vue app + keycloak template.
- Vue app (vue3, typescript, composition API, Pinia, Router) + keycloak-js lib
- Backend service with protected API (quarkus, oidc)
- Keycloak
- Start keycloak:
docker-compose up -d
Keycloak will import realm with clients and roles, but without users. Also client's secrets will be dropped.
Go to http://localhost:8083/admin/master/console/#/vue-template, login as admin / admin
Create user alice with password alice.
Regenerate back secret, put it in back/src/main/resources/ (quarkus.oidc.credentials.secret)
- Start back
JDK 17+ is needed.
cd back && ./mvnw quarkus:dev
- Start front
Install dependencies before running: cd front && npm i
cd front && npm run dev
- Open frontend app, login: user=alice, password=alice
You'll see "Data: secret data from protected api; updated on {timestamp}" - this data is returned from
Quarkus app, with protected API /api/protected, returning string with timestamp for authenticated users with role "user".
After running with ./mvnw quarkus:dev
, go to http://localhost:8080/q/dev/io.quarkus.quarkus-oidc/provider to check resources protection.
Keycloak will be started with imported realm "vue-template".
Keycloak admin panel:
user: admin, password: admin
2 clients created:
- front
- back
front settings:
- Client authentication = OFF (public access)
- Standard flow = ON
- Direct access grants = ON
- Client authentication = ON
- Standard flow = ON
- Direct access grants = ON
Create user alice with password alice.
role "user" is created and added into default roles, so alice's access token will contain "user" role, allowing her to access protected /time resource: http://localhost:8081/admin/master/console/#/vue-template/realm-settings/user-registration
Vue app created using
npm create vue@3
Chosen options:
- Add Typescript = Yes
- Router = Yes
- Pinia = Yes
- ESLint = Yes
- Prettier = Yes
All other options are defaults.
Protected API is proxied to avoid CORS, see vite.config.ts
Install: npm i
Run: npm run dev
See keycloak-js lib
Keycloak-js is installed: npm i keycloak-js --save
Pinia keycloak store is created to allow components access keycloak for a token (/stores/keycloakStore.ts):
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import type Keycloak from "keycloak-js";
export const useKeycloakStore = defineStore('keycloakStore', () => {
const keycloak = ref(null as Keycloak | null)
return { keycloak }
Keycloak is initialized and saved into the store. Vue app is mounted when user successfully authenticated. Token is refreshed periodically using setInterval().
import Keycloak, { type KeycloakConfig, type KeycloakInitOptions } from "keycloak-js";
import { useKeycloakStore } from '@/stores/keycloakStore';
const app = createApp(App)
let keycloakConfig: KeycloakConfig = {
url: 'http://localhost:8081', realm: 'vue-template', clientId: 'front'
let keycloak = new Keycloak(keycloakConfig)
const keycloakStore = useKeycloakStore()
keycloakStore.keycloak = keycloak
let initOptions: KeycloakInitOptions = {
onLoad: 'login-required',
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:4040/callback',
enableLogging: true
keycloak.init(initOptions).then(auth => {
if (!auth) {
console.warn('Authentication failed')
} else {
//Token Refresh
setInterval(() => {
keycloak.updateToken(70).then((refreshed) => {
if (refreshed) {
console.log('Token refreshed')
} else {
console.warn('Token not refreshed')
}).catch(() => {
console.error('Failed to refresh token');
}, 6000)
}).catch(() => console.error("Authentication failed"))
components/Protected.vue calls API with access token:
function fetchProtectedData() {
const keycloak = useKeycloakStore().keycloak
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append('Authorization', `Bearer ${keycloak?.token}`);
var requestOptions = {
headers: myHeaders,
fetch('/api/protected', requestOptions)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(text => {
protectedData.value = text
.catch(err => console.error(err))