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The Command Line Interface (CLI) & Python Module for Plan your observations with your own code!


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Arcsecond CLI

The Command-line interface (CLI) for It can be used as Python module too.


Simply run:

$ pip install arcsecond

Then the Help is accessible like any other command line:

$ arcsecond --help


$ arcsecond <command> --help

Get Started

You must login first before accessing APIs. This is for both making easy to access private APIs, as well as server logging, to better understand the usage that is made of our APIs.

$ arcsecond login 

To skip prompts:

$ arcsecond login --username <username> --password <password>

Login again will overwrite the current API key with the new one (assuming login is a success).

You can also register directly from there:

$ arcsecond register 

Your private API key will be stored in the config file in ~/.arcsecond.ini. Then, you can access public and private APIs.

Then, you can access your own full profile:

$ arcsecond me

See below for all commands.


Philosophy: the Arcsecond CLI is using the same principle as git: it has a global command arcsecond followed by subcommands. And subcommands have the name of API endpoints.

For instance, to obtain the information about an object, and likewise, an exoplanet:

$ arcsecond objects "HD 5980"
$ arcsecond exoplanets "51 Peg b"

For objects, and exoplanets, you can open the webpage in the default browser:

 $ arcsecond objects "HD 5980" --open
 $ arcsecond exoplanets "51 Peg b" --open

Or open the API webpage in the default browser for that object:

 $ arcsecond o "HD 5980" --open api
 $ arcsecond exoplanets "51 Peg b" --open api

For other things, such as private observing runs and night logs, likewise:

$ arcsecond observingruns <uuid>
$ arcsecond nightlogs <uuid>    

Using this as a Python module goes as follow

>>> from arcsecond import ArcsecondAPI
>>> ArcsecondAPI.login(<username>, <password>)
>>> ArcsecondAPI(ArcsecondAPI.ENDPOINT_OBJECTS).read('HD 5980')

Available Endpoints

The available read-only API endpoints (and thus, subcommands) available so far are:

  • objects, exoplanets, and findingcharts (public)
  • observingsites, telescopes and instruments (public)
  • profiles (public)
  • satellites (public)
  • observingruns and nightlogs (private)
  • me (personal profile, private)

Observing Runs and Night Logs will be writable in a near future. As for Observing Sites, Telescopes and Instruments, this is under study.

The available read-write API endpoints available so far are:

  • activities (public)
  • datasets and datafiles (private)

Read-write APIs use the 4 standard CRUD methods: create, read, update, delete (while, read-only APIs have only the read method, implicitly).

See below for details.

Datasets and Data files

You can entirely manage your datasets and Data/FITS files (including upload) from this CLI / Python module.

To list your datasets (the two methods are identical, the second simply having its action name explicitly written):

$ arcsecond datasets
$ arcsecond datasets read

To create a dataset:

$ arcsecond datasets create --name "this is a new dataset"

To delete a dataset (warning: this will also delete the associated data/FITS files!):

$ arcsecond datasets delete <dataset uuid>

Data files are necessarily associated with a dataset. Hence a dataset UUID must be provided. To upload a data file:

$ arcsecond datafiles <dataset uuid> create --file <path to a local data file>

To delete a data file, one use its "id/pk" (pk = Primary Key == ID):

$ arcsecond datafiles <dataset uuid> delete <Data file pk>

As a Python module:

>>> from arcsecond import ArcsecondAPI
>>> api = Arcsecond.create_datafiles_api(dataset='<dataset_uuid>')
>>> api.create(file='<file path>')    

More documentation is coming.

Observing Activities

The Arcsecond CLI allows to list, create, read and update so-called observing activitites. It is a simple way to publish and let the world know what you are observing.

The results will be displayed **live** in

The usage of th activities command is identical to the ones above, with a few more capabilities.

To read the list of the latest 10 activities (this limitation of 10 could evolve in the future):

$ arcsecond activities 
$ arcsecond activities read

To read the content of a specific activity, provide the primary key <pk> (which is an integer)

$ arcsecond activities read <pk> 

To create a new activity, with only title and content (supporting only plain text for now):

$ arcsecond activities create --title "your title" --content "the activity content"

And finally, to create a full astronomical observing activity:

 $ arcsecond activities create --observing_site <uuid> --telescope <uuid> --instrument <uuid> --target <target name>

The field of observing_site, telescope and instrument are optionals, and you can provide any (consistent) combination of all.


To start developing the arcsecond CLI, fork the project, git clone it, then, in the arcsecond-cli folder, do (assuming virtualenv is installed):

$ cd ~/arcsecond-cli
$ virtualenv --python=pythonX.Y env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .

The last line ensure you can call the "locally installed" version of the code of that folder. Once done one first time, only the source env/bin/activate is needed when you restart a debugging session.