Needing that dynamic tunnel rush? Need some of that pure service over ssh? Ain't got time for that nerdy "kOmMaNd lInE? Then you need this ChadTunnel!!!
Seriously though, what does it do? It simplifies all the ssh commands that are hard to remember, specifically:
- Dynamic tunnels to proxy traffic through a host (and optionally a jumpbox)
- Forward ports from a remote service to a host (and optionally a jumpbox)
- Set up a SSH session that will traverse through a jump box
go install
Or download and run the pre-compiled binaries.
go run main.go
Binaries are provided for Windows but untested...
😝 Bennett Warner
- Twitter: @b_e_n
- Github: @bennettwarner
😡 Zach Lawson
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
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