My name is Amit Prafulla and I'm a software developer. I'm from India, living in New Delhi and currently working as a Full-time Senior Software Engineer at Mercedes Benz Research And Development India. You can find me on , or on
- 🔭 Currently working on: Vue JS, React.js, Express JS, Node, Django, Django REST
- 🌱 Getting better at: Python, Javascript, Data Structure & Algorithms
- 🤔 Exploring: Docker, Kubernetes and AWS
- ⚗️ Experimenting on: AWS and other DevOops stuff
- 💬 Ask me about: Python, Javascript
- 📫 Reach me out: Shoot a mail at
Title | Technologies | Description | Link |
Quora clone in Django and Vue | Django, Vue, Tailwind CSS, Postgres, Docker | A Quora clone with most important features of Quora like questions, answers and following other users 🚀 | GitHub |
Vue Crypto Info | Vue JS, Node, Tailwind CSS, Pinia | A web application built with Vue JS and Tailwind CSS which shows crypto currency related info from API. | GitHub |
React Games Database | React.js, Material UI, Vercel | Application which shows game related data from softgenie API. | GitHub |
React PokeAPI App | React, Redux, Redux-toolkit, Tailwind CSS | Application which shows pokemon data from PokeAPI including pokemon, moves and items. | GitHub |
Anime Dashboard | Vue, Tailwind, Docker, Headless UI | Web App which shows anime related data from Jikan API | GitHub |
React Harry Potter | React.js, Typescript, Zustand, Tailwind, React-Spring | A web application to explore Harry Potter characters | GitHub |
Next Books | Next.js, Tailwind, Framer-Motion | A Books database application created using Next JS, Tailwind CSS and Framer Motion 🚀 | GitHub |
Next Games | Next.js, Node, Tailwind, Headless UI, Redux, Redux-toolkit | A Web app to show games related data with Next.js from this API | GitHub |
Vue Cocktails App | Vue.js | A web application to find cocktail recipes | GitHub |
Vue Github Finder | Vue.js, Docker, Nginx, Headless UI, Tailwind CSS | A web application to search GitHub users using the Github API 🚀 | GitHub |
React Star Wars | React, Typescript, Headless UI, Tailwind CSS, Docker | A Web app which integrates with Star Wars API to show Star war franchise data including rockets, movies, planets and more 🚀 | GitHub |
Gmail Clone | Vue, Express, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB | A Gmail clone which mimics some Gmail features like sending emails, sorting and handling attachments 🚀 | GitHub |
"languages": ["Python", "Javascript", "Typescript", "PHP"],
"frameworks/libraries": {
"backend": ["Django", "Django Rest Framework", "Express", "Hapi"],
"frontend": ["Vue.js","React.js", "TailwindCSS", "Boostrap", "Material UI", "Jquery"],
"others": ["HTML5", "CSS3"]
"database": ["Mysql", "PostgreSQL", "MongoDB"],
"misc": ["Docker", "Redis", "Celery", "RabbitMQ", "Unit Testing", "CI/CD"],
"tools": ["Visual Studio Code", "Pycharm"]