This repository contains the code for the CVPR 2020 paper Exploring Data Aggregation in Policy Learning for Vision-based Urban Autonomous Driving. It is built on top of the COiLTRAiNE and CARLA 0.8.4 data-collector frameworks.
If you find this code useful, please cite:
title = {Exploring Data Aggregation in Policy Learning for Vision-based Urban Autonomous Driving},
author = {Prakash, Aditya and Behl, Aseem and Ohn-Bar, Eshed and Chitta, Kashyap and Geiger, Andreas},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2020}
title = {Exploring the Limitations of Behavior Cloning for Autonomous Driving},
author = {Codevilla, Felipe and Santana, Eder and López, Antonio M. and Gaidon, Adrien},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
year = {2019}
This work explores the limitaions of DAgger for urban autonomous driving in terms of inability to capture critical states, generalize to new environments and susceptability to high variance. It proposes simple modifications to the DAgger algorithm by incorporating critical states and a replay buffer mechanism which helps the driving policy to progressively focus on the high uncertainty regions of its state distribution, thereby leading to better empirical performance.
The required dependencies can be installed by using the provided conda environment requirements file.
conda env create -f requirements.yaml
conda activate coiltraine
It is recommended to use the CARLA Gear version of CARLA 0.8.4 with Docker for data generation. For more information on this version, refer to the CARLA data-collector framework.
Download the CARLA Gear server from this link and install Docker.
Clone the main CARLA repository.
git clone <carla_folder>
Build a docker image of the CARLA Gear server.
docker image build -f <carla_folder>/Util/Docker/Release.Dockerfile -t carlagear <path-to-carlagear/>CarlaGear
Once CARLA Gear is setup, data collection can be run using
with the config file stored in the path dataset_configurations/<config_file>.py
. There are 3 modes for data generation - expert, dagger and dart. Refer to the config file for requirements for each mode.
- Off-policy data generation using expert policy:
python3 -ids <gpu_ids> -n <num_collectors> -g <collectors_per_gpu> -e <num_episodes_per_collector> -pt <data_path> -d <config_file> -ct carlagear -m expert
- On-policy data generation using DAgger:
python3 -ids <gpu_ids> -n <num_collectors> -g <collectors_per_gpu> -e <num_episodes_per_collector> -pt <data_path> -d <config_file> -ct carlagear -m dagger
- Off-policy data generation with noise injection using DART:
python3 -ids <gpu_ids> -n <num_collectors> -g <collectors_per_gpu> -e <num_episodes_per_collector> -pt <data_path> -d <config_file> -ct carlagear -m dart
The data is generated in this format at a resolution of 800x600. It is then processed to a resolution of 200x88 using tools/
. The episode names follow the format episode_<num>
operates on the episodes in the defined range between <start_episode_num>
and <end_episode_num>
python3 tools/ -pt <data_path> -e <start_episode_num> -t <end_episode_num> -ds -dd
The on-policy data can be further sampled using the sampling mechanism defined in Section 3.3 of the paper.
- For Task-based and Policy & Expert-based sampling, run
. The settings for each of the sampling methods can be defined individually
python3 tools/ <source_dir> <target_dir> <start_episode_num> <end_episode_num>
- For Policy-based sampling, first save the prefinal layer activations using
, then compute the variance due to multiple runs with test-time dropout usingcoil_core/
and finally sample the on-policy data usingtools/
. Refer toinput/
regarding generation of the preload file.
python3 coil_core/ --gpus <gpu_id> --dataset_name <preload_name_of_dataset> --config <path_to_yaml_config_file> --checkpoint <model_checkpoint> --save_path <path_to_save_activations>
python3 coil_core/ --gpus <gpu_id> --dataset_name <preload_name_of_dataset> --config <path_to_yaml_config_file> --checkpoint <model_checkpoint> --save_path <path_to_save_computed_variance>
python3 tools/ --source_dir <source_dir> --target_dir <target_dir> --preload <path_to_preload_file> --var_file <path_to_saved_variance>
Once the data is generated, set the environment variable COIL_DATASET_PATH
to the location containing the training and validation datasets.
export COIL_DATASET_PATH = <path_to_data>
For standalone training:
python3 --gpus <gpu_id> --folder <exp_batch> --exp <exp_alias> --single-process train
where <exp_batch>
is the experiment batch containing all the experiments to be trained or validated and <exp_alias>
is the name of the config file containing details of the experiment (configs/<exp_batch>/<exp_alias>.yaml
). For multi-gpu training, specify a string of gpu ids in <gpu_ids>
For standalone validation:
python3 --gpus <gpu_id> --folder <exp_batch> -vd <validation_dataset> --exp <exp_alias> --single-process validation --no-train
where <validation_dataset>
and the model checkpoints to be validated are specified in configs/<exp_batch>/<exp_alias>.yaml
For joint training and validation:
python3 --gpus <gpu_id> --folder <exp_batch> -vd <validation_dataset>
This results in a live terminal screen showing a running status of the on-going training or validation. To run standalone training and validation in this mode, remove --exp
and --single-process
flags while running
. For more details, refer to the COiLTRAiNE framework.
The model checkpoints to be evaluated are specified in configs/<exp_batch>/<exp_alias>.yaml
. For a list of evaluation suites with different environmental conditions, see drive/suites
Pretrained models:
We have provided pretrained models for CILRS+ and 3 iterations of DAgger+, DART and DA-RB+ (Table 1 and Fig. 2 of the main paper). To download the pretrained models, run:
For standalone evaluation:
python3 --gpus <gpu_id> --folder <exp_batch> -de <evaluation_suite> --exp <exp_alias> --single-process drive --no-train --docker <docker_image>
where <evaluation_suite>
is generally one of NocrashTraining_Town01
, NocrashNewWeather_Town01
, NocrashNewTown_Town02
and NocrashNewWeatherTown_Town02
. For evaluating an ensemble of models, refer to drive/
For joint training, validation and evaluation:
python3 --gpus <gpu_id> --folder <exp_batch> -vd <validation_dataset> -de <evaluation_suite> --docker <docker_image>
For generating GradCAM attention maps:
python3 coil_core/ --gpus <gpu_id> --dataset_path <path_to_data> --preload_name <npy_preload_file> --config <path_to_yaml_config_file> --checkpoint <model_checkpoint> --gradcam_path <path_to_save_gradcam_maps> --type <dir_name_to_save_gradcam_maps>