Phalcon Elastic Search package to index / query model with relationship easily
"elasticsearch/elasticsearch": "~2.0@beta"
"baka/database": "dev-master"
"phalcon/incubator": "~3.0","
Add elastic configuration to config.php
'namespace' => [
'controller' => 'Project\Controllers',
'models' => 'Project\Models',
'elasticSearch' => [
'hosts' => [getenv('ELASTIC_HOST')], //change to pass array
add queue to DI
$di->set('queue', function () use ($config) {
//Connect to the queue
$queue = new Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk\Extended([
'host' => $config->beanstalk->host,
'prefix' => $config->beanstalk->prefix,
return $queue;
To create a Index in Elastic search first you will need to configure a CLI project and extend it from IndexTasksBuilder
, after doing that just run the following command
php cli/app.php IndexBuilder createIndex ModelName 3
Where 4
is the normal of levels you want the relationships to index for example
Level 1
Class A
- Relation BelongsTo Class B
Level 2
Class A
- Relation BelongsTo Class B
- - Class B
- - - Relation HasMany Class C
Level 3
Class A
- Relation BelongsTo Class B
- - Class B
- - - Relation HasMany Class C
- - - - Class C
- - - - - Relation HasMany Class D
We can ignore a relationship if we specify on the options 'elasticSearch' => false
I wont recommend going beyond 4 levels if it not neede, it will use a lot of space.
If you get a error related to nestedLimit
, you can use a 4th param to specify the amount the index limit
php cli/app.php IndexBuilder createIndex ModelName 3 100
Now that you created a Index we need to index the data, for that your model will need to extend from \Baka\Elasticsearch\Model
. After every update | save we will send the information to a queue where the process will insert or update the info in elastic
class Users extends \Baka\Elasticsearch\Model
php cli/app.php IndexBuilder queue ModelName
php cli/app.php IndexBuilder queue Users
In order to simply searching en elastic search with elastic you most install this extension
Now your search controller must use our trait
* Search controller
class SearchController extends BaseController
use \Baka\Elasticsearch\SearchTrait
And Follow the same query structure has Baka Http|asc&q=(is_deleted:0,relationship.type_id:1)&fields=id,first_name,last_name,,
codecept run