Interactive Python web application using Flask and pywebio. Tests users (who are learning English) on when to use the definite article "the".
Input: Any English text.
Output: Produces input text but with "the"s replaced by blanks, and corresponding questions on whether or not to use "the".
Python Virtual Environment (
- (In CLI or code editor e.g. Visual Studio Code), go to (i.e. cd for Windows) project directory, run "py -m venv env"
- In project directory, run ".\env\Scripts\activate"
- Install modules using pip/pip3
- Run "deactivate" to leave virtual environment
GCP in Python Virtual Environment
- Ensure virtual environment is activated with (env) at the start of command line
- Install necessary GCP modules (e.g. run "pip install --upgrade google-cloud-language")
- Before running .py scripts:
- Use virtual environment's interpreter (in Visual Studio Code, interpreter option is at the bottom)
- Set Google Application Credentials e.g. run "set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=C:\Users\artc\Desktop\xxx.json" (instructions on creating Service Account, getting account key as .json file and setting Credentials as .json file
Set and See Environment Variables in Windows
- set VARIABLE=string
- echo %VARIABLE%
PyWebIO, Flask
- PyWebIO Documentation and Integration with Flask
- Flask quickstart guide
Containerize (a.k.a. Create Docker image), Upload image to Container Registry, Deploy to Cloud Run (, deploy failed but consider Dockerfile line "RUN pip install -r requirements.txt" which iterates through requirements.txt to install modules)
- In project directory, create and Dockerfile (and requirements.txt if needed)
- In project directory, run "gcloud auth login" and log into Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using web browswer
- Containerize and Upload image to Container Registry: In project directory, run "gcloud builds submit --tag", variables are:
- set PROJECT_ID=string...ID generated by GCP for your project (usually project_name-number_sequence)
- set of your choice (usually project name)
- set
and confirm that image successfully created with STATUS "SUCCESS"
- Deploy to Cloud Run: In project directory, run "gcloud run deploy %PROJECT_NAME% --image %DOCKER_IMG% --platform managed --region %REGION% --allow-unauthenticated", variables are:
- REGION="string"...usually "us-central1"
Variables Setup in Windows Powershell, for personal use: set PROJECT_ID=hello-315713
set PROJECT_NAME=pyglot
set REGION="us-central1"