Power scheduling is an NP-hard optimization problem with high dimensionality, combinatorial nature, non-convex, non-smooth, and discontinuous properties together with multi-period multiple constraints.
- Two sequential tasks:
- Unit Commitment
- Load Dispatch:
- Economic Load Dispatch
- Environmental Load Dispatch
Power Scheduling aims to determine an optimal load dispatch schedule for simultaneously minimizing different conflicting objectives, particularly economic costs and environmental emissions.
is an open-source Python package developed for solving single- to tri-objective optimization in power scheduling problems. The package is built on a novel multi-agent simulation environment, where power-generating units are represented as agents. The agents are heterogeneous, each with multiple conflicting objectives. The scheduling dynamics are simulated using Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), which are used to train a deep reinforcement learning model for solving the optimization problem.
The general multi-objective function is formulated by combining different conflicting objectives via a hybrid approach that uses both weighting hyperparameters and unit-specific cost-to-emission conversion factors:
Economic Cost Functions:
Environmental Emission Functions:
Constraints | Specification |
Minimum and maximum power capacities: | |
Maximum ramp-down and ramp-up rates: |
Mininmum operating (online/offline) durations: |
Power supply and demand balance: | |
Minimum available reserve: |
The framework MARL manifests the form of state
Planning Horizon: The scheduling horizon is an hourly divided day.
Timestep/Period: Each hour of a day is considered a timestep.
Episode: One cycle of determination of unit commitments and load dispatches for a day.
Simulation Enviroment: Custom MARL simulation environment, structurally similar to OpenAI Gym.
Mono-objective to tri-objective scheduling problem (cost, CO2 and SO2).
Ramp rate constraints and valve point effects are taken into account.
Agents: The generating units are represented as multiple agents.
- The agents are heterogenous (different generating-unit-specific characteristics).
- Each agent has multiple conflicting objectives.
- The agents are cooperative type of RL agents:
Agents collaborate the satisfy the demand at each period/timestep.
Agents also strive to minimize the multi-objective function in the entire planning horizon.
State Space: Consists of timestep, minimum and maximum capacities, operating (online/offline) durations, demand to be satisfied.
Action Space: The commitment statuses (ON/OFF) of all agents.
Transition Function: The probability of making transition from current state to the next state (no specific formula).
The decisions of agents violating any constraint is automatically corrected by the environment.
The environment makes also adjustments for both excess and shortages of power supplies.
Reward function: Agents get a common reward which is the inverse of the average of the normalized value of all objectives.
The MOPS dynamics can be simulated as a 4-tuple
The MDPs are input for the deep RL model.
The deep RL model predicts decision (action) of agents.
The predicted agents' action is input for the transition function in the environment
The simulation environment can be installed using pip
pip install pymops
Or it can be cloned from GitHub repo and installed.
git clone https://github.com/awolseid/pymops.git
cd pymops
pip install .
import pymops
from pymops.environ import SimEnv
env = SimEnv(
supply_df = default_supply_df, # Units' profile dataframe
demand_df = default_demand_df, # Demands profile
SR = 0.0, # proportion of spinning reserve => [0, 1]
RR = "Yes", # Ramp rate => "yes" or (default "no" (=None))
VPE = None, # Valve point effects => "yes" or (default "no" (=None))
n_objs = None, # Objectives => "tri" for 3 or (default "bi" (=None) for bi-objective)
w = None, # Weight => [0, 1] for bi-objective, a list [0.2,0.3,0.5] for tri-objective
duplicates = None # Num of duplicates: duplicate units and adjust demands proportionally
initial_flat_state, initial_dict_state = env.reset()
flat_state, dict_state = env.get_current_state()
action_vec = np.array([1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0])
flat_next_state, reward, done, next_state_dict, dispatch_info = env.step(action_vec)
from pymops.define_dqn import DQNet
from pymops.madqn import DQNAgents
from pymops.replaymemory import ReplayMemory
from pymops.schedules import get_schedules
model_0 = DQNet(env, 64)
RL_agents = DQNAgents(
environ = env,
model = model_0,
epsilon_max = 1.0,
epsilon_min = 0.1,
epsilon_decay = 0.99,
lr = 0.001
memory = ReplayMemory(environ = env, buffer_size = 64)
training_results_df = RL_agents.train(memory = memory, batch_size = 64, num_episodes = 500)
cost, emis, CO2, SO2, schedules_df = get_schedules(environ = env, trained_agents = RL_agents)
Any questions, issues, suggestions, or collaboration opportunities can be reached at: awolseid@pukyong.ac.kr ; youngk@pknu.ac.kr.
Users should cite the following resources.
Code Ocean Reproducible Capsule: https://codeocean.com/capsule/0242917/tree:
- Ebrie, A.S.;, Kim, Y.J. (2023). pymops: A multi-agent reinforcement learning simulation environment for multi-objective optimization in power scheduling [Software Code]. https://doi.org/10.24433/CO.9235622.v1
**Article produced from the very first version of the package:
- Ebrie, A.S.; Paik, C.; Chung, Y.; Kim, Y.J. (2023). Environment-Friendly Power Scheduling Based on Deep Contextual Reinforcement Learning. Energies, 16, 5920. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16165920.