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Ahmia index

The Ahmia search engine uses Elasticsearch indexes to save website text.


  • Install Elasticsearch 8
  • Install Python3 and pip
  • Install the Python packages required, preferably in a virtual environment, with:
python3 -m virtualenv venv3
source venv3/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

## Configuration

`example.env` contains some default values that should work out of the box.
Copy this to `.env` to create your own instance of environment settings:

cp example.env .env

Review the `.env` file to ensure that it fits your needs. Make any modifications needed there.

### Elasticsearch

Default configuration is enough to run index in dev mode. Here is suggestion for a more secure configuration

#### /etc/security/limits.conf

elasticsearch - nofile unlimited elasticsearch soft memlock unlimited elasticsearch hard memlock unlimited

#### /etc/default/elasticsearch


#### /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

bootstrap.memory_lock: true

#### /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options

-Xms15g -Xmx15g

## Start the service

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch

Give users permissions to use the HTTPS cert

Any user on the system can read the certificate file, which is generally acceptable for a public certificate authority (CA) certificate as it does not contain sensitive private keys.

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo cp /etc/elasticsearch/certs/http_ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/http_ca.crt

Init mappings

Please set mappings running for the first time

source venv3/bin/activate

Alternatively, you could set up the indices manually, somehow like this:

curl -i --cacert /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/http_ca.crt -u elastic -XPUT \
'https://localhost:9200/tor-2024-01/' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "@./mappings_tor.json"

Keep latest-tor aliase pointed to latest monthly indices

This needs to be the first time you deploy and then once per month

source venv3/bin/activate

Filter some abuse sites

source venv3/bin/activate


# Execute child abuse text filtering over the index every hour
30 * * * * cd /home/juha/ahmia-index && . venv3/bin/activate && bash > ./crontab_filter.log 2>&1
# First of Each Month:
10 04 01 * * cd /home/juha/ahmia-index && . venv3/bin/activate && python --add > ./add_alias.log 2>&1
# On 6th of Each Month
10 04 06 * * cd /home/juha/ahmia-index && . venv3/bin/activate && python --rm > ./remove_alias.log 2>&1

Keep Elasticsearch running: autorestart

sudo apt install restartd

# Add the following line to /etc/restartd.conf
elasticsearch "elasticsearch" "echo 'Elasticsearch is not running!' >>/tmp/restartd_restart.out && service elasticsearch restart >> /tmp/restartd_restart.out" "echo 'Elasticsearch is running!' >/tmp/restartd.out"

sudo service restartd restart