Releases: authgear/authgear-server
Releases · authgear/authgear-server
What’s new:
- 🔑 Added Passkey (WebAuthn) support. Get your app ready for iOS 16!
Allow your users to login with passkey by simply a click in the Portal. Learn more on this page. - 🪄 Redesigned "Application" creation UX to make the initial setup process even faster!
- 🦄 UI fixes that make the portal prettier and easier to use.
- 👥 Support x_oauth_provider_alias to login with social provider directly
- 🏎 Speed up Portal
- 🐞 Minor bug fixes
What’s new:
- 🔍 Improve accuracy of searching users with email addresses
- 🏎 Improve speed and performance
What's new:
- 💳 Users can subscribe to Authgear plans in the billing portal directly. Extra SMS and MAU usage and cost are also shown in the portal.
- 🗃 Audit log is default sorted by newest first
- 🔑 Fixes a bug where Passwordless via WhatsApp may not work on iOS devices
- 💡 Clarify 2FA descriptions in the Authgear Portal
- 🐞 Misc bug fixes and improvement
- Fixes social signup and login
- 💬 Users can signup & login with WhatsApp OTP
- 🌃 Developers can specify theme (light or dark) when opening the AuthUI from apps
- ✅ Recovery code in 2FA can be turned off to reduce friction in signup
- 💡 Switching between signup and login pages does not clear input
- 🐞 Misc UI and Bug fixes
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What's new:
- Follow the "Getting Started" page to get set up for success after signing up to Authgear
- Improved the appearance of the dark theme
- Support searching users by standard attributes in the Admin Portal and Admin API
What's New:
- Upload profile picture in AuthUI settings, Admin Portal and Admin API
- Support "Sign in with GitHub"
- Improved the UX for creating new projects
- Users are easier to be identified by their names and profile pictures in the User Management page
- All password fields in AuthUI support show/hide
What's New:
- 📈 View user analytics in the portal
- 🔐 Support Azure AD B2C as third party identity provider
- 🗄 Name of the user is shown in the profile detail page
- 🐞 Misc UI and bug fixes