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🅰️ Web framework for building virtual reality experiences.


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A web framework for building browser based 3D, AR and VR experiences.

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Supercraft A-Painter Supermedium A-Blast A-Saturday-Night Musical Forest by @googlecreativelab

Find more examples on the homepage, A Week of A-Frame, and WebVR Directory.


👓 Virtual Reality Made Simple: A-Frame handles the 3D and WebXR boilerplate required to get running across platforms including mobile, desktop, and all headsets (compatible with a WebXR capable browser) just by dropping in <a-scene>.

❤️ Declarative HTML: HTML is easy to read and copy-and-paste. Since A-Frame can be used from HTML, A-Frame is accessible to everyone: web developers, VR and AR enthusiasts, educators, artists, makers, kids.

🔌 Entity-Component Architecture: A-Frame is a powerful framework on top of three.js, providing a declarative, composable, reusable entity-component structure for three.js. While A-Frame can be used from HTML, developers have unlimited access to JavaScript, DOM APIs, three.js, WebXR, and WebGL.

Performance: A-Frame is a thin framework on top of three.js. Although A-Frame uses the DOM, A-Frame does not touch the browser layout engine. Performance is a top priority, being battle-tested on highly interactive WebXR experiences.

🌐 Cross-Platform: Build VR and AR applications for any headset compatible with a WebXR capable browser. Don't have a headset or controllers? No problem! A-Frame still works on standard desktop and smartphones.

🔍 Visual Inspector: A-Frame provides a built-in visual 3D inspector with a workflow similar to a browser's developer tools and interface similar to Unity. Open up any A-Frame scene and hit <ctrl> + <alt> + i.

🏃 Features: Hit the ground running with A-Frame's built-in components such as geometries, materials, lights, animations, models, raycasters, shadows, positional audio, tracked controllers. Get even further with community components such as particle systems, physics, multiuser, oceans, mountains, speech recognition, or teleportation!



Build VR and AR scenes in the browser with just a few lines of HTML! To start playing and publishing now, remix the starter example on:


    <script src=""></script>
      <a-box position="-1 0.5 -3" rotation="0 45 0" color="#4CC3D9"></a-box>
      <a-sphere position="0 1.25 -5" radius="1.25" color="#EF2D5E"></a-sphere>
      <a-cylinder position="1 0.75 -3" radius="0.5" height="1.5" color="#FFC65D"></a-cylinder>
      <a-plane position="0 0 -4" rotation="-90 0 0" width="4" height="4" color="#7BC8A4"></a-plane>
      <a-sky color="#ECECEC"></a-sky>

With A-Frame's entity-component architecture, we can drop in community components from the ecosystem (e.g., ocean, physics) and plug them into our objects straight from HTML:


    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
      <a-entity id="rain" particle-system="preset: rain; color: #24CAFF; particleCount: 5000"></a-entity>

      <a-entity id="sphere" geometry="primitive: sphere"
                material="color: #EFEFEF; shader: flat"
                position="0 0.15 -5"
                light="type: point; intensity: 5"
                animation="property: position; easing: easeInOutQuad; dir: alternate; dur: 1000; to: 0 -0.10 -5; loop: true"></a-entity>

      <a-entity id="ocean" ocean="density: 20; width: 50; depth: 50; speed: 4"
                material="color: #9CE3F9; opacity: 0.75; metalness: 0; roughness: 1"
                rotation="-90 0 0"></a-entity>

      <a-sky-background top-color="#EBEBF5" bottom-color="#B9B9D2"></a-sky-background>

      <a-entity id="light" light="type: ambient; color: #888"></a-entity>


To use the latest stable build of A-Frame, include aframe.min.js:

  <script src=""></script>

To check out the stable and master builds, see the dist/ folder.


npm install --save aframe
# Or yarn add aframe
import AFRAME from 'aframe';  // e.g., with Webpack or Vite.

Local Development

git clone  # Clone the repository.
cd aframe && npm install  # Install dependencies.
npm start  # Start the local development server.

And open in your browser http://localhost:8080.

If you want to test the examples in VR, you need to run it with https:

npm run start:https

Look at the "On Your Network (IPv4)" line in the console, and copy and paste the url to service. Then open the browser in your headset and type in the address bar then click on the copied url that will show up if you're connected to the same network as your machine. You will see a message about the page being dangerous because we're using a self-signed certificate, you can ignore that warning and continue to the page.

Generating Builds

npm run dist


For questions and support, ask on StackOverflow.

Stay in Touch

And get in touch with the maintainers!


Get involved! Check out the Contributing Guide for how to get started.

You can also support development by buying a gorgeous A-Frame t-shirt with exclusive designs


This program is free software and is distributed under an MIT License.