application is able to process multiple conversions
- The application continuously validates all inputs until a correct one is submitted. Мonetary values are constrained to two decimal places. Currencies are in ISO 4217 three letter currency code format
- The application is case-insensitive
- The application is caching the exchange rates for each requested base currency. Subsequent conversions with this base currency are using the cached data, instead of calling the API
- Each successful conversion is saved in a json file
- The application is terminated by typing 'END' on any input
- The application is loading the api_key for Fast Forex from a config.json file which must be ignored by the version control
- C# - The programming language used to write the application.
- .NET SDK - The software development kit used to build and publish the C# application.
- Newtonsoft.Json - A popular JSON framework for .NET used for serializing and deserializing JSON data.
- RestSharp - A library for making HTTP requests in .NET, used to interact with the Fast Forex API.
- Fast Forex API - The external service providing historical exchange rate data.
- Command Line Interface (CLI) - The interface through which users interact with the application by typing commands.
- Git - Version control system used for managing and sharing the source code.
- GitHub - Hosting service for version control using Git, where the project's repository is stored.