Bookmarks tagged [blog]
I’m a full-stack developer. I write about tech articles and entrepreneur. I write about content that more related to problem-solving related to programming, money, and the latest trends.
- 📆 published on: 2021-01-12
- tags: javascript, website, development, blog
source code
Coding For Speed DOT COM, Less Execution Time.
A blog looking at developing software for real-time and embedded systems
Adventures in C++ and programming
Will It Optimize?
Write clean and maintainable C++
Jonathan Boccara's blog
Stay up-to-date with Modern C++. Technical blog of Bartlomiej Filipek
Microsoft Pushes C++ into the Future MSDN Magazine - April 2016 Getting Started with Modules in C++ - December 2015 Saying goodbye to MSDN Magazine MSDN Magazine - December 2015 Windows C...
Guru of the Week (GotW) is a series of C++ programming problems created and written by Herb Sutter. Starting in May 2013, GotW articles are currently being revised to match the upcoming C++14 ISO Stan...
Thoughts about Software Development with an eye on the world of modern C++ Programming
Thoughts from a C++ library developer.
Space-Ready Publishing with Gatsby and IPFS
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
Blog posts on Node.js and JavaScript from the author of Practical Node.js and Pro Express.js Azat Mardan.
We build the Apollo Platform to help developers adopt GraphQL the right way.
The Guild.
A curated list of engineering blogs. Contribute to kilimchoi/engineering-blogs development by creating an account on GitHub.
- tags: awesome-list, blog
source code
Java, Groovy and Grails
2ality is a blog about JavaScript, web development and mobile computing (but other topics are covered, too, occasionally). This blog was started in March 2005. From the author of exploringjs
- tags: javascript, blog
The latest news from Google on open source releases, major projects, events, and student outreach programs.
- tags: open-source, blog
The latest news and tips from the Angular team.
Cloud Security Alliance Industry Blog
Articles about the Node.js Community, How-tos, and Products from NodeSource - The Node.js Company
Oracle Blogs
- tags: blog
A resource for web developers.
- tags: blog, javascript, angular
Tips and thoughts on developing software, by Bozhidar Bozhanov
Developing Software With Passion
Thoughts on programming...
- tags: blog
Java, SQL and jOOQ. – Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Writing Awesome Java and SQL Code. Get some hands-on insight on what's behind developing jOOQ.
Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Writing Awesome Java and SQL Code. Get some hands-on insight on what's behind developing jOOQ.
Teaching is my way of learning
Software engineer, architect, conference speaker, focused on Node.js and its ecosystem. Loves a good cup of coffee.
Learn about Node.js, JavaScript & Mircoservices from the experts of RisingStack.
Husband, father, & Catholic enjoying life with my family. Working @ Microsoft. Disney fanatic, web and mobile developer
- tags: blog, javascript, node.js
Trade Secrets Of A Developer / Entrepreneur
- tags: blog, javascript, docker, node.js
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog ](
Official news on crawling and indexing sites for the Google index
The Minko Gechev Blog is another great resource for learning and keeping up with Angular. This blog is very in-depth and clearly written. It usually does not focus on a unique feature of Angular and d...
- tags: blog