A small program to periodically fetch a user's TETR.IO games. Game stats are saved to a database. This program is for personal use and will only support fetching stats for a single user. I use this data to track my performance over time.
- Clone this repository
$ git clone git@github.com:benjaminheng/tetrio-metrics.git
- Install the golang-migrate CLI tool
$ go install -tags 'sqlite3' github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/v4/cmd/migrate@latest
- Initialize the sqlite3 database
$ make migrate-up
- Initialize the configuration file
$ cp config.toml.example config.toml $ vim config.toml # update `TetrioUsername` to your username
- Install tetrio-metrics
$ make install
- Run tetrio-metrics
$ tetrio-metrics