Version ChatGPT 3.5 turbo, 3.5 turbo 0301.
Version GPT 4 has not been tested yet.
➥ Download ZIP or use git command.
➥ Get your OpenAi key -
➥ Open config.js and fill const strIndex = "YOUR_API_KEY";
➥ If you want to change path - const path = "/chat";
- change it. For root use const path = "";
➥ If you want to change system_message - const system_message = "You are a smart robot!";
- change it. By changing this setting, you can adapt this application to your needs.
➥ Make path /chat
or any other on your web server.
➥ Upload files to this directory.
➥ Type in the browser your address
and enjoy.
➥ Also you can use Obfuscator to hide your api key for security reason.
Used frontpage html, js and css from this project (with some mods)
Used Javascript Openai api request
All functions are preserved, except for the web search - instead, a change in theme from dark to light has been made. Added temperature change function. Added context. So GPT remember your last questions.
This program runs on a laptop or desktop computer locally from a folder.
Read this stackoverflow solution
You can use Node.js or Python server.
How to install app on Pyton:
- Install Pyton -
- Сreate a directory
. - Change const path in config.js to
path = "";
. - Change const root in config.js to
root = ".";
( just delete//
). - Put index.html and assets files here.
cd chat
python -m http.server
- Open in browser
- Also you can use
- Or this address
Use app on your local computer.
Last update - added convertations.
Removed all php files.
Changed path for assets files.