Welcome to the Pokedex application, a state-of-the-art platform that allows users to explore and retrieve information about different Pokémon species using the Pokémon API. This React-based application integrates with the Pokémon API to provide users with details about various Pokémon, their types, and statistics.
- Search Bar: Search for Pokémon by name or ID.
- Infinite Scroll: Scroll through an endless list of Pokémon.
- Interactive Pokémon Cards: Display Pokémon details, including names, images, types, and IDs.
- Pokémon Detail Modal: Explore detailed statistics of each Pokémon in a modal dialog.
- Real-time Type Filter: Filter Pokémon based on their types with live results.
- Reset on Application Logo Click: Clicking the application logo resets the application, undoing any search results or filter changes.
- React
- Tailwind CSS
- Pokemon Image API
- Usage:
- Usage:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/adarshsahu2803/pokedex-application.git
Navigate to the project directory::
cd pokedex-application
Install dependencies:
npm install
To start the application locally:
npm start
Visit http://localhost:3000 in your web browser to view the application.
The application has been deployed using Netify. Access it here.
The application integrates with the Pokémon API to fetch Pokémon data. Ensure a stable internet connection to retrieve real-time data from the API.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests to suggest improvements or additional features.