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2.1.1 Frontend: Open WebUI

av edited this page Feb 8, 2025 · 4 revisions

Handle: webui URL: http://localhost:33801

Demo GIF from official Open WebUI docs

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Extensible, self-hosted interface for AI that adapts to your workflow. Open WebUI provides plenty of features and QoL goodies for working with LLMs. Notably:

  • Model management - create model instances with pre-configured settings, chat with multiple models at once
  • Prompt library
  • Persistent chat history
  • Document RAG
  • Web RAG
  • Tools, Functions, Filters


webui is one of the default services in Harbor, so you don't need to specify anything special to start it.

# [Optional] Pre-pull the image
harbor pull webui

# Open WebUI is one of the default services,
# so you don't need to specify the handle explicitly
harbor up

# However, you can also start it explicitly
harbor up webui

See harbor defaults on managing default services.

See troubleshooting guide if you encounter any issues.


You can configure Open WebUI in three ways:

  • Via WebUI itself: changes are saved in the webui/config.json file, Harbor may override them on restart
    • Copy config changes to the webui/configs/config.override.json in order to persist them over Harbor's default config
  • Via environment variables: changes are applied after restarting the Harbor

Harbor CLI allows configuring following options:

# Override the WebUI image version
harbor webui version dev-cuda

# Override WebUI default name
harbor webui name "Jarvis"

# Specify custom secret for JWT tokens
harbor webui secret sk-203948

# Set to DEBUG for more visibility
harbor webui log DEBUG

Following options can be set via harbor config:

# The port on the host where WebUI will be available
WEBUI_HOST_PORT                33801

# Custom secret for JWT tokens
WEBUI_SECRET                   h@rb0r

# Name of the WebUI instance
WEBUI_NAME                     Harbor

# Log level for WebUI
WEBUI_LOG_LEVEL                INFO

# WebUI image version
WEBUI_VERSION                  main

# Docker image to use for the service
# You can switch to a custom build if needed

Additionally, all environment variables from the official example can be set according to Harbor's environment configuration guide.

# Example: set ENABLE_REALTIME_CHAT_SAVE env variable value
harbor env webui ENABLE_REALTIME_CHAT_SAVE false

# Example: get ENABLE_REALTIME_CHAT_SAVE env variable value
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