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Alok Kumar Verma edited this page Sep 10, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the GPA-Calculator wiki!

GPA Calculator Tutorial


Welcome to the tutorial! Here, you will walk through the process of creating a GPA calculator web application using Streamlit.


  • Python

  • Streamlit module

Run this commmand on your Terminal to install Streamlit

pip install streamlit

Python Script

Import the modules

import streamlit as st

Grade -> Point Conversion

def grade_to_points(grade):
    grade_map = {
        'O': 10.0, 'A+': 9.0, 'A': 8.0, 'B+': 7.0, 'B': 6.0, 'C': 5.5, 'F':0.0
    return grade_map.get(grade.upper(), 0.0)

GPA Calculation

def calculate_gpa(credits, grades):
    total_credits = 0
    weighted_sum = 0
    for credit, grade in zip(credits, grades):
        credit = int(credit)
        points = grade_to_points(grade)
        total_credits += credit
        weighted_sum += credit * points
    if total_credits == 0:
        return 0.0
    gpa = weighted_sum / total_credits
    return gpa


Web Interface


st.set_page_config(page_title="GPA Calculator", page_icon=":mortar_board:")

st.title("GPA Calculator")


num_courses = st.number_input("Enter the number of Courses:", min_value=1, step=1, value=1)

credits = []
grades = []

st.write("Enter Credits and select Grade for each Course:")

columns = st.columns(2)
for i in range(num_courses):
    with columns[0]:  # Column for Credits
        credit = st.number_input(f"Credits:", min_value=0, step=1, value=0, key=f"credit_{i}")
    with columns[1]:  # Column for Grades
        grade = st.selectbox(f"Grade:", ('O', 'A+', 'A', 'B+', 'B', 'C', 'F'), index=0, key=f"grade_{i}")

Calculate button

if st.button("Calculate GPA"):
    gpa = calculate_gpa(credits, grades)    
    st.subheader(f"Your GPA is {gpa:.2f}")


col = st.columns(4)

with col[3]:
    st.write("Made with ❤ by [Alok](")

Hosting Streamlit App

Streamlit Sharing is a free platform provided by Streamlit that allows you to easily host and share your Streamlit apps with the world. Follow these steps to get your Streamlit app up and running on Streamlit Sharing:

  1. Create a GitHub Repository and upload your Python file.

  2. Sign Up for Streamlit Sharing

  3. Connect your GitHub Account (if not done already)

  4. Click the "New App" button on the Streamlit Sharing dashboard.

  5. Follow the prompts to connect your GitHub repository to Streamlit Sharing.

  6. Configure the settings for your app, including the branch to deploy, the command to run your app, etc (if required).

  7. Provide your Custom URL

  8. Click the "Deploy" button.

  9. Wait for the deployment process to complete. Streamlit Sharing will build and host your app.

  10. Once the deployment is successful, you will receive a unique URL for your hosted Streamlit app.

For more information, refer to Streamlit Community Cloud

That's it! You have successfully hosted your Streamlit web app.
