This is a browser extension that allows you to hide posts made by anonymous users on 9GAG.
Motivation for this is that it's not possible to block anonymous users and thus your stream gets cluttered with low-quality content.
As a solution this extension allows you to just hide all posts made by
anonymous users. For this the extension adds a new button to the header
When you click on it all posts made by anonymous users get collapsed in your
stream and the button's icon changes:
Enjoy your anonymous-free 9GAG stream!
Unfortunately completely hiding or removing the anonymous posts will screw up
scrolling using the keyboard shortcuts J
and K
. Therefore the blocked posts
are "hidden" by restricting their height to 40px. This means those posts are
still part of the stream but only their header is visible.
But this also means that scrolling using the keyboard shortcuts J
and K
stop at these collapsed posts, too. This may give the impression that scrolling
to the next post didn't work correctly.
If anyone knows a better solution for this issue, please see below on how to contribute.
You can download and install the offical release of this extension called "9GAG AnonBlocker" from
- the Chrome Web Store for Chrome/Chromium browser
- for Firefox
- for Opera
If you want to install this extension manually from source follow these instructions.
This extension should be compatible with all browsers supporting WebExtensions manifest v3 (currently Chrome/Chromium and Safari) and browsers supporting WebExtensions manifest v2 (Firefox, Opera, Edge).
Download this extension by going to the latest release and selecting the appropriate ZIP file:
: for browsers supporting manifest
: for browsers only supporting manifest v2
Unpack the downloaded archive in a new directory
Load the unpacked extension in your browser:
Chrome/Chromium: go to chrome://extensions/, enable Developer Mode by switching the toggle, click Load unpacked to select the directory with the unpacked extension
Firefox: go to about:debugging > This Firefox, click Load Temporary Add-on and select the directory with the unpacked extension
Opera: go to opera:extensions, enable Developer Mode by switching the toggle, click Load unpacked to select the directory with the unpacked extension
other browsers: please look up your browser's documentation
Contributions to this extension are very welcome. Just raise an issue or open a pull request!
For local development just clone this repository and load it as an unpacked extension as described above:
git clone
When developing for a browser supporting only the WebExtensions manifest v2, e.g., Firefox, you must first replace manifest.json with manifest_v2.json.