🧹 looker-janitor: GitHub Marketplace Action to keep your Looker project tidy
looker, lookml, python
- Order field types (e.g. filters, dimensions, measures)
- Order fields (including by label and localized labels if need be)
- Order field parameters (e.g. type, label, description, sql...)
- Move primary key to top of dimensions list
- Check for missing field parameters and report in %f:%l: %m format
🚤 lkml-parser: (Abandoned) Faster LookML parser
looker, lookml, zig
- Parser for lookml files
- Finished a first version that works, but very hard to debug due to poor code quality
- After refactoring with more traditional approach, ran into skill issues related to proper usage of Zig memory management
👓 looker-label-viewer: VS Code extension to see localized lookml label values
looker, localization
- When working on big Looker projects with a lot of localization, it's helpful to be able to quickly see the label associated to a dimension or measure.
💰 borsa: dbt and DuckDB transformations for day trading bot
dbt, DuckDB, python
- A complete rewrite of my previous bot, created in 2019
- Implementing a new API (switching from TD Ameritrade to TradeStation)
- Exploring using sql (dbt + DuckDB) for transformations instead of purely pandas
- Looking for ways to improve performance/concurrence of backtesting strategy ideas
🦎 tcx-extract: fast, simple data extraction
zig, python
- A speed-optimized extractor for .tcx (XML) files from Garmin.
- Example implementation here.
🚴 antren: personal training analysis dashboard
airflow, python, docker, google-cloud-run, bigquery, dbt, hex
repo | role | deployment | description |
antren-app | extract | Dockerized python app running as Google Cloud Run Job | connects to Garmin API to get latest bike rides/runs, converts tcx to tabular parquet learn more |
antren-orchestration | orchestrate + load | Airflow webserver + scheduler (local) | orchestrates the various steps of data pipeline, including triggering writing to BigQuery using training parquet files in Google Bucket learn more |
antren-dbt | transform | Dockerized dbt-core running as Google Cloud Run Job | transforms raw training data in BigQuery to make it useful for me! learn more |
hex app | visualize | Hex app (aka a dashboard) | visualizes training progress over time with ability to filter and customize layout |