A Data Science enthusiast from India intrested in learning, exploring and contributing in the related field
- 📫 How to reach me ankitaburde12@gmail.com
We all know the magic of Excel, hence, using this tool the most. Here are another few assignments with another important formulas of Excel called VOOKUP, IF, IFERROR, AND, OR, IFS and IFNA.
Tableau is a data visualizing tool used most frequently in the industry. It is popular for its easy access and vast variations in the features. So, here are some basic activities of Tableau.
Excel is an important tool in the field of Data Science. It provides us with so many formulas and makes our time consuming and complicated calculations easy. So, here are some questions based on fo…
Excel has now become an important part of our professional as well as personal life because it can use easily and it provides many functions in one single tool. Here is another assignment based on …
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