Releases: authgear/authgear-server
Releases · authgear/authgear-server
What's New:
- End-user account deletion: End-users can initiate account deletion from the pre-built AuthUI settings page. Follow the doc here to set it up!
- Misc bug fixes in custom attribute related features
What's New:
- Custom Attributes in User Profile. You can now store the complete profile in Authgear!
- Anonymous Users are now supported for web-based applications! See docs for details
- Fixed: You can config the project to disable 2FA completely
- The translation JSON in the Portal now shows only the altered keys. Translation keys that are identical to the default will not be saved.
- Various bug fixes and minor improvements
- New: User Profile and standard attributes support. You can store, view & manage personal profiles of your end-users on Authgear. View more about it here
- AuthUI Adjustments and Misc Bug Fixes
- Added a option to force end-users to update their passwords when password policy changed
- Fixed a bug where unknown new Apple devices were unable to use the service
- Misc minor UI changes
- Removed dependence on IdP Session for all interactions
- Support x_suppress_idp_session_cookie in authorization
- Manage your Authgear account easily by clicking the top-right in the Portal
- Improved discoverability by re-organizing cookie session and token related lifetime config in the Portal
- Improved clarity in the default error messages in AuthUI
- Changed button state styles in AuthUI
- When setting up authenticators on mobile devices, the end-users can copy the recovery codes instead of downloading a text file
- Use custom domain minus one as cookie domain. e.g. You can now use Authgear for your app deployed at custom with
- Misc UI and bug fixes
- New: Allow getting Admin API key and webhook signature key from the Portal
- New: Custom email provider can be configured in the Portal
- Fixed: Server may lose connection with the data store when node rotates
- Improvement: Re-organized the Portal navigation menu for clearer presentation
- Other misc UI improvements
- New: View subscription info in Portal
- Improvement: Support more subscription plan rules
- Improvement: Country code in phone number is easier to input and allow pre-selection by geoip
- Improvement: Better handling at phone numbers with trunk prefixes
- Fix wrong timestamps in user.created webhooks
- Bug fixes and misc improvements