Parametric and nonparametric neighbor embeddings suitable for data visualization with various contrastive losses.
- From t-SNE to UMAP with contrastive learning, ICLR 2023
Sebastian Damrich, Niklas Böhm, Fred A Hamprecht, Dmitry Kobak
title={From $t$-{SNE} to {UMAP} with contrastive learning},
author={Damrich, Sebastian and B{\"o}hm, Jan Niklas and Hamprecht, Fred A and Kobak, Dmitry},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},
This repository provides our PyTorch library. The code that implements the specific analysis presented in the paper is available at
This repository allows to use several different losses, training modes, devices, and distance measures. It (re-)implements the UMAP loss1, the negative sampling loss (NEG)2, noise-contrastive estimation loss (NCE)3, and InfoNCE loss4 in PyTorch. All of these losses can be combined with embedding similarities either based on the Cauchy distribution (default) or on the cosine distance. The embedding positions can either be optimized directly (non-parametric mode) or a neural network can be trained to map data to embedding positions (parametric mode). Our pure PyTorch implementation can run seamlessly on CPU or GPU.
As a result, this library re-implements several existing contrastive methods, alongside many new ones. The most important ones are summarized the table below.
Loss | Non-parametric | Parametric |
UMAP1 | UMAP1 | Parametric UMAP5 |
NEG2 | Neg-t-SNE (new) | Parametric Neg-t-SNE (new) |
NCE3 | NCVis6 | Parametric NCVis (new) |
InfoNCE4 | InfoNC-t-SNE (new) | Parametric InfoNC-t-SNE (new) |
The repository can also be used to run SimCLR7 experiments, by using the InfoNCE loss. The main class
allows to change the similarity measure to the exponential of a temperature-scaled cosine
similarity (metric="cosine"
). Its forward
method accepts a dataloader. If the dataloader implements data augmentation,
one obtains SimCLR.
Pip installation:
pip install contrastive-ne
To install from source, clone this repository
git clone
cd contrastive-ne
pip install .
This installs all dependecies and allows the code to be run.
Note that pytorch with GPU support can be a bit tricky to install as a
dependency, so if it is not installed already, it might make
sense to consult the pytorch website to install
it with CUDA support prior to the installation of contrastive-ne
The most basic usage is via the CNE
class. Here are some Hello World examples using the MNIST dataset.
import cne
import torchvision
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# load MNIST
mnist_train = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(train=True,
x_train, y_train =, mnist_train.targets
mnist_test = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(train=False,
x_test, y_test =, mnist_test.targets
x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], -1)
x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], -1)
x = np.concatenate([x_train, x_test], axis=0)
y = np.concatenate([y_train, y_test], axis=0)
By default, CNE
uses the InfoNCE loss and thus approximates negative_samples=500
to get a better approximation, see also below):
# default CNE (using the InfoNCE loss)
embedder = cne.CNE()
embd = embedder.fit_transform(x)
plt.scatter(*embd.T, c=y, alpha=0.5, s=1.0, cmap="tab10", edgecolor="none")
plt.title(r"InfoNC-$t$-SNE of MNIST")
To get non-parametric Neg-t-SNE (very close to UMAP) use loss_mode="neg"
# non-parametric Neg-t-SNE
embedder_neg = cne.CNE(loss_mode="neg")
embd_neg = embedder_neg.fit_transform(x)
plt.scatter(*embd_neg.T, c=y, alpha=0.5, s=1.0, cmap="tab10", edgecolor="none")
plt.title(r"Neg-$t$-SNE of MNIST")
Here is a parametric NCVis (NC-t-SNE) example, highlighting that new embedding points can be added with a parametric embedding:
# parametric NCVis, highlighting the embedding of new points
embedder_ncvis = cne.CNE(loss_mode="nce",
optimizer="adam", # Adam tends to work better than SGD for parametric runs
embd_ncvis_train = embedder_ncvis.fit_transform(x_train) # only train with training set
embd_ncvis_test = embedder_ncvis.transform(x_test) # transform test set with the trained model
# plot
titles = ["Train", "Test"]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(5.5, 2.5), constrained_layout=True)
ax[0].scatter(*embd_ncvis_train.T, c=y_train, alpha=0.5, s=1.0, cmap="tab10", edgecolor="none")
ax[1].scatter(*embd_ncvis_test.T, c=y_test, alpha=0.5, s=1.0, cmap="tab10", edgecolor="none")
for i in range(2):
ax[i].set_aspect("equal", "datalim")
fig.suptitle("Parametric NCVis of MNIST")
To compute the spectrum of neighbor embeddings with the negative sampling loss, we can use the following code:
# compute spectrum with negative sampling loss
spec_params = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
neg_embeddings = {}
for s in spec_params:
embedder = cne.CNE(loss_mode="neg",
embd = embedder.fit_transform(x)
neg_embeddings[s] = embd
# plot embeddings
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(spec_params), figsize=(5.5, 3), constrained_layout=True)
for i, s in enumerate(spec_params):
ax[i].scatter(*neg_embeddings[s].T, c=y, alpha=0.5, s=0.1, cmap="tab10", edgecolor="none")
ax[i].set_aspect("equal", "datalim")
fig.suptitle("Negative sampling spectrum of MNIST")
A similar spectrum can be computed using the InfoNCE loss (note that this is not described in our paper but was implemented after it has been published). Using a higher number of negative samples leads to better local structure:
# compute spectrum with InfoNCE loss
spec_params = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
ince_embeddings = {}
for s in spec_params:
embedder = cne.CNE(negative_samples=500, # more negative samples for better local quality
embd = embedder.fit_transform(x)
ince_embeddings[s] = embd
# plot embeddings
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(spec_params), figsize=(5.5, 3), constrained_layout=True)
for i, s in enumerate(spec_params):
ax[i].scatter(*ince_embeddings[s].T, c=y, alpha=0.5, s=0.1, cmap="tab10", edgecolor="none")
ax[i].set_aspect("equal", "datalim")
fig.suptitle("InfoNCE spectrum of MNIST")
class takes an argument s
which indicates the position of the embedding on the attraction-repulsion spectrum,
where s=0
corresponds to a t-SNE-like embedding and s=1
corresponds to a UMAP-like embedding. The spectrum is
implemented for the negative sampling loss mode (loss_mode=neg
) and the InfoNCE loss mode (loss_mode=infonce
). It
implements a trade-off between preserving discrete (local) and continuous (global) structure.
For a more fine-grained control, there are arguments specific to the loss mode. For negative sampling one can specify
the argument Z_bar
which directly sets the fixed normalization constant or neg_spec
which sets the value in the denominator
of the negative sampling estimator. Their relation is Z_bar = m * neg_spec / n**2
where n
is the sample size and m
the number of negative samples. The high-level argument s
corresponds to Z_bar = 100 * n
for s=0
and Z_bar = n**2 / m
for s=1
. Note that the s=1
value is exactly what UMAP uses, whereas the s=0
value is our heuristic that usually approximates t-SNE well.
For InfoNCE, the argument ince_spec
controls the exaggeration of attraction over repulsion. The setting s=0
to ince_spec=1
and s=1
corresponds to ince_spec=4.0
. Here s=0
recovers t-SNE value exactly, whereas s=1
is our heuristic
that usually approximates UMAP well.
For all input arguments controlling the position on the spectrum, larger values yield more attraction and thus better global structure preservation, while smaller values lead to a focus on the local structure.
Similar to early exaggeration in t-SNE the loss modes neg
and infonce
use early exaggeration by default. To disable
it pass early_exaggeration=False
to the CNE
class. If used, the first third of the optimization epochs use the setting s=1.0
unless a higher value s
is specified. This is to ensure that the embedding is initialized with a good global structure.
The object ContrastiveEmbedding
needs a neural network model
as a
required parameter in order to be created. The fit
method then
takes a
that will be used for training.
The data loader returns a pair of two neighboring points. In the
classical NE setting this would be two points that share an edge in
the kNN graph; the contrastive self-supervised learning approach will transform a
sample twice and return those as a “positive edge” which will denote
the attractive force between the two points.
The run time depends strongly on the training mode (parametric / non-parametric), the device (CPU / GPU) and on the batch size. The plot below illustrates this for the optimization of a Neg-t-SNE embedding of MNIST. Note that the non-parametric setting on GPU becomes competitive with the reference (CPU) implementations of UMAP1 and t-SNE8.
There are callbacks for logging the embeddings and losses during training. Note that the loss logging depends on the vis_utils repository, which needs to be installed separately.
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