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Argos SMD AT Kineis Firmware

This repository contains the STM32WL firmware for the Argos SMD module using the Kineis stack. It provides two demo application examples (standalone or AT commands) for STM32WL55xx-based hardware reference designs (KRD_MP).

The project is based on krd_fw_package_v8.5.1 from CLS and has been adapted for the argos-smd module.

In GUI mode, the module responds to AT commands and interacts with the KimGUI from CLS.

To start, look at the Arduino sample code used for certification or the Zephyr UART driver tested with Feather nRF52840.

⚠️ Warning : Since version v8.5.1, the MAC profile is not loaded at startup reload it thanks to KMAC commands (AT+KMAC=0 and AT+KMAC=1).


  • Compiles standalone or GUI applications by default
  • Supports periodic SAT message transmission (Standalone)
  • Configurable MAC profiles and radio settings
  • Low Power Mode (LPM) management

Getting Started


Credentials Management

⚠️ Warning This firmware requires proper configuration of credentials and radio settings.
Misconfigured settings may lead to improper operation or device malfunction.

  • Contact CLS group (user office) to obtain the required credentials (ID, address, secret key) for the stack.
  • Securely store the credentials. The provided package stores them in RAM/FLASH without protection.
  • Update device_id and address in the mcu_nvm.c file.

Note: Currently, the ID must be changed at build time. A command to modify it will be added soon.

Radio Configuration Management

  • Obtain radio configuration binary files from CLS group (user office) or used one defined into mcu_nvm.c file.
  • Store configuration data securely. In the provided package, the configuration is hardcoded as a byte table in mcu_nvm.c.
  • Alternatively:
    • Use the AT+RCONF= command.
    • Modify the configuration directly by commenting/uncommenting the corresponding settings in the mcu_nvm.c file.

MAC Profile Configuration Management

  • Choose between BASIC and BLIND MAC profiles by setting compilation flags in makefile .
  • Configure parameters such as the repetition period and the number of repetitions for the BLIND profile.

Building the Project

From STM32CubeIDE

  1. Install STM32CubeIDE.
  2. Open the project from the Kinéis package archive.
  3. Clean the project before rebuilding.
  4. Build the project to generate the binary file.

From Terminal

  1. Ensure the GNU Make and ARM toolchain are available.
  2. Clean the current build before rebuilding: make Clean
  3. Run makefrom the root directory

Compilation Flags

  • Adjust log levels, LPM levels, and board types in the Makefile as needed.

AT Commands

The available AT commands for the GUI application are managed by the AT command manager. Key commands include:

General Commands:

  • AT+VERSION: Get the AT commands version
  • AT+PING: Ping command
  • AT+FW: Get the firmware version
  • AT+ADDR: Get/Set the device address
  • AT+SECKEY: Get/Set the device secret key (Warning No AES encryption for the moment)
  • AT+ID: Get/Set the device ID
  • AT+SN: Get the device serial number
  • AT+RCONF: Get/Set radio configuration
  • AT+SAVE_RCONF: Save the radio configuration to Flash
  • AT+LPM: Get/Set low power mode

Forward Message Commands:

  • AT+TX: Transmit data

Certification Commands:

  • AT+CW: Continuous Wave/MW commands

Satellite Pass Predictions Commands:

  • AT+PREPASS_EN: Get/Set the PREVIPASS algorithm
  • AT+UDATE: Update UTC date/time

MAC command

  • AT+KMAC: Get/Set the MAC profile

Refer to the mgr_at_cmd_list.h file for the complete list of supported AT commands.


Auto-generated Doxygen documentation is available in the Kineis/Doc folder. Open index.html for detailed information.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. See the LICENSE file for details.

Todo / in progress

  • SPI driver instead of UART
  • Add and manage CLS ID
  • Programming firmware by SPI