Chapar (چاپار) is a Python-based tool for sending personalized HTML emails effortlessly. Inspired by the Persian word "Chapar," which refers to the ancient postal couriers who swiftly delivered messages across distances, this project modernizes the art of communication, enabling efficient and customizable email delivery for your needs.
- Web Interface: Modern, responsive UI built with Bootstrap 5.3.x and HTMX
- API Support: RESTful API for sending emails and managing templates
- Template Management: Use existing templates or upload your own
- Personalization: Customize emails with recipient names
- Secure Connections: Supports SSL and TLS encryption
- RTL & LTR Support: Templates for both right-to-left and left-to-right languages
- Send Control: Configure intervals between email sends
- Validation: File type, email format, and content validation
- Docker Support: Easy deployment with Docker
Run the script with a folder containing your email_template.html
, recipients.csv
, and config.ini
python src/ newsletter0-ltr
Start the web server:
python src/
Then open http://localhost:5000 in your browser to access the web interface.
The web interface allows you to:
Upload Files: Upload your HTML template, recipients CSV, and config INI files Use Existing Templates: Select from available template folders Preview Templates: View sample templates (LTR, RTL, minimal versions) Send Emails: Dispatch emails with a single click
- GET /api/health: Health check endpoint
- GET /api/templates: List available templates
- POST /api/send: Send emails using uploaded files
- POST /api/run-template: Run an existing template
- GET /templates/<template_folder>: Get files for a specific template
Each template folder should contain:
- email_template.html: HTML email template with {{name}} placeholders
- recipients.csv: CSV file with email and name columns
- config.ini: Configuration file with SMTP and Settings sections
Host =
Port = 587 # 587 for TLS, 465 for SSL
Email =
Password = your_password
Subject = Your Subject Here
DisplayName = Your Name
Interval = 0 # Seconds between sending emails
LogLevel = detailed # Options: none, job, detailed
Building the Docker Image
docker build -t chapar .
Running the CLI Version
docker run -v $(pwd)/src/newsletter0-ltr:/app/newsletter0-ltr chapar newsletter0-ltr
Running the Web Server
docker run -p 5000:5000 -v $(pwd)/src:/app chapar python
- Python 3.9+
- Flask (for API)
- Werkzeug
- configparser
- python-magic (for file validation)
- Bootstrap 5.3.x (included via CDN)
- HTMX (included via CDN)
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd chapar
- Install requirements:
pip install -r src/requirements.txt
Running Tests
Install REST Client extension in VS Code
Open chapar_api_test.http in VS Code
click "Send Request" above each test case to execute:
- Health check endpoint
- Email sending with valid files
- Error handling scenarios
- Always use secure SMTP connections (Port 587 for TLS or 465 for SSL)
- Keep your SMTP credentials secure and never commit them to version control
- Consider using environment variables for sensitive information