A movie ticket booking app that allows users to effortlessly browse through a collection of movies, select showtimes, choose seats, and secure reservations in seconds. The app also features a user balance functionality for cashless transactions.
Clone the project repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/sea-cinema.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd sea-cinema
Database migration
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
Start the Django development server:
python manage.py runserver
The app will be accessible at
Backend: Django, Django REST Framework
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Styling: Tailwind CSS, DaisyUI
Database: PostgreSQL
- View movies: Users can see a collection of movies with details such as title, description, age rating, and ticket price.
- Ticket booking: Users can select available seats and make payments using their balance.
- User balance management: Users can top up and withdraw their balance, and view their transaction history.
- Authentication and authorization: Users can register, login, and logout. Only logged-in users can perform certain actions and access personalized features.
- Cancel ticket transactions: Logged-in users can cancel their own ticket transactions and receive refunds.