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Efficiently proxy sqlite tables and access data as typical array of objects. Powered by better-sqlite3🔋

npm Package Version


  • Type safety support for each table
  • support common types of table
    • with schema (e.g. id, user_id, title, content)
    • with json (e.g. id, value)
  • auto run sqlite statements, supports:
    • create table (only for key-value proxy)
    • select
    • insert
    • update
    • delete
  • auto resolve reference row from foreign key into nested objects like ref-db
  • auto convert column values into sqlite3 format
    • convert true/false to 1/0
    • convert Date instance to GMT timestamp
    • support searching null / not null columns
  • extra helper functions:
    • toSqliteTimestamp (date): string
    • fromSqliteTimestamp (string_or_date): Date
    • seedRow (table, filter, extra?): number
    • upsert (table, key, date)
    • getId (table, key, value)

Array Operations Mapping

Array Operation Mapped SQL Operation
array.push(...object) insert
array[id] = object insert or update
update(array, id, partial) update
find(array, filter) select where filter limit 1
filter(array, filter) select where filter
pick(array, columns, filter?) select columns where filter
count(array, filter) select count where filter
delete array[id] delete where id
del(array, filter) delete where filter
array.length = length delete where id > length
array.slice(start, end) select where id >= start and id < end

for-of loop, array.forEach(fn), array.filter(fn) and are also supported, they will receive proxy-ed rows.

Tips: You can use for-of loop instead of array.forEach(fn) if you may terminate the loop early

Tips: You can use filter(partial) instead of array.filter(fn) for better performance

Tips: You can use pick(array, columns, filter?) instead of for better performance

Tips: You can use update(array, id, partial) instead of Object.assign(row, partial) to update multiple columns in batch

Pro Tips: If you need complex query that can be expressed in sql, use prepared statement will have fastest runtime performance.

Lazy Evaluation

The results from mapped operations are proxy-ed object identified by id. Getting the properties on the object will trigger select on corresponding column, and setting the properties will trigger update on corresponding column.

Usage Example

Remark: @beenotung/better-sqlite3-helper is a fork of better-sqlite3-helper. It updates the dependency on better-sqlite3 to v8+ which includes arm64 prebuilds for macOS.

Proxy Relational Tables (click to expand)

More Examples in schema-proxy.spec.ts

import DB from '@beenotung/better-sqlite3-helper'
import { proxySchema, unProxy, find, filter } from 'better-sqlite3-proxy'

let db = DB({
  path: 'dev.sqlite3',
  migrate: {
    migrations: [
      /* sql */ `
-- Up
create table if not exists user (
  id integer primary key
, username text not null unique
-- Down
drop table user;
      /* sql */ `
-- Up
create table if not exists post (
  id integer primary key
, user_id integer not null references user (id)
, content text not null
, created_at timestamp not null default current_timestamp
-- Down
drop table post;

type DBProxy = {
  user: User[]
  post: Post[]
type User = {
  id?: number
  username: string
type Post = {
  id?: number
  user_id: number
  content: string
  created_at?: string
  author?: User

let proxy = proxySchema<DBProxy>(db, {
  user: ['id', 'username'], // specify columns explicitly or leave it empty to auto-scan from create-table schema
  post: [
    ['author', { field: 'user_id', table: 'user' }], // link up reference fields

// insert record
proxy.user[1] = { username: 'alice' }
proxy.user.push({ username: 'Bob' }){ user_id: 1, content: 'Hello World' })

// select a specific column
console.log(proxy.user[1].username) // 'alice'

// select a specific column from reference table
console.log([1].author?.username) // 'alice'

// select all columns of a record
console.log(unProxy([1])) // { id: 1, user_id: 1, content: 'Hello World', created_at: '2022-04-21 23:30:00'}

// update a specific column
proxy.user[1].username = 'Alice'

// update multiple columns[1] = {
  content: 'Hello SQLite',
  created_at: '2022-04-22 08:30:00',
} as Partial<Post> as Post

// find by columns
console.log(find(proxy.user, { username: 'Alice' })?.id) // 1

// filter by columns
console.log(filter(, { user_id: 1 })[0].content) // 'Hello SQLite

// delete record
delete proxy.user[2]
console.log(proxy.user.length) // 1

// truncate table = 0
console.log( // 0
Proxy Key-Value Records (click to expand)

More Examples in key-value.spec.ts

import DB from '@beenotung/better-sqlite3-helper'
import { proxyKeyValue, find, filter } from 'better-sqlite3-proxy'

export let db = DB({
  path: 'dev.sqlite3',
  migrate: false,

type DBProxy = {
  users: {
    id: number
    username: string

let proxy = proxyKeyValue<DBProxy>(db)

// auto create users table, then insert record
proxy.users[1] = { id: 1, username: 'alice' }
proxy.users.push({ id: 2, username: 'Bob' })

// select from users table
console.log(proxy.users[1]) // { id: 1, username: 'alice' }

// update users table
proxy.users[1] = { id: 1, username: 'Alice' }
console.log(proxy.users[1]) // { id:1, username: 'Alice' }

// find by columns
console.log(find(proxy.users, { username: 'Alice' })?.id) // 1

// filter by columns
console.log(filter(proxy.users, { username: 'Bob' })[0].id) // 2

// delete record
delete proxy.users[2]
console.log(proxy.users.length) // 1

// truncate table
proxy.users.length = 0
console.log(proxy.users.length) // 0


This project is licensed with BSD-2-Clause

This is free, libre, and open-source software. It comes down to four essential freedoms [ref]:

  • The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose
  • The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish
  • The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others
  • The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others