# clone this repo
# --depth 1 removes all but one .git commit history
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/behdad088/BookStore.git
# change directory to this repo
go to BookStore directory, then run the book.sln file and run the Web API application
**Make sure you have Node version >= 4.0 and NPM >= 3**
> Clone/Download the repo then edit `app.ts` inside [`/src/app/app.ts`](/src/app/app.ts)
# change directory to this repo
cd bookStore.Client
# add required global libraries
npm install typings webpack-dev-server rimraf webpack -g
# install the repo with npm
npm install
# start the server
npm start
# use Hot Module Replacement
npm run server:dev:hmr
Note: Url to frontend application is http://localhost:3000