z3go is a wrapper library for the Z3 SMT-solver. It uses SWIG.
Make sure that you have Z3 installed. (On mac brew install z3
# Set the include and library path if needed
# For macOS and Z3 installed using homebrew
export CGO_CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/Cellar/z3/4.5.0/include"
export CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/Cellar/z3/4.5.0/lib"
go install github.com/akreuzer/z3go
z3go is a wrapper of the C++ interface of Z3.
We started translation the examples for the Z3 C++ interface to to Go.
The can be found in the examples/
We renamed operator that clashed with the Go-Syntax.
C++ Name | z3go |
! | Not |
|| | Or |
&& | And |
== | Equals |
!= | NotEquals |
< | Less |
<= | LessEq |
> | Greater |
>= | GreaterEq |
+ | Add |
- | Subtract |
* | Mult |
/ | Div |
model[i] | model.Get(i) |
f(x) | f.ApplyFct(x) |
^ | BXor (Bitwise xor) |
| | BOr |
& | BAnd |
~ | BComp (Bitwise complement) |
& (Tactics) | TacticAnd |
| (Tactics) | TacticOr |
&&, ||, <,... (Probe) | ProbeAnd, ProbeOr, ProbeLess, ... |
Edit z3++.h
and then use go generate
to call SWIG.