A tool used to establish secure connections between a client and a server over an insecure network with customized header.
- Options
- HTTP Headers (payload) direct or with proxy.
- SSL/TLS Handshake over SNI.
- Combination between both (payload + ssl ) is supported too.
Install dependencies:
apt install -y git openssh-client redsocks sshpass netcat-openbsd corkscrew screen python3 python3-pip
pip3 install certifi
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/akilaid/HTTP-CUSTOM-HEADERS-VPN.git
stop and disable redsocks autostart on reboot:
systemctl stop redsocks
systemctl disable redsocks
Add your server seetings, custom payload and proxy (if required):
nano settings.ini
Make it executable:
chmod +x runvpn.sh
Start VPN Client: