In favour of
Tools for calculating the Stark effect in Rydberg helium using the Numerov method.
The code is based on:
Stark structure of the Rydberg states of alkali-metal atoms
M. L. Zimmerman et al. Phys. Rev. A, 20 2251 (1979)
Rydberg atom diamagnetism
M. M. KASH, PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dept. of Physics. (1988)
Cold atoms and molecules by Zeeman deceleration and Rydberg-
Stark deceleration
S. D. Hogan, Habilitationsschrift, ETH Zurich (2012)
And uses quantum defects from:
High Precision Theory of Atomic Helium
G. W. F. Drake
Physica Scripta, Vol. T83 83-92 (1999)
The code hasn't been tested extensively. But it seems to give pretty accurate
results for high-$n$ states (
Written using Python 3.6.0 :: Anaconda (64-bit).
Required packages are scipy, numpy, matplotlib, numba, and tqdm.
If you are using anaconda most of these are probably already installed, with the exceptions of numba and tqdm.
numba uses just-in-time compilation to significantly speed up python code.
conda install numba
tqdm provides a simple and efficient progress bar.
pip install tqdm
To install this project as a package that can be imported into python as starkhelium,
git clone
cd ./Rydberg_helium_Stark
python develop
See notebooks.