provides a text tree view of nesting nodes with properties.
Building tree data structure easily, and you can add Icon, Tag and Description properties on each node.
This is example code of examples/01/main.go
in this repository.
package main
import (
pt "github.com/bayashi/go-proptree"
func main() {
tree := pt.Node("Root").Icon("*").Tag("tag")
child := pt.Node("Child A").
Description("This is a description about Child.").
Description("You can set multiple lines.")
Append(pt.Node("Child B").Description("This is a description about Child B."))
It renders:
$ go run examples/01/main.go
┌* Root: tag
├─┬ Child A
│ │ This is a description about Child.
│ │ You can set multiple lines.
│ └──@ Grandchild
└── Child B
This is a description about Child B.
Another tree from render_example_test.go
┌ Version History
│ This is version history of Fake Software.
│ Life is full of ups and downs.
└─┬ 1.0
├─┬ 1.1
│ ├──! 1.1.1
│ └──* 1.1.2
├─┬ 1.2
│ └──* 1.2.1
├─┬ 1.3
│ │ Implemented GUI from this version.
│ ├── 1.3.1
│ ├─┬ 1.3.2
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──*
│ └── 1.3.3: Stable
├──! 1.4
└──* 1.5: Newest
You can add color to each node like below. See examples/02/main.go
go get github.com/bayashi/go-proptree
MIT License
Dai Okabayashi: https://github.com/bayashi
Most of the logic was copied from https://github.com/plouc/textree