Run the ARTIC RAMPART real-time nanopore analysis application from within Epi2Me or NextFlow
Open a browser to http://localhost:3000 to view the RAMPART interface.
The rampart-nf workflow implements simple NextFlow workflow to start the RAMPART real-time sequencing analysis platform. This allows it to be run using the ONT Epi2Me workflow application from desktop application rather than the command line.
This workflow is intended to be run using the
EPI2ME Desktop application by Oxford Nanopore Technologies.
Install by selecting > Launch
-> Install workflow
-> Import from Github
and provide the link to this Github repository:
Do not include a /
or other folder names at the end of the URL or it may not install.
This pipeline was developed by Rachel Colquhoun. The ARTIC RAMPART application was developed by James Hadfield, Andrew Rambaut, Áine O'Toole, Rachel Colquhoun. The RAMPART Docker container was developed by Emily Scher, Corey Ainsley and Danny Maloney.