A list of popular github projects related to deep learning (ranked by stars).
Last Update: 2020.07.09
Project Name | Stars | Description |
tensorflow | 146k | An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone |
keras | 48.9k | Deep Learning for humans |
opencv | 46.1k | Open Source Computer Vision Library |
pytorch | 40k | Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration |
TensorFlow-Examples | 38.1k | TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners (support TF v1 & v2) |
tesseract | 35.3k | Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository) |
face_recognition | 35.2k | The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line |
faceswap | 31.4k | Deepfakes Software For All |
transformers | 30.4k | 🤗Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Pytorch and TensorFlow 2.0. |
100-Days-Of-ML-Code | 29.1k | 100 Days of ML Coding |
julia | 28.1k | The Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing. |
gold-miner | 26.6k | 🥇掘金翻译计划,可能是世界最大最好的英译中技术社区,最懂读者和译者的翻译平台: |
awesome-scalability | 26.6k | The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems |
basics | 24.5k | 📚 Learn ML with clean code, simplified math and illustrative visuals. |
bert | 23.9k | TensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT |
funNLP | 22.1k | (Machine Learning)NLP面试中常考到的知识点和代码实现、nlp4han:中文自然语言处理工具集(断句/分词/词性标注/组块/句法分析/语义分析/NER/N元语法/HMM/代词消解/情感分析/拼写检查、XLM:Face… |
xgboost | 19.4k | Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Flink and DataFlow |
Real-Time-Voice-Cloning | 18.4k | Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time |
d2l-zh | 17.9k | 《动手学深度学习》:面向中文读者、能运行、可讨论。英文版即伯克利“深度学习导论”教材。 |
openpose | 17.8k | OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation |
Coursera-ML-AndrewNg-Notes | 17.7k | 吴恩达老师的机器学习课程个人笔记 |
DeepFaceLab | 17.3k | DeepFaceLab is the leading software for creating deepfakes. |
pytorch-tutorial | 17.3k | PyTorch Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers |
Mask_RCNN | 17.2k | Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow |
spaCy | 16.8k | 💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python and Cython |
NLP-progress | 16.2k | Repository to track the progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP), including the datasets and the current state-of-the-art for the most common NLP tasks. |
100-Days-Of-ML-Code | 15.6k | 100-Days-Of-ML-Code中文版 |
cs-video-courses | 14.9k | List of Computer Science courses with video lectures. |
WaveFunctionCollapse | 14.7k | Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics. |
lectures | 14.7k | Oxford Deep NLP 2017 course |
reinforcement-learning | 14.7k | Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. Python, OpenAI Gym, Tensorflow. Exercises and Solutions to accom… |
pwc | 14.7k | Papers with code. Sorted by stars. Updated weekly. |
TensorFlow-Course | 14.6k | Simple and ready-to-use tutorials for TensorFlow |
DeepSpeech | 14.4k | A TensorFlow implementation of Baidu's DeepSpeech architecture |
pumpkin-book | 14k | 《机器学习》(西瓜书)公式推导解析,在线阅读地址:https://datawhalechina.github.io/pumpkin-book |
tfjs | 13.5k | A WebGL accelerated JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models. |
examples | 13.5k | A set of examples around pytorch in Vision, Text, Reinforcement Learning, etc. |
openface | 13.5k | Face recognition with deep neural networks. |
Qix | 13.3k | Machine Learning、Deep Learning、PostgreSQL、Distributed System、Node.Js、Golang |
spleeter | 12.7k | Deezer source separation library including pretrained models. |
Virgilio | 12.7k | Your new Mentor for Data Science E-Learning. |
nndl.github.io | 12.7k | 《神经网络与深度学习》 邱锡鹏著 Neural Network and Deep Learning |
Screenshot-to-code | 12.7k | A neural network that transforms a design mock-up into a static website. |
pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix | 12.4k | Image-to-Image Translation in PyTorch |
pytorch-handbook | 11.9k | pytorch handbook是一本开源的书籍,目标是帮助那些希望和使用PyTorch进行深度学习开发和研究的朋友快速入门,其中包含的Pytorch教程全部通过测试保证可以成功运行 |
gun | 11.9k | An open source cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data. |
Paddle | 11.8k | PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训… |
tensorflow-zh | 11.8k | 谷歌全新开源人工智能系统TensorFlow官方文档中文版 |
darknet | 11.4k | YOLOv4 - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet ) |
learnopencv | 11.4k | Learn OpenCV : C++ and Python Examples |
neural-networks-and-deep-learning | 11.3k | Code samples for my book "Neural Networks and Deep Learning" |
google-research | 11.2k | Google Research |
labelImg | 11.2k | 🖍️ LabelImg is a graphical image annotation tool and label object bounding boxes in images |
gensim | 11k | Topic Modelling for Humans |
pix2code | 10.9k | pix2code: Generating Code from a Graphical User Interface Screenshot |
facenet | 10.8k | Face recognition using Tensorflow |
DeOldify | 10.7k | A Deep Learning based project for colorizing and restoring old images (and video!) |
python-machine-learning-book | 10.7k | The "Python Machine Learning (1st edition)" book code repository and info resource |
stanford-cs-229-machine-learning | 10.6k | VIP cheatsheets for Stanford's CS 229 Machine Learning |
mmdetection | 10.5k | OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark |
face-api.js | 10.4k | JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js |
Awesome-pytorch-list | 10.4k | A comprehensive list of pytorch related content on github,such as different models,implementations,helper libraries,t… |
nsfw_data_scraper | 10.2k | Collection of scripts to aggregate image data for the purposes of training an NSFW Image Classifier |
convnetjs | 10k | Deep Learning in Javascript. Train Convolutional Neural Networks (or ordinary ones) in your browser. |
CycleGAN | 9.8k | Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more. |
streamlit | 9.8k | Streamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in Python |
DeepCreamPy | 9.7k | Decensoring Hentai with Deep Neural Networks |
stylegan | 9.7k | StyleGAN - Official TensorFlow Implementation |
Dive-into-DL-PyTorch | 9.6k | 本项目将《动手学深度学习》(Dive into Deep Learning)原书中的MXNet实现改为PyTorch实现。 |
stanford-tensorflow-tutorials | 9.6k | This repository contains code examples for the Stanford's course: TensorFlow for Deep Learning Research. |
horovod | 9.6k | Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet. |
Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-book | 9.4k | 深度学习入门开源书,基于TensorFlow 2.0案例实战。Open source Deep Learning book, based on TensorFlow 2.0 framework. |
neural-doodle | 9.4k | Turn your two-bit doodles into fine artworks with deep neural networks, generate seamless textures from photos, transfer style from one image to another, perform example-based upscaling, but wait... there's more! (An implementation of Semantic Style Transfer.) |
caire | 9.3k | Content aware image resize library |
fast-style-transfer | 9.2k | TensorFlow CNN for fast style transfer ⚡🖥🎨🖼 |
ncnn | 9.2k | ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform |
kubeflow | 9.1k | Machine Learning Toolkit for Kubernetes |
nltk | 9k | NLTK Source |
flair | 9k | A very simple framework for state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) |
ml-agents | 9k | Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit |
allennlp | 8.8k | An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch. |
botpress | 8.8k | 🤖 The Conversational Platform with built-in language understanding (NLU), beautiful graphical interface and Dialog Manager (DM). Easily create chatbots and AI-based virtual assistants. |
the-gan-zoo | 8.7k | A list of all named GANs! |
EffectiveTensorflow | 8.6k | TensorFlow tutorials and best practices. |
tfjs-core | 8.5k | WebGL-accelerated ML // linear algebra // automatic differentiation for JavaScript. |
fairseq | 8.4k | Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python. |
sonnet | 8.4k | TensorFlow-based neural network library |
mit-deep-learning-book-pdf | 8.3k | MIT Deep Learning Book in PDF format (complete and parts) by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville |
TensorFlow-Tutorials | 8.3k | TensorFlow Tutorials with YouTube Videos |
pytorch_geometric | 8.2k | Geometric Deep Learning Extension Library for PyTorch |
tutorials | 8.2k | 机器学习相关教程 |
fashion-mnist | 8k | A MNIST-like fashion product database. Benchmark 👉 |
bert-as-service | 7.9k | Mapping a variable-length sentence to a fixed-length vector using BERT model |
pix2pix | 7.8k | Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial nets |
mediapipe | 7.7k | MediaPipe is the simplest way for researchers and developers to build world-class ML solutions and applications for mobile, edge, cloud and the web. |
recommenders | 7.7k | Best Practices on Recommendation Systems |
mit-deep-learning | 7.7k | Tutorials, assignments, and competitions for MIT Deep Learning related courses. |
pytorch-book | 7.6k | PyTorch tutorials and fun projects including neural talk, neural style, poem writing, anime generation (《深度学习框架PyTorch:入门与实战》) |
Winds | 7.6k | A Beautiful Open Source RSS & Podcast App Powered by Getstream.io |
vid2vid | 7.4k | Pytorch implementation of our method for high-resolution (e.g. 2048x1024) photorealistic video-to-video translation. |
Learn_Machine_Learning_in_3_Months | 7.3k | This is the code for "Learn Machine Learning in 3 Months" by Siraj Raval on Youtube |
golearn | 7.3k | Machine Learning for Go |
Keras-GAN | 7.2k | Keras implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks. |
mlcourse.ai | 7k | Open Machine Learning Course |
faceai | 7k | 一款入门级的人脸、视频、文字检测以及识别的项目. |
pysc2 | 6.9k | StarCraft II Learning Environment |
pretrained-models.pytorch | 6.9k | Pretrained ConvNets for pytorch: NASNet, ResNeXt, ResNet, InceptionV4, InceptionResnetV2, Xception, DPN, etc. |
PyTorch-GAN | 6.7k | PyTorch implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks. |
vision | 6.7k | Datasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision |
nlp-tutorial | 6.6k | Natural Language Processing Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers |
bullet3 | 6.6k | Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, |
DCGAN-tensorflow | 6.6k | A tensorflow implementation of "Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks" |
tfjs-models | 6.5k | Pretrained models for TensorFlow.js |
abu | 6.5k | 阿布量化交易系统(股票,期权,期货,比特币,机器学习) 基于python的开源量化交易,量化投资架构 |
pytorch-lightning | 6.5k | The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researchers. Scale your models. Write less boilerplate |
tensorboardX | 6.4k | tensorboard for pytorch (and chainer, mxnet, numpy, ...) |
machine-learning-course | 6.4k | 💬 Machine Learning Course with Python: |
guess | 6.3k | 🔮 Libraries & tools for enabling Machine Learning driven user-experiences on the web |
pyro | 6.3k | Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch |
lab | 6.2k | A customisable 3D platform for agent-based AI research |
mml-book.github.io | 6.2k | Companion webpage to the book "Mathematics For Machine Learning" |
Interview | 6.2k | Interview = 简历指南 + LeetCode + Kaggle |
tensorlayer | 6.2k | Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Library for Scientists and Engineers 🔥 |
generative-models | 6.1k | Collection of generative models, e.g. GAN, VAE in Pytorch and Tensorflow. |
machine-learning-yearning-cn | 6.1k | Machine Learning Yearning 中文版 - 《机器学习训练秘籍》 - Andrew Ng 著 |
keras-yolo3 | 6k | A Keras implementation of YOLOv3 (Tensorflow backend) |
BossSensor | 5.9k | Hide screen when boss is approaching. |
tensorflow2_tutorials_chinese | 5.9k | tensorflow2中文教程,持续更新(当前版本:tensorflow2.0),tag: tensorflow 2.0 tutorials |
TensorFlow-Tutorials | 5.9k | Simple tutorials using Google's TensorFlow Framework |
argo | 5.9k | Argo Workflows: Get stuff done with Kubernetes. |
python-machine-learning-book-2nd-edition | 5.8k | The "Python Machine Learning (2nd edition)" book code repository and info resource |
dvc | 5.7k | 🦉Data Version Control |
EasyPR | 5.7k | An easy, flexible, and accurate plate recognition project for Chinese licenses in unconstrained situations. |
AdversarialNetsPapers | 5.6k | The classical paper list with code about generative adversarial nets |
tensorpack | 5.6k | A Neural Net Training Interface on TensorFlow, with focus on speed + flexibility |
photoprism | 5.6k | Personal Photo Management powered by Go and Google TensorFlow |
tensorflow_cookbook | 5.6k | Code for Tensorflow Machine Learning Cookbook |
albumentations | 5.6k | fast image augmentation library and easy to use wrapper around other libraries |
swift | 5.6k | Swift for TensorFlow |
darkflow | 5.6k | Translate darknet to tensorflow. Load trained weights, retrain/fine-tune using tensorflow, export constant graph def to mobile devices |
tensorflow_tutorials | 5.5k | From the basics to slightly more interesting applications of Tensorflow |
deep-learning-coursera | 5.5k | Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng on Coursera. |
transferlearning | 5.5k | Everything about Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation--迁移学习 |
ML-NLP | 5.5k | 此项目是机器学习(Machine Learning)、深度学习(Deep Learning)、NLP面试中常考到的知识点和代码实现,也是作为一个算法工程师必会的理论基础知识。 |
nmt | 5.5k | TensorFlow Neural Machine Translation Tutorial |
faster-rcnn.pytorch | 5.5k | A faster pytorch implementation of faster r-cnn |
UGATIT | 5.4k | Official Tensorflow implementation of U-GAT-IT: Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Inst… |
pandas-profiling | 5.4k | Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects |
deep-residual-networks | 5.4k | Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition |
xlnet | 5.3k | XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding |
leeml-notes | 5.2k | 李宏毅《机器学习》笔记,在线阅读地址:https://datawhalechina.github.io/leeml-notes |
wav2letter | 5.2k | Facebook AI Research's Automatic Speech Recognition Toolkit |
neural-style | 5.2k | Neural style in TensorFlow! 🎨 |
CVPR2020-Paper-Code-Interpretation | 5.2k | cvpr2020/cvpr2019/cvpr2018/cvpr2017 papers,极市团队整理 |
TensorFlow-2.x-Tutorials | 5.2k | TensorFlow 2.x version's Tutorials and Examples, including CNN, RNN, GAN, Auto-Encoders, FasterRCNN, GPT, BERT exampl… |
yolov3 | 5.2k | YOLOv3 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > iOS |
cnn-text-classification-tf | 5.2k | Convolutional Neural Network for Text Classification in Tensorflow |
seq2seq | 5.2k | A general-purpose encoder-decoder framework for Tensorflow |
chineseocr_lite | 5.1k | 超轻量级中文ocr,支持竖排文字识别, 支持ncnn推理 , dbnet(1.7M) + crnn(6.3M) + anglenet(1.5M) 总模型仅10M |
featuretools | 5k | An open source python library for automated feature engineering |
labelme | 5k | Image Polygonal Annotation with Python (polygon, rectangle, circle, line, point and image-level flag annotation). |
ImageAI | 5k | A python library built to empower developers to build applications and systems with self-contained Computer Vision capabilities |
nlp-recipes | 5k | Natural Language Processing Best Practices & Examples |
have-fun-with-machine-learning | 4.9k | An absolute beginner's guide to Machine Learning and Image Classification with Neural Networks |
eat_tensorflow2_in_30_days | 4.9k | Tensorflow2.0 🍎🍊 is delicious, just eat it! 😋😋 |
tensorflow-wavenet | 4.9k | A TensorFlow implementation of DeepMind's WaveNet paper |
PyTorch-Tutorial | 4.9k | Build your neural network easy and fast |
stylegan2 | 4.9k | StyleGAN2 - Official TensorFlow Implementation |
h2o-3 | 4.9k | Open Source Fast Scalable Machine Learning Platform For Smarter Applications: Deep Learning, Gradient Boosting & XGBo… |
awesome-machine-learning-on-source-code | 4.8k | Cool links & research papers related to Machine Learning applied to source code (MLonCode) |
Learning-to-See-in-the-Dark | 4.8k | Learning to See in the Dark. CVPR 2018 |
PyTorch-YOLOv3 | 4.8k | Minimal PyTorch implementation of YOLOv3 |
first-order-model | 4.8k | This repository contains the source code for the paper First Order Motion Model for Image Animation |
models | 4.8k | Pre-trained and Reproduced Deep Learning Models (『飞桨』官方模型库,包含多种学术前沿和工业场景验证的深度学习模型) |
smile | 4.8k | Statistical Machine Intelligence & Learning Engine |
keras-js | 4.7k | Run Keras models in the browser, with GPU support using WebGL |
carla | 4.7k | Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research. |
keras-rl | 4.7k | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras. |
useful-java-links | 4.7k | A list of useful Java frameworks, libraries, software and hello worlds examples |
Awesome-CoreML-Models | 4.7k | Largest list of models for Core ML (for iOS 11+) |
python-small-examples | 4.7k | 告别枯燥,致力于打造 Python 富有体系且实用的小例子、小案例。 |
gcn | 4.7k | Implementation of Graph Convolutional Networks in TensorFlow |
introduction_to_ml_with_python | 4.7k | Notebooks and code for the book "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python" |
stargan | 4.6k | StarGAN - Official PyTorch Implementation (CVPR 2018) |
pix2pixHD | 4.6k | Synthesizing and manipulating 2048x1024 images with conditional GANs |
Data-Science-Wiki | 4.6k | A wiki of DataScience, Statistics, Maths, R,Python, AI, Machine Learning, Automation, Devops Tools, Bash, Linux Tutor… |
MVision | 4.6k | 机器人视觉 移动机器人 VS-SLAM ORB-SLAM2 深度学习目标检测 yolov3 行为检测 opencv PCL 机器学习 无人驾驶 |
cleverhans | 4.6k | An adversarial example library for constructing attacks, building defenses, and benchmarking both |
vaex | 4.6k | Out-of-Core DataFrames for Python, ML, visualize and explore big tabular data at a billion rows per second 🚀 |
Grokking-Deep-Learning | 4.6k | this repository accompanies the book "Grokking Deep Learning" |
trax | 4.5k | Trax — Deep Learning with Clear Code and Speed |
graph_nets | 4.5k | Build Graph Nets in Tensorflow |
edward | 4.5k | A probabilistic programming language in TensorFlow. Deep generative models, variational inference. |
TensorFlow-World | 4.5k | 🌎 Simple and ready-to-use tutorials for TensorFlow |
imbalanced-learn | 4.5k | A Python Package to Tackle the Curse of Imbalanced Datasets in Machine Learning |
machine-learning-mindmap | 4.5k | A mindmap summarising Machine Learning concepts, from Data Analysis to Deep Learning. |
seq2seq-couplet | 4.5k | Play couplet with seq2seq model. 用深度学习对对联。 |
EfficientNet-PyTorch | 4.4k | A PyTorch implementation of EfficientNet |
TensorFlow-Book | 4.4k | Accompanying source code for Machine Learning with TensorFlow. Refer to the book for step-by-step explanations. |
stanza | 4.4k | Official Stanford NLP Python Library for Many Human Languages |
amazon-dsstne | 4.4k | Deep Scalable Sparse Tensor Network Engine (DSSTNE) is an Amazon developed library for building Deep Learning (DL) ma… |
cnn-explainer | 4.4k | Learning Convolutional Neural Networks with Interactive Visualization. |
Realtime_Multi-Person_Pose_Estimation | 4.4k | Code repo for realtime multi-person pose estimation in CVPR'17 (Oral) |
stanford-cs-230-deep-learning | 4.3k | VIP cheatsheets for Stanford's CS 230 Deep Learning |
Real-Time-Person-Removal | 4.3k | Removing people from complex backgrounds in real time using TensorFlow.js in the web browser |
OpenNMT-py | 4.3k | Open Source Neural Machine Translation in PyTorch |
tensorflow_practice | 4.3k | tensorflow实战练习,包括强化学习、推荐系统、nlp等 |
pytorch-cnn-visualizations | 4.2k | Pytorch implementation of convolutional neural network visualization techniques |
tensorspace | 4.2k | Neural network 3D visualization framework, build interactive and intuitive model in browsers, support pre-trained deep … |
DeepLearningExamples | 4.2k | Deep Learning Examples |
sketch-code | 4.2k | Keras model to generate HTML code from hand-drawn website mockups. Implements an image captioning architecture to dra… |
deeplearning-papernotes | 4.2k | Summaries and notes on Deep Learning research papers |
apex | 4.2k | A PyTorch Extension: Tools for easy mixed precision and distributed training in Pytorch |
AlphaPose | 4.1k | Real-Time and Accurate Multi-Person Pose Estimation&Tracking System |
attention-is-all-you-need-pytorch | 4.1k | A PyTorch implementation of the Transformer model in "Attention is All You Need". |
nmap | 4.1k | Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository. |
Machine-learning-learning-notes | 4.1k | 周志华《机器学习》又称西瓜书是一本较为全面的书籍,书中详细介绍了机器学习领域不同类型的算法(例如:监督学习、无监督学习、半监督学习、强化学习、集成降维、特征选择等),记录了本人在学习过程中的理解思路与扩展知识点,希望对新人阅读西瓜书有… |
serenata-de-amor | 4.1k | 🕵 Artificial Intelligence for social control of public administration |
practical-pytorch | 4.1k | DEPRECATED and not maintained - see official repo at https://github.com/pytorch/tutorials |
pytorch-image-models | 4.1k | PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights -- (SE)ResNet/ResNeXT, DPN, EfficientNet, MixNet, MobileNet-V3/V2, MNASNet, Single-Path NAS, FBNet, and more |
face-alignment | 4k | 🔥 2D and 3D Face alignment library build using pytorch |
learning-to-learn | 4k | Learning to Learn in TensorFlow |
machine-learning-notes | 4k | My continuously updated Machine Learning, Probabilistic Models and Deep Learning notes and demos (1500+ slides) 我不间断更… |
umap | 4k | Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection |
DeepLearningZeroToAll | 4k | TensorFlow Basic Tutorial Labs |
gluon-cv | 4k | Gluon CV Toolkit |
pipeline | 4k | PipelineAI Kubeflow Distribution |
snorkel | 4k | A system for quickly generating training data with weak supervision |
DIGITS | 4k | Deep Learning GPU Training System |
DenseNet | 4k | Densely Connected Convolutional Networks, In CVPR 2017 (Best Paper Award). |
awesome-project-ideas | 4k | Curated list of Machine Learning, NLP, Vision, Recommender Systems Project Ideas |
tutorials | 4k | PyTorch tutorials. |
Deep-Learning-21-Examples | 3.9k | 《21个项目玩转深度学习———基于TensorFlow的实践详解》配套代码 |
DeepLearningTutorials | 3.9k | Deep Learning Tutorial notes and code. See the wiki for more info. |
textgenrnn | 3.9k | Easily train your own text-generating neural network of any size and complexity on any text dataset with a few lines … |
lucid | 3.8k | A collection of infrastructure and tools for research in neural network interpretability. |
nsfwjs | 3.8k | NSFW detection on the client-side via TensorFlow.js |
ssd.pytorch | 3.8k | A PyTorch Implementation of Single Shot MultiBox Detector |
MachineLearning | 3.8k | Basic Machine Learning and Deep Learning |
Tensorflow-Tutorial | 3.8k | Tensorflow tutorial from basic to hard |
awesome-ml-for-cybersecurity | 3.8k | Machine Learning for Cyber Security |
daily-paper-computer-vision | 3.8k | 记录每天整理的计算机视觉/深度学习/机器学习相关方向的论文 |
SSD-Tensorflow | 3.8k | Single Shot MultiBox Detector in TensorFlow |
cvat | 3.8k | Powerful and efficient Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT) |
deep-learning-roadmap | 3.8k | 📡 All You Need to Know About Deep Learning - A kick-starter |
sqlflow | 3.8k | Brings SQL and AI together. |
mmf | 3.7k | A modular framework for vision & language multimodal research from Facebook AI Research (FAIR) |
tensorflow-docs | 3.7k | TensorFlow 最新官方文档中文版 |
iGAN | 3.7k | Interactive Image Generation via Generative Adversarial Networks |
CapsNet-Tensorflow | 3.7k | A Tensorflow implementation of CapsNet(Capsules Net) in paper Dynamic Routing Between Capsules |
Yet-Another-EfficientDet-Pytorch | 3.6k | The pytorch re-implement of the official efficientdet with SOTA performance in real time and pretrained weights. |
pytorch-examples | 3.6k | Simple examples to introduce PyTorch |
ML_for_Hackers | 3.6k | Code accompanying the book "Machine Learning for Hackers" |
docs | 3.6k | TensorFlow documentation |
tensorflow-generative-model-collections | 3.6k | Collection of generative models in Tensorflow |
DeepLearning.ai-Summary | 3.6k | This repository contains my personal notes and summaries on DeepLearning.ai specialization courses. I've enjoyed ever… |
BERT-pytorch | 3.6k | Google AI 2018 BERT pytorch implementation |
pwnagotchi | 3.5k | (⌐■_■) - Deep Reinforcement Learning instrumenting bettercap for WiFi pwning. |
HyperLPR | 3.5k | 基于深度学习高性能中文车牌识别 High Performance Chinese License Plate Recognition Framework. |
deep-learning | 3.5k | Repo for the Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundations program. |
TensorFlowOnSpark | 3.5k | TensorFlowOnSpark brings TensorFlow programs to Apache Spark clusters. |
BigDL | 3.5k | BigDL: Distributed Deep Learning Framework for Apache Spark |
AlgoWiki | 3.5k | Repository which contains links and resources on different topics of Computer Science. |
examples | 3.5k | TensorFlow examples |
tf-faster-rcnn | 3.4k | Tensorflow Faster RCNN for Object Detection |
tf-pose-estimation | 3.4k | Deep Pose Estimation implemented using Tensorflow with Custom Architectures for fast inference. |
awesome-machine-learning-cn | 3.4k | 机器学习资源大全中文版,包括机器学习领域的框架、库以及软件 |
metaflow | 3.4k | Build and manage real-life data science projects with ease. |
deep-reinforcement-learning | 3.3k | Repo for the Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree program |
semantic-segmentation-pytorch | 3.3k | Pytorch implementation for Semantic Segmentation/Scene Parsing on MIT ADE20K dataset |
gocv | 3.3k | Go package for computer vision using OpenCV 4 and beyond. |
d2l-pytorch | 3.3k | This project reproduces the book Dive Into Deep Learning (www.d2l.ai), adapting the code from MXNet into PyTorch. |
Chinese-BERT-wwm | 3.3k | Pre-Training with Whole Word Masking for Chinese BERT(中文BERT-wwm系列模型) |
SmartCropper | 3.3k | 🔥 A library for cropping image in a smart way that can identify the border and correct the cropped image. 智能图片裁剪框架。自动识别边框,手动调节选区,使用透视变换裁剪并矫正选区;适用于身份证,名片,文档等照片的裁剪。 |
PyTorchZeroToAll | 3.3k | Simple PyTorch Tutorials Zero to ALL! |
pyAudioAnalysis | 3.3k | Python Audio Analysis Library: Feature Extraction, Classification, Segmentation and Applications |
InterpretableMLBook | 3.3k | 《可解释的机器学习--黑盒模型可解释性理解指南》,该书为《Interpretable Machine Learning》中文版 |
snips-nlu | 3.3k | Snips Python library to extract meaning from text |
pyod | 3.3k | A Python Toolbox for Scalable Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection) |
DeepLearning | 3.2k | 深度学习入门教程, 优秀文章, Deep Learning Tutorial |
vespa | 3.2k | Vespa is an engine for low-latency computation over large data sets. |
deep-voice-conversion | 3.2k | Deep neural networks for voice conversion (voice style transfer) in Tensorflow |
lightfm | 3.2k | A Python implementation of LightFM, a hybrid recommendation algorithm. |
machine-learning | 3.2k | Content for Udacity's Machine Learning curriculum |
skflow | 3.2k | Simplified interface for TensorFlow (mimicking Scikit Learn) for Deep Learning |
Tensorflow-Project-Template | 3.2k | A best practice for tensorflow project template architecture. |
EasyOCR | 3.2k | Ready-to-use OCR with 40+ languages supported including Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai |
text-classification-cnn-rnn | 3.1k | CNN-RNN中文文本分类,基于TensorFlow |
MachineLearning_Python | 3.1k | 机器学习算法python实现 |
imagededup | 3.1k | 😎 Finding duplicate images made easy! |
MatchZoo | 3.1k | Facilitating the design, comparison and sharing of deep text matching models. |
transformer | 3.1k | A TensorFlow Implementation of the Transformer: Attention Is All You Need |
tensorflow_poems | 3.1k | 中文古诗自动作诗机器人,屌炸天,基于tensorflow1.10 api,正在积极维护升级中,快star,保持更新! |
Deep-Learning-Roadmap | 3.1k | 📡 Organized Resources for Deep Learning Researchers and Developers |
label-studio | 3.1k | Label Studio is a multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format |
ASRT_SpeechRecognition | 3.1k | A Deep-Learning-Based Chinese Speech Recognition System 基于深度学习的中文语音识别系统 |
benchmark_results | 3.1k | Visual Tracking Paper List |
Machine-Learning | 3k | ⚡机器学习实战(Python3):kNN、决策树、贝叶斯、逻辑回归、SVM、线性回归、树回归 |
yolact | 3k | A simple, fully convolutional model for real-time instance segmentation. |
trfl | 3k | TensorFlow Reinforcement Learning |
pytorch-cifar | 3k | 95.16% on CIFAR10 with PyTorch |
sacred | 3k | Sacred is a tool to help you configure, organize, log and reproduce experiments developed at IDSIA. |
yolov5 | 3k | YOLOv5 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > iOS |
Reinforcement-Learning | 3k | Learn Deep Reinforcement Learning in 60 days! Lectures & Code in Python. Reinforcement Learning + Deep Learning |
distiller | 3k | Neural Network Distiller by Intel AI Lab: a Python package for neural network compression research. https://nervanasy… |
FastMaskRCNN | 3k | Mask RCNN in TensorFlow |
probability | 3k | Probabilistic reasoning and statistical analysis in TensorFlow |
DeepVideoAnalytics | 2.9k | A distributed visual search and visual data analytics platform. |
tensorwatch | 2.9k | Debugging, monitoring and visualization for Python Machine Learning and Data Science |
darts | 2.9k | Differentiable architecture search for convolutional and recurrent networks |
computervision-recipes | 2.9k | Best Practices, code samples, and documentation for Computer Vision. |
text-detection-ctpn | 2.9k | text detection mainly based on ctpn model in tensorflow, id card detect, connectionist text proposal network |
tensorflow-windows-wheel | 2.9k | Tensorflow prebuilt binary for Windows |
tensorflow-yolov3 | 2.9k | 🔥 Pure tensorflow Implement of YOLOv3 with support to train your own dataset |
zhihu | 2.9k | This repo contains the source code in my personal column (https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/zhaoyeyu), implemented using Python 3.6. Including Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision projects, such as text generation, machine translation, deep convolution GAN and other actual combat code. |
BERT-BiLSTM-CRF-NER | 2.9k | Tensorflow solution of NER task Using BiLSTM-CRF model with Google BERT Fine-tuning And private Server services |
TensorFlowSharp | 2.9k | TensorFlow API for .NET languages |
ignite | 2.9k | High-level library to help with training and evaluating neural networks in PyTorch flexibly and transparently. |
tensorflow-tutorial | 2.9k | Example TensorFlow codes and Caicloud TensorFlow as a Service dev environment. |
100-Days-of-ML-Code-Chinese-Version | 2.9k | Chinese Translation for Machine Learning Infographics |
deep-learning-papers-translation | 2.9k | 深度学习论文翻译,包括分类论文,检测论文等 |
DMTK | 2.8k | Microsoft Distributed Machine Learning Toolkit |
caffe-tensorflow | 2.8k | Caffe models in TensorFlow |
libpostal | 2.8k | A C library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world. Powered by statistical NLP and open geo data. |
pigo | 2.8k | Pure Go face detection, pupil/eyes localization and facial landmark points detection library |
mindsdb | 2.8k | Machine Learning in one line of code |
Tensorflow-Cookbook | 2.8k | Simple Tensorflow Cookbook for easy-to-use |
easy-tensorflow | 2.8k | Simple and comprehensive tutorials in TensorFlow |
DeepLearning | 2.8k | Deep Learning (Python, C, C++, Java, Scala, Go) |
pytorch-yolo-v3 | 2.8k | A PyTorch implementation of the YOLO v3 object detection algorithm |
jukebox | 2.8k | Code for the paper "Jukebox: A Generative Model for Music" |
makegirlsmoe_web | 2.8k | Create Anime Characters with MakeGirlsMoe |
deep-learning-keras-tensorflow | 2.8k | Introduction to Deep Neural Networks with Keras and Tensorflow |
SiamMask | 2.7k | [CVPR2019] Fast Online Object Tracking and Segmentation: A Unifying Approach |
tencent-ml-images | 2.7k | Largest multi-label image database; ResNet-101 model; 80.73% top-1 acc on ImageNet |
DALI | 2.7k | A library containing both highly optimized building blocks and an execution engine for data pre-processing in deep le… |
shogun | 2.7k | Shōgun |
optuna | 2.7k | A hyperparameter optimization framework |
Automatic_Speech_Recognition | 2.7k | End-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition for Madarian and English in Tensorflow |
pytorch-semseg | 2.7k | Semantic Segmentation Architectures Implemented in PyTorch |
pygcn | 2.7k | Graph Convolutional Networks in PyTorch |
deep-learning-book | 2.7k | Repository for "Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Practical Guide with Applications in … |
pointnet | 2.7k | PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation |
CVPR2020-Code | 2.7k | CVPR 2020 论文开源项目合集 |
Detectron.pytorch | 2.7k | A pytorch implementation of Detectron. Both training from scratch and inferring directly from pretrained Detectron we… |
LSTM-Human-Activity-Recognition | 2.6k | Human Activity Recognition example using TensorFlow on smartphone sensors dataset and an LSTM RNN. Classifying the type of movement amongst six activity categories - Guillaume Chevalier |
neural-style-tf | 2.6k | TensorFlow (Python API) implementation of Neural Style |
Pytorch-UNet | 2.6k | PyTorch implementation of the U-Net for image semantic segmentation with high quality images |
kornia | 2.6k | Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library for PyTorch |
Ad-papers | 2.6k | Papers on Computational Advertising |
deep-high-resolution-net.pytorch | 2.6k | The project is an official implementation of our CVPR2019 paper "Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Hum… |
VoTT | 2.6k | Visual Object Tagging Tool: An electron app for building end to end Object Detection Models from Images and Videos. |
espnet | 2.6k | End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit |
ltp | 2.6k | Language Technology Platform |
Learn_Deep_Learning_in_6_Weeks | 2.6k | This is the Curriculum for "Learn Deep Learning in 6 Weeks" by Siraj Raval on Youtube |
keras-vis | 2.6k | Neural network visualization toolkit for keras |
onnxruntime | 2.6k | ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator |
3DDFA | 2.6k | The PyTorch improved version of TPAMI 2017 paper: Face Alignment in Full Pose Range: A 3D Total Solution. |
olivia | 2.6k | 💁♀️Your new best friend powered by an artificial neural network |
ai-deadlines | 2.6k | ⏰ AI conference deadline countdowns |
opencvsharp | 2.5k | .NET Framework wrapper for OpenCV |
telegram-list | 2.5k | List of telegram groups, channels & bots // Список интересных групп, каналов и ботов телеграма // Список чатов для программистов |
easy12306 | 2.5k | 使用机器学习算法完成对12306验证码的自动识别 |
rust | 2.5k | Rust language bindings for TensorFlow |
miles-deep | 2.5k | Deep Learning Porn Video Classifier/Editor with Caffe |
VisualDL | 2.5k | Deep Learning Visualization Toolkit(『飞桨』深度学习可视化工具 ) |
SinGAN | 2.5k | Official pytorch implementation of the paper: "SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model from a Single Natural Image" |
t81_558_deep_learning | 2.5k | Washington University (in St. Louis) Course T81-558: Applications of Deep Neural Networks |
training | 2.5k | 🐝 Custom Object Detection and Classification Training |
PocketFlow | 2.5k | An Automatic Model Compression (AutoMC) framework for developing smaller and faster AI applications. |
autogluon | 2.5k | AutoGluon: AutoML Toolkit for Deep Learning |
simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch | 2.5k | A simplified implemention of Faster R-CNN that replicate performance from origin paper |
MITIE | 2.5k | MITIE: library and tools for information extraction |
reinforcement-learning | 2.5k | Minimal and Clean Reinforcement Learning Examples |
ISLR-python | 2.4k | An Introduction to Statistical Learning (James, Witten, Hastie, Tibshirani, 2013): Python code |
EAST | 2.4k | A tensorflow implementation of EAST text detector |
DeepNLP-models-Pytorch | 2.4k | Pytorch implementations of various Deep NLP models in cs-224n(Stanford Univ) |
Machine-Learning-with-Python | 2.4k | Python code for common Machine Learning Algorithms |
stanford_dl_ex | 2.4k | Programming exercises for the Stanford Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial |
tensorflow-internals | 2.4k | It is open source ebook about TensorFlow kernel and implementation mechanism. |
DeepLearning | 2.4k | Python for《Deep Learning》,该书为《深度学习》(花书) 数学推导、原理剖析与源码级别代码实现 |
text | 2.4k | Data loaders and abstractions for text and NLP |
ALAE | 2.4k | [CVPR2020] Adversarial Latent Autoencoders |
pytorch-summary | 2.4k | Model summary in PyTorch similar to model.summary() in Keras |
pytorch-doc-zh | 2.4k | Pytorch 中文文档 |
Deep_reinforcement_learning_Course | 2.4k | Implementations from the free course Deep Reinforcement Learning with Tensorflow |
ML-Tutorial-Experiment | 2.4k | Coding the Machine Learning Tutorial for Learning to Learn |
pytorch-Deep-Learning | 2.4k | Deep Learning (with PyTorch) |
models | 2.4k | A collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art models in the ONNX format |
book | 2.4k | Deep Learning 101 with PaddlePaddle (『飞桨』深度学习框架入门教程) |
PyTorch_Tutorial | 2.4k | 《Pytorch模型训练实用教程》中配套代码 |
Dive-into-DL-TensorFlow2.0 | 2.4k | 本项目将《动手学深度学习》(Dive into Deep Learning)原书中的MXNet实现改为TensorFlow 2.0实现,项目已得到李沐老师的同意 |
Artificial-Intelligence-Deep-Learning-Machine-Learning-Tutorials | 2.4k | A comprehensive list of Deep Learning / Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tutorials - rapidly expanding in… |
segmentation_models | 2.4k | Segmentation models with pretrained backbones. Keras and TensorFlow Keras. |
Awesome-PyTorch-Chinese | 2.3k | 【干货】史上最全的PyTorch学习资源汇总 |
Flux.jl | 2.3k | Relax! Flux is the ML library that doesn't make you tensor |
weld | 2.3k | High-performance runtime for data analytics applications |
PyTorch-BigGraph | 2.3k | Generate embeddings from large-scale graph-structured data. |
byteps | 2.3k | A high performance and generic framework for distributed DNN training |
AI-Job-Notes | 2.3k | AI算法岗求职攻略(涵盖准备攻略、刷题指南、内推和AI公司清单等资料) |
luminoth | 2.3k | |
Alink | 2.3k | Alink is the Machine Learning algorithm platform based on Flink, developed by the PAI team of Alibaba computing platf… |
introtodeeplearning | 2.3k | Lab Materials for MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning |
TensorFlow-and-DeepLearning-Tutorial | 2.3k | A TensorFlow & Deep Learning online course I taught in 2016 |
srgan | 2.3k | Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network |
colorization | 2.3k | Automatic colorization using deep neural networks. "Colorful Image Colorization." In ECCV, 2016. |
OpenNMT | 2.3k | Open Source Neural Machine Translation in Torch (deprecated) |
Super-SloMo | 2.3k | PyTorch implementation of Super SloMo by Jiang et al. |
orange3 | 2.3k | 🍊 📊 💡 Orange: Interactive data analysis https://orange.biolab.si |
ENAS-pytorch | 2.3k | PyTorch implementation of "Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Parameters Sharing" |
3D-ResNets-PyTorch | 2.3k | 3D ResNets for Action Recognition (CVPR 2018) |
pomegranate | 2.3k | Fast, flexible and easy to use probabilistic modelling in Python. |
Faster-RCNN_TF | 2.3k | Faster-RCNN in Tensorflow |
datascience | 2.3k | Curated list of Python resources for data science. |
deep-learning-from-scratch | 2.3k | 『ゼロから作る Deep Learning』(O'Reilly Japan, 2016) |
covid-chestxray-dataset | 2.2k | We are building an open database of COVID-19 cases with chest X-ray or CT images. |
deepchem | 2.2k | Democratizing Deep-Learning for Drug Discovery, Quantum Chemistry, Materials Science and Biology |
awesome-learning-resources | 2.2k | 🔥 Awesome list of resources on Web Development. |
omniscidb | 2.2k | OmniSciDB (formerly MapD Core) |
tablesaw | 2.2k | Java dataframe and visualization library |
Semantic-Segmentation-Suite | 2.2k | Semantic Segmentation Suite in TensorFlow. Implement, train, and test new Semantic Segmentation models easily! |
FCOS | 2.2k | FCOS: Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection (ICCV'19) |
spotlight | 2.2k | Deep recommender models using PyTorch. |
datasets | 2.2k | TFDS is a collection of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow, Jax, ... |
Deep-Learning-for-Recommendation-Systems | 2.2k | This repository contains Deep Learning based articles , paper and repositories for Recommender Systems |
gluon-nlp | 2.1k | NLP made easy |
dowhy | 2.1k | DoWhy is a Python library for causal inference that supports explicit modeling and testing of causal assumptions. DoWhy is based on a unified language for causal inference, combining causal graphical models and potential outcomes frameworks. |
keras-attention-mechanism | 2.1k | Attention mechanism Implementation for Keras. |
Meta-Learning-Papers | 2.1k | Meta Learning / Learning to Learn / One Shot Learning / Few Shot Learning |
tacotron | 2.1k | A TensorFlow implementation of Google's Tacotron speech synthesis with pre-trained model (unofficial) |
machinelearninginaction | 2.1k | Source Code for the book: Machine Learning in Action published by Manning |
BuildingMachineLearningSystemsWithPython | 2.1k | Source Code for the book Building Machine Learning Systems with Python |
CHINESE-OCR | 2.1k | [python3.6] 运用tf实现自然场景文字检测,keras/pytorch实现ctpn+crnn+ctc实现不定长场景文字OCR识别 |
deepdetect | 2.1k | Deep Learning API and Server in C++11 support for Caffe, Caffe2, PyTorch,TensorRT, Dlib, NCNN, Tensorflow, XGBoost an… |
XLM | 2.1k | PyTorch original implementation of Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining. |
tensorflow-on-raspberry-pi | 2.1k | TensorFlow for Raspberry Pi |
decaNLP | 2.1k | The Natural Language Decathlon: A Multitask Challenge for NLP |
AlphaZero_Gomoku | 2.1k | An implementation of the AlphaZero algorithm for Gomoku (also called Gobang or Five in a Row) |
pytorch-beginner | 2.1k | pytorch tutorial for beginners |
tangent | 2.1k | Source-to-Source Debuggable Derivatives in Pure Python |
Person_reID_baseline_pytorch | 2.1k | A tiny, friendly, strong pytorch implement of person re-identification baseline. Tutorial 👉https://github.com/layumi/… |
mmlspark | 2k | Microsoft Machine Learning for Apache Spark |
FATE | 2k | An Industrial Level Federated Learning Framework |
text-to-image | 2k | Text to image synthesis using thought vectors |
pytorch-sentiment-analysis | 2k | Tutorials on getting started with PyTorch and TorchText for sentiment analysis. |
ELF | 2k | An End-To-End, Lightweight and Flexible Platform for Game Research |
catalyst | 2k | Accelerated DL R&D |
neuralcoref | 2k | ✨Fast Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks |
DeepRL-Agents | 2k | A set of Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents implemented in Tensorflow. |
RL-Adventure | 2k | Pytorch Implementation of DQN / DDQN / Prioritized replay/ noisy networks/ distributional values/ Rainbow/ hierarchic… |
fe4ml-zh | 2k | 📖 [译] 面向机器学习的特征工程 |
lingvo | 2k | Lingvo |
pytorch-generative-model-collections | 2k | Collection of generative models in Pytorch version. |
ResNeSt | 2k | ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks |
TensorFlow-Tutorials | 2k | 텐서플로우를 기초부터 응용까지 단계별로 연습할 수 있는 소스 코드를 제공합니다 |
MUNIT | 2k | Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation |
oneDNN | 2k | oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) |
deepvariant | 2k | DeepVariant is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural network to call genetic variants from next-generation DNA sequencing data. |
texar | 2k | Toolkit for Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Text Generation, in TensorFlow |
kaolin | 2k | A PyTorch Library for Accelerating 3D Deep Learning Research |
Clairvoyant | 2k | Software designed to identify and monitor social/historical cues for short term stock movement |
implicit | 2k | Fast Python Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets |
DeepRL | 2k | Modularized Implementation of Deep RL Algorithms in PyTorch |
lgo | 2k | Interactive Go programming with Jupyter |
kcws | 2k | Deep Learning Chinese Word Segment |
tensorflow-build-archived | 2k | TensorFlow binaries supporting AVX, FMA, SSE |
dm_control | 2k | DeepMind's software stack for physics-based simulation and Reinforcement Learning environments, using MuJoCo. |
gpytorch | 2k | A highly efficient and modular implementation of Gaussian Processes in PyTorch |
Neural-Photo-Editor | 1.9k | A simple interface for editing natural photos with generative neural networks. |
alpha-zero-general | 1.9k | A clean implementation based on AlphaZero for any game in any framework + tutorial + Othello/Gobang/TicTacToe/Connect4 |
tacotron2 | 1.9k | Tacotron 2 - PyTorch implementation with faster-than-realtime inference |
siamese-triplet | 1.9k | Siamese and triplet networks with online pair/triplet mining in PyTorch |
awesome-quant | 1.9k | 中国的Quant相关资源索引 |
image-super-resolution | 1.9k | 🔎 Super-scale your images and run experiments with Residual Dense and Adversarial Networks. |
generative_inpainting | 1.9k | DeepFill v1/v2 with Contextual Attention and Gated Convolution, CVPR 2018, and ICCV 2019 Oral |
code-of-learn-deep-learning-with-pytorch | 1.9k | This is code of book "Learn Deep Learning with PyTorch" |
gpt-2-simple | 1.9k | Python package to easily retrain OpenAI's GPT-2 text-generating model on new texts |
DeepInterests | 1.9k | 深度有趣 |
segmentation_models.pytorch | 1.9k | Segmentation models with pretrained backbones. PyTorch. |
human-pose-estimation.pytorch | 1.9k | The project is an official implement of our ECCV2018 paper "Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking(h… |
BigGAN-PyTorch | 1.9k | The author's officially unofficial PyTorch BigGAN implementation. |
pytorch-playground | 1.9k | Base pretrained models and datasets in pytorch (MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, STL10, AlexNet, VGG16, VGG19, ResNet, Inception, SqueezeNet) |
bertviz | 1.9k | Tool for visualizing attention in the Transformer model (BERT, GPT-2, Albert, XLNet, RoBERTa, CTRL, etc.) |
face.evoLVe.PyTorch | 1.9k | 🔥🔥High-Performance Face Recognition Library on PyTorch🔥🔥 |
Reco-papers | 1.8k | Classic papers and resources on recommendation |
coach | 1.8k | Reinforcement Learning Coach by Intel AI Lab enables easy experimentation with state of the art Reinforcement Learning algorithms |
sling | 1.8k | SLING - A natural language frame semantics parser |
pytorch-deeplab-xception | 1.8k | DeepLab v3+ model in PyTorch. Support different backbones. |
mmskeleton | 1.8k | A OpenMMLAB toolbox for human pose estimation, skeleton-based action recognition, and action synthesis. |
sru | 1.8k | Training RNNs as Fast as CNNs (https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.02755) |
pytorch-seq2seq | 1.8k | Tutorials on implementing a few sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models with PyTorch and TorchText. |
Deep-Learning-Interview-Book | 1.8k | 深度学习面试宝典(含数学、机器学习、深度学习、计算机视觉、自然语言处理和SLAM等方向) |
pai | 1.8k | Resource scheduling and cluster management for AI |
AI-Blocks | 1.8k | A powerful and intuitive WYSIWYG interface that allows anyone to create Machine Learning models! |
scikit-optimize | 1.8k | Sequential model-based optimization with a scipy.optimize interface |
sequence_tagging | 1.8k | Named Entity Recognition (LSTM + CRF) - Tensorflow |
zh-NER-TF | 1.8k | A very simple BiLSTM-CRF model for Chinese Named Entity Recognition 中文命名实体识别 (TensorFlow) |
donkeycar | 1.8k | Open source hardware and software platform to build a small scale self driving car. |
edge-connect | 1.8k | EdgeConnect: Structure Guided Image Inpainting using Edge Prediction, ICCV 2019 https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.00212 |
awd-lstm-lm | 1.7k | LSTM and QRNN Language Model Toolkit for PyTorch |
pytorch-kaldi | 1.7k | pytorch-kaldi is a project for developing state-of-the-art DNN/RNN hybrid speech recognition systems. The DNN part is managed by pytorch, while feature extraction, label computation, and decoding are performed with the kaldi toolkit. |
Bender | 1.7k | Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood. |
zi2zi | 1.7k | Learning Chinese Character style with conditional GAN |
automl-gs | 1.7k | Provide an input CSV and a target field to predict, generate a model + code to run it. |
stats | 1.7k | A well tested and comprehensive Golang statistics library package with no dependencies. |
ranking | 1.7k | Learning to Rank in TensorFlow |
mathAI | 1.7k | 一个拍照做题程序。输入一张包含数学计算题的图片,输出识别出的数学计算式以及计算结果。This is a mathematic expression recognition project. |
spark-ml-source-analysis | 1.7k | spark ml 算法原理剖析以及具体的源码实现分析 |
video-object-removal | 1.7k | Just draw a bounding box and you can remove the object you want to remove. |
datascience-pizza | 1.7k | 🍕 Repositório para juntar informações sobre materiais de estudo em análise de dados e áreas afins, empresas que trabalham com dados e dicionário de conceitos |
data-science-interviews | 1.7k | Data science interview questions and answers |
yolov3-tf2 | 1.7k | YoloV3 Implemented in Tensorflow 2.0 |
ComputeLibrary | 1.7k | The ARM Computer Vision and Machine Learning library is a set of functions optimised for both ARM CPUs and GPUs using SIMD technologies. |
tacotron | 1.7k | A TensorFlow Implementation of Tacotron: A Fully End-to-End Text-To-Speech Synthesis Model |
DeepLearn | 1.7k | Implementation of research papers on Deep Learning+ NLP+ CV in Python using Keras, Tensorflow and Scikit Learn. |
analytics-zoo | 1.7k | Distributed Tensorflow, Keras and PyTorch on Apache Spark/Flink & Ray |
PyTorch-NLP | 1.7k | Basic Utilities for PyTorch Natural Language Processing (NLP) |
captcha_break | 1.7k | 验证码识别 |
crnn | 1.7k | Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) for image-based sequence recognition. |
DeblurGAN | 1.7k | Image Deblurring using Generative Adversarial Networks |
robosat | 1.6k | Semantic segmentation on aerial and satellite imagery. Extracts features such as: buildings, parking lots, roads, water, clouds |
pointnet2 | 1.6k | PointNet++: Deep Hierarchical Feature Learning on Point Sets in a Metric Space |
AutonomousDrivingCookbook | 1.6k | Scenarios, tutorials and demos for Autonomous Driving |
imgclsmob | 1.6k | Sandbox for training convolutional networks for computer vision |
tf_unet | 1.6k | Generic U-Net Tensorflow implementation for image segmentation |
torchsample | 1.6k | High-Level Training, Data Augmentation, and Utilities for Pytorch |
nlp | 1.6k | 🤗nlp – Datasets and evaluation metrics for Natural Language Processing in NumPy, Pandas, PyTorch and TensorFlow |
hdbscan | 1.6k | A high performance implementation of HDBSCAN clustering. |
m2cgen | 1.6k | Transform ML models into a native code (Java, C, Python, Go, JavaScript, Visual Basic, C#, R, PowerShell, PHP, Dart, Haskell, Ruby) with zero dependencies |
fastNLP | 1.6k | fastNLP: A Modularized and Extensible NLP Framework. Currently still in incubation. |
keras-yolo2 | 1.6k | Easy training on custom dataset. Various backends (MobileNet and SqueezeNet) supported. A YOLO demo to detect raccoon run entirely in brower is accessible at https://git.io/vF7vI (not on Windows). |
Awesome-Chatbot | 1.6k | Awesome Chatbot Projects,Corpus,Papers,Tutorials.Chinese Chatbot =>: |
knockknock | 1.6k | 🚪✊Knock Knock: Get notified when your training ends with only two additional lines of code |
MTBook | 1.6k | 《机器翻译:统计建模与深度学习方法》肖桐 朱靖波 著 - Machine Translation: Statistical Modeling and Deep Learning Methods |
trains | 1.6k | TRAINS - Auto-Magical Experiment Manager & Version Control for AI - NOW WITH AUTO-MAGICAL DEVOPS! |
self-driving-car | 1.6k | Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree projects. |
cnn_captcha | 1.6k | use cnn recognize captcha by tensorflow. 本项目针对字符型图片验证码,使用tensorflow实现卷积神经网络,进行验证码识别。 |
XLearning | 1.6k | AI on Hadoop |
Tacotron-2 | 1.6k | DeepMind's Tacotron-2 Tensorflow implementation |
fast-wavenet | 1.6k | Speedy Wavenet generation using dynamic programming ⚡ |
spacy-course | 1.6k | 👩🏫 Advanced NLP with spaCy: A free online course |
gandissect | 1.6k | Pytorch-based tools for visualizing and understanding the neurons of a GAN. https://gandissect.csail.mit.edu/ |
NCRFpp | 1.6k | NCRF++, a Neural Sequence Labeling Toolkit. Easy use to any sequence labeling tasks (e.g. NER, POS, Segmentation). It includes character LSTM/CNN, word LSTM/CNN and softmax/CRF components. |
stargan-v2 | 1.6k | StarGAN v2 - Official PyTorch Implementation (CVPR 2020) |
tinyflow | 1.6k | Tutorial code on how to build your own Deep Learning System in 2k Lines |
UNIT | 1.6k | Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation |
ssd_keras | 1.6k | A Keras port of Single Shot MultiBox Detector |
cosin | 1.5k | 🌲 春松客服,多渠道智能客服系统,开源客服系统 |
foolbox | 1.5k | A Python toolbox to create adversarial examples that fool neural networks in PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX |
capsule-networks | 1.5k | A PyTorch implementation of the NIPS 2017 paper "Dynamic Routing Between Capsules". |
flogo | 1.5k | Project Flogo is an open source ecosystem of opinionated event-driven capabilities to simplify building efficient & modern serverless functions, microservices & edge apps. |
lip-reading-deeplearning | 1.5k | 🔓 Lip Reading - Cross Audio-Visual Recognition using 3D Architectures |
hummingbird | 1.5k | Hummingbird compiles trained ML models into tensor computation for faster inference. |
deep-rl-tensorflow | 1.5k | TensorFlow implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning papers |
practical-machine-learning-with-python | 1.5k | Master the essential skills needed to recognize and solve complex real-world problems with Machine Learning and Deep Learning by leveraging the highly popular Python Machine Learning Eco-system. |
NeuroNER | 1.5k | Named-entity recognition using neural networks. Easy-to-use and state-of-the-art results. |
wavenet_vocoder | 1.5k | WaveNet vocoder |
awesome-hand-pose-estimation | 1.5k | Awesome work on hand pose estimation/tracking |
mAP | 1.5k | mean Average Precision - This code evaluates the performance of your neural net for object recognition. |
agents | 1.5k | TF-Agents is a library for Reinforcement Learning in TensorFlow |
CADL | 1.5k | ARCHIVED: Contains historical course materials/Homework materials for the FREE MOOC course on "Creative Applications of Deep Learning w/ Tensorflow" #CADL |
tensorflow-DeepFM | 1.5k | Tensorflow implementation of DeepFM for CTR prediction. |
tensorflow-1.4-billion-password-analysis | 1.5k | Deep Learning model to analyze a large corpus of clear text passwords. |
DAT8 | 1.5k | General Assembly's 2015 Data Science course in Washington, DC |
NeMo | 1.5k | NeMo: a toolkit for conversational AI |
Machine-Learning-Flappy-Bird | 1.5k | Machine Learning for Flappy Bird using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm |
ml-visuals | 1.5k | Visuals contains figures and templates which you can reuse and customize to improve your scientific writing. |
GANimation | 1.5k | GANimation: Anatomically-aware Facial Animation from a Single Image (ECCV'18 Oral) [PyTorch] |
EagleEye | 1.5k | Stalk your Friends. Find their Instagram, FB and Twitter Profiles using Image Recognition and Reverse Image Search. |
PyTorch-Encoding | 1.5k | A PyTorch CV Toolkit |
spark | 1.5k | .NET for Apache® Spark™ makes Apache Spark™ easily accessible to .NET developers. |
quiver | 1.5k | Interactive convnet features visualization for Keras |
MachineLearning | 1.5k | 一些关于机器学习的学习资料与研究介绍 |
GAT | 1.5k | Graph Attention Networks (https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.10903) |
mt-dnn | 1.4k | Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks for Natural Language Understanding |
deep-neuroevolution | 1.4k | Deep Neuroevolution |
a-PyTorch-Tutorial-to-Object-Detection | 1.4k | SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector |
labelbox | 1.4k | Labelbox is the fastest way to annotate data to build and ship computer vision applications. |
openvino | 1.4k | OpenVINO™ Toolkit repository |
awesome-decision-tree-papers | 1.4k | A collection of research papers on decision, classification and regression trees with implementations. |
project_alias | 1.4k | Alias is a teachable “parasite” that is designed to give users more control over their smart assistants, both when it comes to customisation and privacy. Through a simple app the user can train Alias to react on a custom wake-word/sound, and once trained, Alias can take control over your home assistant by activating it for you. |
data-science-question-answer | 1.4k | A repo for data science related questions and answers |
photo2cartoon | 1.4k | 人像卡通化探索项目 (photo-to-cartoon translation project) |
video2x | 1.4k | A lossless video/GIF/image upscaler achieved with waifu2x, Anime4K, SRMD and RealSR. Started in Hack the Valley 2, 2018. |
Tengine | 1.4k | Tengine is a lite, high performance, modular inference engine for embedded device |
cuml | 1.4k | cuML - RAPIDS Machine Learning Library |
BentoML | 1.4k | Model Serving Made Easy |
GANotebooks | 1.4k | wgan, wgan2(improved, gp), infogan, and dcgan implementation in lasagne, keras, pytorch |
MobileNet | 1.4k | MobileNet build with Tensorflow |
CRAFT-pytorch | 1.4k | Official implementation of Character Region Awareness for Text Detection (CRAFT) |
mlr | 1.4k | Machine Learning in R |
monodepth2 | 1.4k | Monocular depth estimation from a single image |
TensorKart | 1.4k | self-driving MarioKart with TensorFlow |
keras-contrib | 1.4k | Keras community contributions |
stellargraph | 1.4k | StellarGraph - Machine Learning on Graphs |
GDLnotes | 1.4k | Google Deep Learning Notes(TensorFlow教程) |
pydensecrf | 1.4k | Python wrapper to Philipp Krähenbühl's dense (fully connected) CRFs with gaussian edge potentials. |
seldon-server | 1.4k | Machine Learning Platform and Recommendation Engine built on Kubernetes |
chainercv | 1.4k | ChainerCV: a Library for Deep Learning in Computer Vision |
tensorflow-nlp | 1.4k | Building blocks for NLP and Text Generation in TensorFlow 2.x / 1.x |
iOS_ML | 1.4k | List of Machine Learning, AI, NLP solutions for iOS. The most recent version of this article can be found on my blog. |
tfgo | 1.4k | Tensorflow + Go, the gopher way |
bi-att-flow | 1.4k | Bi-directional Attention Flow (BiDAF) network is a multi-stage hierarchical process that represents context at different levels of granularity and uses a bi-directional attention flow mechanism to achieve a query-aware context representation without early summarization. |
CoreML-in-ARKit | 1.4k | Simple project to detect objects and display 3D labels above them in AR. This serves as a basic Template for an ARKit project to use CoreML. |
lightning | 1.4k | Large-scale linear classification, regression and ranking in Python |
DeepFace | 1.4k | Face analysis mainly based on Caffe. At this time, face analysis tasks like detection, alignment and recognition have been done. |
torch2trt | 1.4k | An easy to use PyTorch to TensorRT converter |
deepvoice3_pytorch | 1.4k | PyTorch implementation of convolutional neural networks-based text-to-speech synthesis models |
sphereface | 1.4k | Implementation for <SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition> in CVPR'17. |
jeelizFaceFilter | 1.4k | Javascript/WebGL lightweight face tracking library designed for augmented reality webcam filters. Features : multiple faces detection, rotation, mouth opening. Various integration examples are provided (Three.js, Babylon.js, FaceSwap, Canvas2D, CSS3D...). |
kaggle-web-traffic | 1.4k | 1st place solution |
minimalRL | 1.4k | Implementations of basic RL algorithms with minimal lines of codes! (pytorch based) |
Machine-Learning-Notes | 1.4k | 周志华《机器学习》手推笔记 |
Gen.jl | 1.4k | A general-purpose probabilistic programming system with programmable inference |
faster_rcnn_pytorch | 1.4k | Faster RCNN with PyTorch |
sod | 1.4k | An Embedded Computer Vision & Machine Learning Library (CPU Optimized & IoT Capable) |
keras_to_tensorflow | 1.4k | General code to convert a trained keras model into an inference tensorflow model |
handtracking | 1.3k | Building a Real-time Hand-Detector using Neural Networks (SSD) on Tensorflow |
word-rnn-tensorflow | 1.3k | Multi-layer Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM, RNN) for word-level language models in Python using TensorFlow. |
TorchCraft | 1.3k | Connecting Torch to StarCraft |
AndroidTensorFlowMachineLearningExample | 1.3k | Android TensorFlow MachineLearning Example (Building TensorFlow for Android) |
magnitude | 1.3k | A fast, efficient universal vector embedding utility package. |
hackermath | 1.3k | Introduction to Statistics and Basics of Mathematics for Data Science - The Hacker's Way |
pytorch-grad-cam | 1.3k | PyTorch implementation of Grad-CAM |
grenade | 1.3k | Deep Learning in Haskell |
captcha_trainer | 1.3k | [验证码识别-训练] This project is based on CNN/ResNet/DenseNet+GRU/LSTM+CTC/CrossEntropy to realize verification code identification. This project is only for training the model. |
anago | 1.3k | Bidirectional LSTM-CRF and ELMo for Named-Entity Recognition, Part-of-Speech Tagging and so on. |
mne-python | 1.3k | MNE : Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Electroencephalography (EEG) in Python |
eos | 1.3k | A lightweight 3D Morphable Face Model fitting library in modern C++14 |
ngraph | 1.3k | nGraph - open source C++ library, compiler and runtime for Deep Learning |
NSFWDetector | 1.3k | A NSFW (aka porn) detector with CoreML |
open_nsfw_android | 1.3k | 🔥🔥🔥色情图片离线识别,基于TensorFlow实现。识别只需20ms,可断网测试,成功率99%,调用只要一行代码,从雅虎的开源项目open_nsfw移植,该模型文件可用于iOS、java、C++等平台 |
cs230-code-examples | 1.3k | Code examples in pyTorch and Tensorflow for CS230 |
pytorch-generative-adversarial-networks | 1.3k | A very simple generative adversarial network (GAN) in PyTorch |
forecasting | 1.3k | Time Series Forecasting Best Practices & Examples |
VIBE | 1.3k | Official implementation of CVPR2020 paper "VIBE: Video Inference for Human Body Pose and Shape Estimation" |
bulbea | 1.3k | 🐗 🐻 Deep Learning based Python Library for Stock Market Prediction and Modelling |
electra | 1.3k | ELECTRA: Pre-training Text Encoders as Discriminators Rather Than Generators |
scattertext | 1.3k | Beautiful visualizations of how language differs among document types. |
talos | 1.3k | Hyperparameter Optimization for TensorFlow, Keras and PyTorch |
practicalAI-cn | 1.3k | AI实战-practicalAI 中文版 |
impersonator | 1.3k | PyTorch implementation of our ICCV 2019 paper: Liquid Warping GAN: A Unified Framework for Human Motion Imitation, Appearance Transfer and Novel View Synthesis |
gluon-ts | 1.3k | Probabilistic time series modeling in Python |
dcgan-completion.tensorflow | 1.3k | Image Completion with Deep Learning in TensorFlow |
EfficientDet.Pytorch | 1.3k | Implementation EfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection in PyTorch |
NeuronBlocks | 1.3k | NLP DNN Toolkit - Building Your NLP DNN Models Like Playing Lego |
yolo2-pytorch | 1.3k | YOLOv2 in PyTorch |
EmojiIntelligence | 1.3k | Neural Network built in Apple Playground using Swift |
efficientnet | 1.3k | Implementation of EfficientNet model. Keras and TensorFlow Keras. |
YOLOv3_TensorFlow | 1.3k | Complete YOLO v3 TensorFlow implementation. Support training on your own dataset. |
TensorFlow.NET | 1.3k | .NET Standard bindings for Google's TensorFlow for developing, training and deploying Machine Learning models in C#. |
pytextrank | 1.3k | Python implementation of TextRank for phrase extraction and summarization of text documents |
infer | 1.3k | Infer.NET is a framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models |
uda | 1.3k | Unsupervised Data Augmentation (UDA) |
mmaction | 1.3k | An open-source toolbox for action understanding based on PyTorch |
spark-nlp | 1.3k | State of the Art Natural Language Processing |
pytorch-semantic-segmentation | 1.3k | PyTorch for Semantic Segmentation |
Deep-Learning-Boot-Camp | 1.2k | A community run, 5-day PyTorch Deep Learning Bootcamp |
pytorch-openai-transformer-lm | 1.2k | 🐥A PyTorch implementation of OpenAI's finetuned transformer language model with a script to import the weights pre-trained by OpenAI |
hiddenlayer | 1.2k | Neural network graphs and training metrics for PyTorch, Tensorflow, and Keras. |
PaddleHub | 1.2k | Toolkit for Pre-trained Model Application of PaddlePaddle(『飞桨』预训练模型应用工具 ) |
PhotographicImageSynthesis | 1.2k | Photographic Image Synthesis with Cascaded Refinement Networks |
alpr-unconstrained | 1.2k | License Plate Detection and Recognition in Unconstrained Scenarios |
Deep-Image-Analogy | 1.2k | The source code of 'Visual Attribute Transfer through Deep Image Analogy'. |
spektral | 1.2k | Graph Neural Networks with Keras and Tensorflow 2. |
DeepAA | 1.2k | make ASCII Art by Deep Learning |
vvedenie-mashinnoe-obuchenie | 1.2k | 📝 Подборка ресурсов по машинному обучению |
OpenSeq2Seq | 1.2k | Toolkit for efficient experimentation with Speech Recognition, Text2Speech and NLP |
Forge | 1.2k | A neural network toolkit for Metal |
keras-yolo3 | 1.2k | Training and Detecting Objects with YOLO3 |
NiftyNet | 1.2k | [unmaintained] An open-source convolutional neural networks platform for research in medical image analysis and image-guided therapy |
Awesome-TensorFlow-Chinese | 1.2k | Awesome-TensorFlow-Chinese,TensorFlow 中文资源精选,官方网站,安装教程,入门教程,视频教程,实战项目,学习路径。QQ群:167122861,公众号:磐创AI,微信群二维码:http://www.tensorflownews.com/ |
StudyBook | 1.2k | Study E-Book(ComputerVision DeepLearning MachineLearning Math NLP Python ReinforcementLearning) |
awesome-semantic-segmentation-pytorch | 1.2k | Semantic Segmentation on PyTorch (include FCN, PSPNet, Deeplabv3, Deeplabv3+, DANet, DenseASPP, BiSeNet, EncNet, DUNet, ICNet, ENet, OCNet, CCNet, PSANet, CGNet, ESPNet, LEDNet, DFANet) |
RFBNet | 1.2k | Receptive Field Block Net for Accurate and Fast Object Detection, ECCV 2018 |
GPflow | 1.2k | Gaussian processes in TensorFlow |
dlwpt-code | 1.2k | Code for the book Deep Learning with PyTorch by Eli Stevens, Luca Antiga, and Thomas Viehmann. |
dlcv_for_beginners | 1.2k | 《深度学习与计算机视觉》配套代码 |
Deep-Learning-with-PyTorch-Tutorials | 1.2k | 深度学习与PyTorch入门实战视频教程 配套源代码和PPT |
DLTK | 1.2k | Deep Learning Toolkit for Medical Image Analysis |
FCN.tensorflow | 1.2k | Tensorflow implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation (http://fcn.berkeleyvision.org) |
facenet-pytorch | 1.2k | Pretrained Pytorch face detection (MTCNN) and recognition (InceptionResnet) models |
h2o-tutorials | 1.2k | Tutorials and training material for the H2O Machine Learning Platform |
nlp-journey | 1.2k | Documents, papers and codes related to Natural Language Processing, including Topic Model, Word Embedding, Named Entity Recognition, Text Classificatin, Text Generation, Text Similarity, Machine Translation),etc. All codes are implemented intensorflow 2.0. |
object_detector_app | 1.2k | Real-Time Object Recognition App with Tensorflow and OpenCV |
tnt | 1.2k | Simple tools for logging and visualizing, loading and training |
tensorflow-deeplab-resnet | 1.2k | DeepLab-ResNet rebuilt in TensorFlow |
reproducible-image-denoising-state-of-the-art | 1.2k | Collection of popular and reproducible image denoising works. |
senet.pytorch | 1.2k | PyTorch implementation of SENet |
pytorch-seq2seq | 1.2k | An open source framework for seq2seq models in PyTorch. |
efficient_densenet_pytorch | 1.2k | A memory-efficient implementation of DenseNets |
pytorch-retinanet | 1.2k | Pytorch implementation of RetinaNet object detection. |
cakechat | 1.2k | CakeChat: Emotional Generative Dialog System |
pytorch-fcn | 1.2k | PyTorch Implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks. (Training code to reproduce the original result is available.) |
python-machine-learning-book-3rd-edition | 1.2k | The "Python Machine Learning (3rd edition)" book code repository |
tf-quant-finance | 1.2k | High-performance TensorFlow library for quantitative finance. |
gnes | 1.1k | GNES is Generic Neural Elastic Search, a cloud-native semantic search system based on deep neural network. |
Image-OutPainting | 1.1k | 🏖 Keras Implementation of Painting outside the box |
Fabrik | 1.1k | 🏭 Collaboratively build, visualize, and design neural nets in browser |
attention-transfer | 1.1k | Improving Convolutional Networks via Attention Transfer (ICLR 2017) |
pytorch-cifar100 | 1.1k | Practice on cifar100(ResNet, DenseNet, VGG, GoogleNet, InceptionV3, InceptionV4, Inception-ResNetv2, Xception, Resnet In Resnet, ResNext,ShuffleNet, ShuffleNetv2, MobileNet, MobileNetv2, SqueezeNet, NasNet, Residual Attention Network, SENet) |
MONAI | 1.1k | AI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging |
tensorrec | 1.1k | A TensorFlow recommendation algorithm and framework in Python. |
mleap | 1.1k | MLeap: Deploy Spark Pipelines to Production |
noreward-rl | 1.1k | [ICML 2017] TensorFlow code for Curiosity-driven Exploration for Deep Reinforcement Learning |
PyTorchNLPBook | 1.1k | Code and data accompanying Natural Language Processing with PyTorch published by O'Reilly Media https://nlproc.info |
mtcnn | 1.1k | MTCNN face detection implementation for TensorFlow, as a PIP package. |
WaveRNN | 1.1k | WaveRNN Vocoder + TTS |
UNet-family | 1.1k | Paper and implementation of UNet-related model. |
Awesome-pytorch-list-CNVersion | 1.1k | Awesome-pytorch-list 翻译工作进行中...... |
tensorflow-fcn | 1.1k | An Implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks in Tensorflow. |
BicycleGAN | 1.1k | Toward Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation |
TensorFlow2.0-Examples | 1.1k | 🙄 Difficult algorithm, simple code. |
fast-autoaugment | 1.1k | Official Implementation of 'Fast AutoAugment' in PyTorch. |
fastai_deeplearn_part1 | 1.1k | Notes for Fastai Deep Learning Course |
HyperGAN | 1.1k | Composable GAN framework with api and user interface |
home | 1.1k | ApacheCN 开源组织:公告、介绍、成员、活动、交流方式 |
tfx | 1.1k | TFX is an end-to-end platform for deploying production ML pipelines |
handwriting-synthesis | 1.1k | Handwriting Synthesis with RNNs ✏️ |
image-quality-assessment | 1.1k | Convolutional Neural Networks to predict the aesthetic and technical quality of images. |
PerceptualSimilarity | 1.1k | Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity (LPIPS) metric. In CVPR, 2018. |
lanenet-lane-detection | 1.1k | Unofficial implemention of lanenet model for real time lane detection using deep neural network model https://maybeshewill-cv.github.io/lanenet-lane-detection/ |
uTensor | 1.1k | TinyML AI inference library |
torchgan | 1.1k | Research Framework for easy and efficient training of GANs based on Pytorch |
merlin | 1.1k | This is now the official location of the Merlin project. |
CLUE | 1k | 中文语言理解基准测评 Chinese Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark: datasets, baselines, pre-trained models, corpus and leaderboard |
tfjs-node | 1k | TensorFlow powered JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models on Node.js. |
CycleGAN-TensorFlow | 1k | An implementation of CycleGan using TensorFlow |
EffectivePyTorch | 1k | PyTorch tutorials and best practices. |
hercules | 1k | Gaining advanced insights from Git repository history. |
AdvancedEAST | 1k | AdvancedEAST is an algorithm used for Scene image text detect, which is primarily based on EAST, and the significant improvement was also made, which make long text predictions more accurate. |
one-pixel-attack-keras | 1k | Keras implementation of "One pixel attack for fooling deep neural networks" using differential evolution on Cifar10 and ImageNet |
CRNN_Chinese_Characters_Rec | 1k | (CRNN) Chinese Characters Recognition. |
hmtl | 1k | 🌊HMTL: Hierarchical Multi-Task Learning - A State-of-the-Art neural network model for several NLP tasks based on PyTorch and AllenNLP |
rethinking-network-pruning | 1k | Rethinking the Value of Network Pruning (Pytorch) (ICLR 2019) |
pytorch-classification | 1k | Classification with PyTorch. |
a-PyTorch-Tutorial-to-Image-Captioning | 1k | Show, Attend, and Tell |
reformer-pytorch | 1k | Reformer, the efficient Transformer, in Pytorch |
pytorch-YOLOv4 | 1k | PyTorch ,ONNX and TensorRT implementation of YOLOv4 |
FaceMaskDetection | 1k | 开源人脸口罩检测模型和数据 Detect faces and determine whether people are wearing mask. |
gen-efficientnet-pytorch | 1k | Pretrained EfficientNet, EfficientNet-Lite, MixNet, MobileNetV3 / V2, MNASNet A1 and B1, FBNet, Single-Path NAS |
open-reid | 1k | Open source person re-identification library in python |
wgan-gp | 1k | A pytorch implementation of Paper "Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs" |