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Material Showcase for iOS

Carthage compatible Download

An elegant and beautiful tap showcase view for iOS apps based on Material Design Guidelines.

Screenshots Screenshots


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Swift 4.2+



You can install it by using CocoaPods. Please add the following line to your Podfile.

pod 'MaterialShowcase'


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate MaterialShowcase into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "aromajoin/material-showcase-ios" ~> 0.8.0

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built MaterialShowcase.framework into your Xcode project.

Swift Package Manger

In the XCode, please select menu option "File" => "Swift Packages" => "Add package dependency..." Then, select the project you want to add the package, and enter this repository URL.



In order to integrate the library into Object-C project, please follow the instructions from this doc.


  let showcase = MaterialShowcase()
  showcase.setTargetView(view: button) // always required to set targetView
  showcase.primaryText = "Action 1"
  showcase.secondaryText = "Click here to go into details" {
    // You can save showcase state here
    // Later you can check and do not show it again

Note: should be called after your views are placed correctly, for example inside UIViewController's viewWillAppear() or viewDidAppear() function. You SHOULD NOT call it inside viewDidLoad() because views have not laid down correctly yet, showcase can not calculate these views positions and it results in unexpected errors.

Supported target views

There are several target view supported.

  // Any UIView
  showcase.setTargetView(view: view)
  // UIBarButtonItem
  showcase.setTargetView(barButtonItem: barItem)
  // UITabBar item
  showcase.setTargetView(tabBar: tabBar, itemIndex: 0)
  // UItableViewCell
  showcase.setTargetView(tableView: tableView, section: 0, row: 0)

Enable TapThrough

By default, tapping a showcase's target does not perform it's predefined action. This can be overridden.

  // UIButton
  showcase.setTargetView(button: button, tapThrough: true)
  // UIBarButtonItem
  showcase.setTargetView(barButtonItem: barItem, tapThrough: true)
  // UITabBar item
  showcase.setTargetView(tabBar: tabBar, itemIndex: 0, tapThrough: true)

Handle showcase status

  // Right after showing. {
    // You can save showcase state here

  // To handle other behaviors when showcase is dismissing, delegate should be declared.
  showcase.delegate = self

  extension ViewController: MaterialShowcaseDelegate {
    func showCaseWillDismiss(showcase: MaterialShowcase, didTapTarget: Bool) {
      print("Showcase \(showcase.primaryText) will dismiss.")
    func showCaseDidDismiss(showcase: MaterialShowcase, didTapTarget: Bool) {
      print("Showcase \(showcase.primaryText) dimissed.")

Dismiss showcase programmatically

  showcase.completeShowcase(animated: true, didTapTarget: false)

Support both LTR and RTL text alignment

In default, text aligment is set to be left-to-right. If you want to show text in right-to-left direction. Please define following.

showcase.primaryTextAlignment = .right
showcase.secondaryTextAlignment = .right

Dismiss showcase only if users click to target view

In default, showcase will be dismissed when users click to any place in whole showcase view. If you want to dismiss showcase only when users click to target view correctly, please set the following property.

showcase.isTapRecognizerForTargetView = true

Customize UI properties

You can define your own styles based on your app.

  // Background
  showcase.backgroundAlpha = 0.9
  showcase.backgroundPromptColor =
  showcase.backgroundPromptColorAlpha = 0.96
  showcase.backgroundViewType = .full // default is .circle
  showcase.backgroundRadius = 300
  // Target
  showcase.targetTintColor =
  showcase.targetHolderRadius = 44
  showcase.targetHolderColor = UIColor.white
  // Text
  showcase.primaryTextColor = UIColor.white
  showcase.secondaryTextColor = UIColor.white
  showcase.primaryTextSize = 20
  showcase.secondaryTextSize = 15
  showcase.primaryTextFont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: primaryTextSize)
  showcase.secondaryTextFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: secondaryTextSize)
  showcase.primaryTextAlignment = .left
  showcase.secondaryTextAlignment = .left
  // Animation
  showcase.aniComeInDuration = 0.5 // unit: second
  showcase.aniGoOutDuration = 0.5 // unit: second
  showcase.aniRippleScale = 1.5
  showcase.aniRippleColor = UIColor.white
  showcase.aniRippleAlpha = 0.2

Sequence items

You can define showcase items and create sequence.

If you set key param sequence visible just one time or key is empty will always show be repeated

Always appear

  let sequence = MaterialShowcaseSequence()
  let showcase2 = MaterialShowcase()
  let showcase3 = MaterialShowcase()
  let showcase1 = MaterialShowcase()
  showcase1.delegate = self
  showcase2.delegate = self
  showcase3.delegate = self

Will appear once so we have key

  let sequence = MaterialShowcaseSequence()
  let showcase2 = MaterialShowcase()
  let showcase3 = MaterialShowcase()
  let showcase1 = MaterialShowcase()
  showcase1.delegate = self
  showcase2.delegate = self
  showcase3.delegate = self
  //Once the key value changes , it will appear once
  sequence.temp(showcase1).temp(showcase2).temp(showcase3).setKey(key: "temp").start()

Must extends MaterialShowCaseDelegate and This code into showCaseDidDismiss function

extension ViewController: MaterialShowcaseDelegate {
    func showCaseDidDismiss(showcase: MaterialShowcase, didTapTarget: Bool) {

For more information, please take a look at sample app.

If you have any issues or feedback, please visit issue section. Please feel free to create a pull request.

Third Party Bindings

React Native

For React Native developers, you can use this library via its binding bridge created by @prscX.


For NativeScript developers, you can use this library via 3rd party plugin created by @hamdiwanis.


Please check the FAQ page here.


Material Showcase is available under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for more info.