Researcher at the Kyoto University Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (ASHBi)
Kyoto University
Rafael Bailo
Assistant Professor of Mathematics at TU/e. PDEs, numerical analysis, mathematical modelling.
TU/e – Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Turlier lab
Multiscale physics of morphogenesis lab led by Hervé Turlier @collège de France, Paris
Collège de France Paris, France
Carmela Moschella
Hello everyone!
I am PhD student in Mathematics at the University of Vienna.
Welcome to my profile!
University of Vienna/ Max Perutz Laboratory Wien
Noah Yu Zhang
Postdoc@GIS, A*STAR / Previous PhD from SIBS, CAS / nullius in verba
GIS, A*STAR Singapore