This program can read data from cheap 433 MHz wireless temperature and humidity sensors and integrate with home automation systems using MQTT broker. It was designed to work with popular ARM boards like Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, and many others. Home Assistant MQTT sensor discovery is available.
To make it work you need only one external component – 433 MHz receiver. It has to be connected to one of the I/O pins, the program can decode directly data from sensors without any third-party additional components. It supports Nexus sensor protocol which is implemented in many cheap sensors.
- Works on popular ARM Linux boards
- Only 1 EUR external part required
- Supports 5 EUR cheap Temperature and Humidity sensors
- Tracks sensor connection quality
- Reports sensor online and offline status
- Seamless integration with Home Assistant
- Easy integration with MQTT home automation systems
- Many configuration options
- Home automation
- Temperature monitoring
- 433 MHz to MQTT gateway
- 433 MHz sensor diagnostics
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Any board that can run Linux with block device gpiod I/O driver can be used. That means any board with a modern version of Linux is supported. Specifically:
- Orange Pi running Armbian version 5.x. All boards.
- Raspberry Pi running Raspbian. All boards.
- Any board running ≥ Armbian 5.
Any of the cheap and popular receivers can be used. Make sure it is superheterodyne and supports ASK/OOK modulation. The cost of the receiver is about 1 EUR when ordering directly from China.
There are many vendors that produce temperature sensors compatible with Nexus protocol. Here are a few that are confirmed to use Nexus protocol:
- Digoo DG-R8H – Temperature and Humidity sensor. No longer available under Digoo brand.
- Sencor SWS 21TS – temperature only.
- Explore scientific 1004H. Temperature and Humidity sensor. Cost 14 EUR.
- Clas Ohlson
A device sends every minute or so (Sencor every 58 seconds, Digoo every 80 seconds) 12 data frames.
Each data frame consists of 36 bits. There is no checksum.
The meaning of bits:
Bits | 8 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 12 | 4 | 8 |
Meaning | ID | Battery | 0 | Channel | Temperature | 1111 | Humidity |
- ID – unique ID; Sencor generates a new ID when the battery is changed, Digoo keeps the same ID all the time.
- Battery – low battery indicator; 1 – battery ok, 0 – low battery
- Channel – channel number, 0 – first channel, 1 – second and so on.
- Temperature – signed (ones' complement) integer; temperature in Celsius degrees scaled by 10.
- Humidity – unisgned integer; humidity
Every bit starts with 500 µs high pulse. The length of the following low
state decides if this is 1
(2000 µs) or 0
(1000 µs).
There is a 4000 µs long low state period before every 36 bits.
The program is written in C++. It supports the new block device GPIO subsystem. It uses libgpiod C library for I/O operations. For MQTT communication Mosquitto client libmosquittpp is linked. INI file parsing with the help of
One input pin is used to read data from 433 MHz receiver. Any pin can be used for this operation. There is no requirement the pin supports events.
The state of the pin is probed to detect valid frames. When 36 bits are read the data is converted to JSON and pushed to MQTT broker. In addition, the program tracks when a new transmitter is detected and when the transmitter becomes silent. This information is also pushed to MQTT.
New transmitters can be automatically detected by the popular home automation system Home Assistant.
Nexus protocol does not offer any way to check if the frame was received properly. The software accepts data from the sensor only when the minimum 2 valid frames were received. A valid frame is when temperature and humidity values are reasonable and fixed 4 bits are set to 1.
All sensor data is sent as one JSON package in topic nexus433/sensor/XXXX/state
when XXXX is a unique
transmitter ID made of MAC address, ID (first byte), and channel number (second byte) in hex format.
For example ae01
means transmitter with id 0xAE
and channel 2 (channels are 0 based).
In addition, when the transmitter first sends data program sends online
on topic nexus433/sensor/XXXX/connection
If there is no data from the sensor for 90 seconds, the program sends offline
to the same topic.
When the program starts and stops it sends online
or offline
to the global connection topic: nexus433/[MAC]/connection
For newly detected transmitters specially formatted JSON data is sent to homeassistant
topic to make
Home Assistant automatically discovers the sensor. For one transmitter 4 sensors are created: temperature,
humidity, battery, and quality.
Battery value is either 100 (normal) or 0 (low). These values are compatible with Home Assistant battery class. They can be changed in the configuration file.
Quality is the percentage of received frames. 100% is when all 12 frames are received.
Short | Long | Description |
--verbose |
Enable verbose mode. More information is printed on the screen. | |
--daemon |
Run in daemon mode. The program works in the background without a console. When verbose mode is on, it will prints messages. | |
-g |
--config |
Path to configuration file. Configuration options from the file got higher priority than command line options. The default config file is /usr/local/etc/nexus433.ini . |
-c |
--chip |
GPIO chip device name, by default /dev/gpiochip0 . |
-n |
--pin |
Pin number to use from specified GPIO chip, default 1. This is not a physical pin number but a number assigned by the block device GPIO. See the discussion below for more info. |
-a |
--address |
MQTT broker host, default . |
-p |
--port |
MQTT port number, default 1883 . |
-h |
--help |
Displays help message. |
Pin numbers are assigned by the block GPIO device driver. To see available lines you can use gpioinfo
utility from the libgpiod library.
Only one GPIO device is available /dev/gpiochip0
Pin numbers are the same as GPIO line numbers, for example, physical pin 11 is GPIO17
. Pin number for that line is 17
Boards based on Allwinner H3 chip got 2 I/O devices:
with 223 I/O lines/dev/gpiochip1
with 32 I/O lines
Port PA lines are assigned to 0–7, PBB to 8–15, and so on. PL port is the first assigned to chip number 2.
Thanks to the configuration file you can alter the way the program behaves. The file is a typical INI file divided into sections. Every section got its configuration keys.
By default, the program tries to open /usr/local/etc/nexus433.ini
file. This location can be changed using -g/--config
command line option.
Strings must be entered without "
characters. Boolean values accepted: true
, yes
, 1
Comments must begin with ;
Key | Type | Default | Description |
silent_timeout |
number | 90 | When no data is received during this time in seconds, transmitters are treated as offline. |
minimum_frames |
number | 2 | Minimum number of data frames to accept transmission as valid. |
battery_normal |
string | 100 | String sent in JSON MQTT message when the battery level is normal. |
battery_low |
string | 0 | String sent in JSON MQTT message when the battery level is low. |
discovery |
bool | false | Enable or disable Home Assistant MQTT sensor discovery. |
discovery_prefix |
string | homeassistant | Home Assistant MQTT discovery topic. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
chip |
string | /dev/gpiochip0 | GPIO device |
pin |
number | 1 | I/O pin number |
resolution_us |
number | 1 | decoder resolution in microseconds in polling mode. Lower is better but a higher system load. Valid only when pooling=true |
tolerance_us |
number | 300 | ± tolerance of pulse length in microseconds in polling mode. Valid only when pooling=true |
internal_led |
string | LED device name from /sys/class/leds used to indicate new readings; disabled by default. |
polling |
bool | false | Use polling mode; it consumes much more processor power. Enable if you got reception problems in default mode. |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
host |
string | | MQTT hostname. |
port |
string | 1883 | MQTT port number. |
user |
string | MQTT user name. | |
clientid |
string | nexus433 | MQTT client id. If more than one instance of the program is connected to the same MQTT broker, use a different ID for each client. |
password |
string | MQTT password. | |
cafile |
string | Path to a file containing the PEM encoded trusted CA certificate files. | |
capath |
string | Path to a directory containing the PEM encoded trusted CA certificate files. | |
certfile |
string | Path to a file containing the PEM encoded certificate file. | |
keyfile |
string | Path to a file containing the PEM encoded private key. If encrypted, the password must be passed in keypass . |
keypass |
string | Password to encrypted keyfile . |
To enable SSL/TLS encrypted connection to MQTT broker, specify CA certificate and optionally client certificate.
For CA certificate, one of two options must be set: capath
or cafile
For capath
to work correctly, the certificate files must have .pem
as the extension, and you must run openssl rehash <path to capath>
each time you add or remove a certificate.
If capath
or cafile
is specified without any other SSL/TLS option the client will verify Mosquitto server but the server will be unable to verify the client.
The connection will be encrypted.
To specify a client certificate set certfile
, keyfile
and optionally keypass
ℹ️ Please note that the traffic to MQTT broker would be encrypted but temperate and humidity data from sensors is available for everyone as radio transmission is not encrypted in any way.
List of transmitter IDs (2 bytes, ID, and channel number) to be ignored. Data from ignored transmitters are not sent to MQTT.
The key must be 2 byte ID and the value is true if the transmitter is ignored, otherwise false.
For example to ignore transmitter 0xAE on channel 1 add:
This section allows changing the original ID of the transmitter to another number. This may be useful when the sensors are broken or the battery was changed, and you do not want to reconfigure existing infrastructure.
The key must be an ID of the transmitted and the value new ID.
For example, to change 0xAE channel 1 to 0x78 channel 2 use: ae00=7801
Name of the temperature sensor reported to Home Assistant discovery mechanism for the specified transmitter.
The key must be 2 bytes ID, and the value is the name, for example:
ae00=Kitchen Temperature
If not specified the default value of Temperature Id:XX ch Y
will be reported.
Name of the humidity sensor reported to Home Assistant discovery mechanism for the specified transmitter.
Key must be 2 bytes ID, the value is the name, for example:
ae00=Kitchen Humidity
If not specified the default value of Humidity Id:XX ch Y
will be reported.
Name of the battery sensor reported to Home Assistant discovery mechanism for the specified transmitter.
The key must be 2 bytes ID, and the value is the name, for example:
ae00=Kitchen Sensor Battery
If not specified, the default value of Battery Id:XX ch Y
will be reported.
Name of the quality sensor reported to Home Assistant discovery mechanism for the specified transmitter.
Key must be 2 bytes ID, the value is the name, for example:
ae00=Kitchen Sensor Connection Quality
If not specified the default value of Quality Id:XX ch Y
will be reported.
Download the appropriate package. Check the board name and platform. armhf means 32-bit ARM platform (not RPI4).
This step is optional but highly recommended. First download the signing key from a key server (only once).
You need gpg
installed (sudo apt install gpg
gpg --keyserver --recv-key F3B07930
Now install the tool to verify Debian packages.
sudo apt install dpkg-sig
and finally, verify the signature
dpkg-sig --verify nexus433_1.0.2-raspberrypi_armhf.deb
You should see GOODSIG
if the signature is valid (the rest of the numbers may differ). That means the package was not altered and was created by nexus433 maintainer.
Processing nexus433_1.0.2-raspberrypi_armhf.deb...
GOODSIG _gpgbuilder 513D72E653874FC357849F759E4441F6F3B07930 1613422321
Now install package
sudo apt install ./nexus433_1.0.2-raspberrypi_armhf.deb
After installation, change the name of nexus433.ini.example
to nexus.ini
and edit options.
For distribution packages ≤ v1.1.0 configuration file is located in /etc
, in later versions in /usr/local/etc
The build system is based on CMake.
Install CMake
sudo apt install -y cmake
Install the mosquitto C++ library
sudo apt install -y libmosquittopp-dev
Install libgpiod C library
sudo apt install -y libgpiod-dev
Clone git repository:
git clone
First call CMake, you do it once.
mkdir release
cd release
cmake ../nexus433 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE
Now build
make -j
and install
sudo make install
If the default build configuration files are located:
You must change the name of nexus433.ini.example
to nexus.ini
and fine-tune the options after installation.
Every time you change something in the source code you must call make
(no need to execute cmake
The build may be optionally modified by passing arguments to cmake
For example to change the default name of the configuration file, call cmake ../nexus433 -DINSTALL_INI_FILENAME=my.ini
List of useful build parameters:
Name | Description |
Directory where the configuration file is stored, default /usr/local/etc |
Configuration file name, default nexus433.ini |
Default gpiod device name where 433MHz receiver is connected, default /dev/gpiochip0 |
Default pin number name where 433MHz receiver is connected, default 1 |
Install prefix, default /usr/local |
Enable simulated transmitters. Useful for development. |
By default, the build script detects the board type and sets GPIOD_DEFAULT_PIN
. This selects a pin when no configuration is
available or pin was not set by -p/--pin option.
Currently, Raspberry Pi and Orange Pi boards are recognized. These parameters can be easily overridden in the configuration INI file, so no problem when the board is unrecognized.
When the project is cross-compiled it may be useful to force board type by passing to cmake
Even when the target board is set, the executable is still portable as the only board-specific parameter is the default pin number.
To debug the application, first, generate DEBUG configuration and then compile
mkdir debug
cd debug
cmake ../nexus433 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG
The above compiles sources (with DEBUG
macro defined) and generates debug information.
It may be also useful to generate project files for Eclipse (if you use Eclipse for development):
cmake ../nexus433 -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
433 MHz receiver got typically 3 pins: VIN, GND, and DATA. For Raspberry Pi and boards with a compatible connector like Orange Pi connect VIN to pin #1 (3.3V), GND to pin #6 (GND) and data to pin #11 (GPIO17).
433 MHz receiver | Raspberry Pi | Orange Pi |
1 (+3.3V) |
1 (+3.3V) |
6 (GND) |
6 (GND) |
11 (GPIO17) |
11 (PA1) |
ℹ️ Note the image below shows
connected to 5V, not 3.3V.
Make sure you got any MQTT broker up and running. If not please install
Mosquitto. The examples below assume that MQTT broker is installed on the same machine. If not use -a
command line option to specify MQTT address and -p
for a port number if different from default 1883.
Get your sensor close to the receiver and remove the battery.
Run the program in verbose mode and specify the pin number.
Raspberry Pi | Orange Pi |
sudo nexus433 --verbose -n 17 |
sudo nexus433 --verbose -n 1 |
Insert battery – that way the sensor sends immediately data, and you do not need to wait (remember sensor sends data about once per minute). You should see new readings on the screen:
Loading configuration from /usr/local/etc/nexus433.ini
Reading data from the 433MHz receiver on /dev/gpiochip0 pin 17.
Decoder resolution: 1 µs; tolerance: 300 µs
Connected to MQTT broker.
New transmitter 0x5c channel 2
0x5c910ff38 Id:0x5c Channel:2 Temperature: 27.1°C Humidity: 56% Battery:1 Frames:12 (100%)
The last line is the actual data from the sensor. What is interesting is that all 12 data frames were received. That means reception is very good. The next step is to monitor MQTT data. Install mosquitto client:
sudo apt install mosquitto-clients
and use mosquitto_sub
to subscribe to interesting topics.
mosquitto_sub -v -t "nexus433/#"
Of course, add -h
and -P
options if needed to specify MQTT host and port.
You should see:
nexus433/sensor/5c01/state { "temperature": 27.3, "humidity": 56, "battery": "100", "quality": 100 }
Now lets see what other data is sent to MQTT broker.
Stop both nexus433
and mosquitto_sub
by pressing Control-C
Run mosquitto-sub
first and subscribe to an additional topic:
mosquitto_sub -v -t "nexus433/#" -t "homeassistant/#"
Now run:
Raspberry Pi | Orange Pi |
sudo nexus433 --verbose -n 17 |
sudo nexus433 --verbose -n 1 |
and wait for the reading (you can use a battery trick to limit waiting time).
When you receive the first data packets check mosquitto_sub
output. This time it logged more lines:
nexus433/connection offline
nexus433/connection online
nexus433/sensor/5c01/connection online
nexus433/sensor/5c01/state { "temperature": 27.4, "humidity": 56, "battery": "100", "quality": 100 }
Note that there are 2 connection topics. When the program starts it publishes online
message on nexus433/connection
. When
stops for some reason or connection to MQTT is lost offline
. Because offline
is published with retain flag
you get this message every time subscribed to this topic. Thanks to this feature when the program is down any client
receives this information.
When a new sensor is detected online
is published on sensor-specific topic.
The format is nexus433/sensor/XXXX/connection
, where XXXX
is 2 bytes sensor ID. When a sensor does not send
any data for 90 seconds (this can be configured) on the very same topic offline
is published.
It is possible to use one of the built-in LEDs to indicate new packets. When configured, every time valid data is received LED will be on for 500 ms.
To check available LEDs use: ls /sys/class/leds
. Depending on your device number and names may differ.
Here is the result for Orange Pi PC board:
To use red LED modify nexus433.ini
configuration file:
make install
automatically installs service configuration files.
To start the service:
sudo service nexus433 start
To stop
sudo service nexus433 stop
To view service status:
sudo service nexus433 status
To run the service every time the system starts:
sudo systemctl enable nexus433
Home Assistant is a popular open-source home automation system. It can automatically discover and configure sensors.
To make this feature work you must first enable MQTT support and enable the discovery feature.
Make sure you add the following lines to your configuration.yaml
discovery: true
For more information read this article:
Nexus433 by default support MQTT sensor discovery. To disable it, modify nexus433.ini
Discovered devices can be shown in MQTT integration tab in Configuration
settings. There will be always one device Nexus433 433MHz gateway
. It provides just one sensor (disabled by default) Number of active devices
When a 433 MHz sensor is detected a new device will be added Temperatue Sensor Id:XX ch Y
(XX–Sensor Id, Y–channel). This device provides 4 sensors:
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Battery
- Quality
In addition, there is one sensor available Number of active 433 MHz transmitters
that indicates active temperature sensors.
When automatic device discovery is disabled, a sensor can be added manually.
To add a new sensor, you must perform the same steps as adding any other MQTT sensor. See for more information.
To create a new humidity sensor add the following lines to your configuration.yaml
(it is assumed the sensor id is 5c01
and MAC address of the network card is 09815B5331AA):
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "nexus433/sensor/09815B5331AA_5c01/state"
name: "Bedroom Humidity"
expire_after: 90
unit_of_measurement: '%'
device_class: humidity
availability_topic: "nexus433/sensor/09815B5331AA_4c01/connection"
value_template: "{{ value_json.humidity }}"
If you got problems receiving proper data from sensors you can do one of the following:
- Check if data is properly received from close range, if not check batter or test with another sensor.
- Move the antenna to a different position.
- Reduce
parameter to 0 and increasetolerance_us
. - Use a longer antenna. Just attach a piece of wire. The length of the wire is related to wavelength, you can use: 69cm, 34cm, 17cm, 8cm, and 4cm wires.
- If you got more than one sensor make sure they transmit data at different times. If two sensors collide remove the battery and insert it again.
The program can operate in two modes:
- Pooling (default for version <2.0)
- Events (default)
The first one is guaranteed to work on any board. In this mode radio data is read in infinitive loop. The side effect is heavy CPU use.
The second one is based on interrupts. Simply the kernel sends an event when signal edge is detected. It is much more effective than pooling mode,
CPU usage can drop from 40% to 1-2%. Unfortunately, it depends on the hardware of the board. It may happen that events are not generated fast enough
which results in serious reception problems. In that case switch to polling mode setting pooling=true
in the configuration file.
This is default mode of operation; it works for sure on RaspberryPI.
Linux is not a real-time operating system. You never know how much time the scheduler assigns to the application.
If the system is not very busy, the application got enough time to process the entire transmission more or less in real-time. If the system is heavily loaded the program can easily miss transmitted bits.
For now the only solution (but unfortunately not guaranteed 100% success) is to force the system to assign more time for the application:
Increase the priority of the app; see
command -
Change resolution to
(CPU usage will raise). Additionally, increase tolerance (but big values can also degrade significantly quality). -
Run the application on a separate system that is either dedicated to 433MHz reception or does not run too many other apps (but that makes nexus433 quite obsolete because you can use a cheaper dedicated board just for 433MHz).