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This whatsapp bot project (now) use Baileys Multi-Device.
whatsapp-bot out-of-the-box support on...
Need help? please create an issues
This project require
git clone
cd whatsapp-bot
npm install
Setup prisma
Create .env file based on .env.example, copy the mongo database URL into .env file
npx prisma db push
Build a project
npm run build
If you want generate more languages
It will generate languages based on list database/languages.json. You can remove the languages you don't want to use (it will store the object into memory), except (English (en) and Indonesian (id)) because its already generate by default.
# try this:
npm run generateLang
# if get incompatible error, try run:
npm run generateLangV2
Run the Whatsapp bot
npm start
With pm2
If you haven't installed pm2.
npm install -g pm2
Run with pm2
npm run start:pm2
Other tips with pm2:
This will start your application when the server is restarted or rebooted.
# if you are on a unix
pm2 startup #create a startup script
pm2 save #save the current app
# if you are on windows
npm install pm2-windows-startup -g #install helper dependency
pm2-startup install #create a startup script
pm2 save #save the current app
after running it you need to scan the qr
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Please refer to our Contribution Guidelines and Code of Conduct.
since whatsapp-bot use baileys is now available under the GPL-3.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.