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🎶 Dancing Stickers - Web client

  • 🤔 What is it?: animated stickers on steroids
  • 🤷‍♂ Why?: to update my frontend development abilities (see #background below)
  • ⌛️Why is it so slow to load?: because the servers run on Heroku's free dynos and they're put to sleep after an hour of inactivity
  • 😠 I don't like the UI/UX!: I know. I'm not an expert on those!.. but it isn't that bad, isn't it?


Project files

├── devServer ───────────────> Static assets used on the development server only
├── public ──────────────────> Static assets used on the production server
├── src
│   ├── ds-api ──────────────> Here we wrap everything related to our application, like:
│   │                          - the state and most controllers
│   │                          - fetch, cache and release resources
│   │                          - spawn web workers to uncompress the sticker files
|   |                          - audio playback, etc...
|   |
|   |                          It is framework agnostic and provides a nice API to work with.
|   |
│   ├── utils ───────────────> General helper functions used by mutiple components, to keep it DRY
│   ├── components ──────────> The components used in more than one place
│   ├── routes
|   |   ├── route
│   |   |   ├── components ──> Components that are only used here
│   |   └── ...

Most React components are self contained and have this structure:

├── [others] ────────────────> Other components that are only used by this one
├── index.js
└── style.scss


I needed to make some modern-stack web project; it didn't have to be something you could easily find (and copy) elsewhere. Something challenging and different.

I came up with the idea, while listening music and checking out a new telegram's animated sticker pack (this two guys:

So yeah, I had something to do! 🎉

How it works

Everything starts on telegram. Specifically, here 👉

We, the members of the channel, send new stickers we found. There's a bot listening on the messages, which:

  • Gets the sticker's id and metadata.
  • Extracts the dominant colors from the sticker's thumbnail.
  • Updates the stickers collection on the db (a mongodb instance on

Then there's a server which acts as a proxy between Telegram's API and our application, it handles:

Another proxy server between the Spotify's API and our application, which manages our authentication token.

A server that keeps track of the recently used stickers, tracks and combinations.

And finally, another server to handle url previews (through

Wrapping up (checked means the code is available):

Issues, ideas or recommendations...

They're all welcome.

I'll keep working on this from time to time whenever I feel like refactoring some code 👍